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Constructing telomere-to-telomere diploid genome by polishing haploid nanopore-based assembly


Draft genomes generated from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads are known to have a higher error rate. Although existing genome polishers can enhance their quality, the error rate (including mismatches, indels and switching errors between paternal and maternal haplotypes) can be significant. Here, we develop two polishers, hypo-short and hypo-hybrid to address this issue. Hypo-short utilizes Illumina short reads to polish an ONT-based draft assembly, resulting in a high-quality assembly with low error rates and switching errors. Expanding on this, hypo-hybrid incorporates ONT long reads to further refine the assembly into a diploid representation. Leveraging on hypo-hybrid, we have created a diploid genome assembly pipeline called hypo-assembler. Hypo-assembler automates the generation of highly accurate, contiguous and nearly complete diploid assemblies using ONT long reads, Illumina short reads and optionally Hi-C reads. Notably, our solution even allows for the production of telomere-to-telomere diploid genomes with additional manual steps. As a proof of concept, we successfully assembled a fully phased telomere-to-telomere diploid genome of HG00733, achieving a quality value exceeding 50.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2: The pipeline of hypo-assembler.
Fig. 3: Various statistics of our HG00733 assembly.

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Data availability

All the assemblies and annotations are available in CHM13 are mostly taken from the CHM13 GitHub page ONT reads,; Illumina reads, [accn]; Reference:; Annotation, HG002 are mostly taken from HG002 data freeze with the only difference on ONT reads, where we take a newer set of Guppy pangenomics: ONT reads, and; Illumina reads,; HiFi reads, and; Hi-C reads,; Reference, and HG00733 are taken from human pangenomics: ONT reads,; Illumina reads, [accn] and [accn]; HiFi reads,; Hi-C reads, HG003 data for HG002 (trio) are taken from HG004 data for HG002 (trio) are taken from HG00733 trio data (HG00731 and HG00732) are taken from 1000 genomes database and

Code availability

Hypo-assembler, related pipelines, and evaluation scripts are available on GitHub:


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Authors and Affiliations



J.C. did the computations and experiments. R.R. developed variant callers that are crucial to the result. R.K. developed the early versions of the hypo polisher that become the starting point of the work. W.-K.S. supervises the work and encouraged the idea of solid k-mers. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Wing-Kin Sung.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Methods thanks Kai Wang and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editors: Lei Tang and Lin Tang, in collaboration with the Nature Methods team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 CHM13 assembly benchmark.

Several measures of qualities of assembly of CHM13. (a) The number of errors per 100kbp and (b) YAK’s estimated quality value of various assemblies of CHM13.

Extended Data Fig. 2 HG002 assembly benchmark.

Several measures of qualities for diploid assemblies of HG002. (a) The number of errors per 100kbp. (b) YAK’s estimated quality value. (c) Kmer Mixture Rate (d) Switch Error Rate.

Extended Data Table 1 CHM13 assembly statistics
Extended Data Table 2 CHM13 centromere evaluations
Extended Data Table 3 CHM13 segmental duplication evaluations
Extended Data Table 4 CHM13 BAC evaluation
Extended Data Table 5 HG002 segmental duplication evaluations
Extended Data Table 6 HG00733 centromere evaluations

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Sections A–O, Figs. 1–29 and Tables 1–30.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Dataset

Data used to generate the box plots in Supplementary Figs. 16 and 17.

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Darian, J.C., Kundu, R., Rajaby, R. et al. Constructing telomere-to-telomere diploid genome by polishing haploid nanopore-based assembly. Nat Methods 21, 574–583 (2024).

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