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Assessing Professional Vision in Teacher Candidates

Approaches to Validating the Observer Extended Research Tool

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In this study, we present an approach to validating the video-based Observer Extended Research Tool, which empirically captures prospective teachers’ professional vision in a standardized yet contextualized way. We extended the original Observer tool with the aim of providing a reliable, efficient measure for subpopulations in different consecutive phases of teacher education (university and induction phase). Therefore, we expand the measure to include a broader spectrum of knowledge about effective teaching by drawing on a cognitive process-oriented teaching and learning model while at the same time the number of test items is shortened to ensure a economically manageable assessment tool. In the validation study, we tested the extent to which the extension meets the criteria of context validity, reliability, and sensitiveness for different subpopulations. The participants were 317 preservice teachers and teacher candidates who worked with the Observer Extended Research Tool. Measurement quality was investigated using methods of item response theory. Our results confirm that the Observer Extended Research Tool provides a reliable measure of description, explanation, and prediction as aspects of professional vision within and across different subpopulations in teacher education.


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