Correction to: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002) 56,1072–1080. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601463

The Publishers would like to apologise for the following typographical error that occurred in the above paper during typesetting.

Figure 6 was reproduced incorrectly. The correct version is shown below:

Figure 6
figure 1

Ca2+-dependent L-amino-acid sensing by the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR). At fixed extracellular Ca2+ concentrations, the CaR operates as an L-amino-acid sensor. A threshold Ca2+ concentration was defined at approximately 1.0 mM in CaR-expressing HEK-293 cells. The amino-acid sensitivity is set by the Ca2+ concentration and the CaR responds to physiologically relevant variations in fold concentration of a plasma-like L-amino acid mixture. Redrawn from Conigrave et al. (2000; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 4814–4819).