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The effects of the marketisation of career guidance services in the Netherlands

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International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Since 1993, under pressure from the central government, asignificant part of the career guidance services in TheNetherlands has been marketised (i.e., has become a commercialisedbusiness). It is expected that such an operation will positivelyinfluence both the quality and quantity of the services provided.In this contribution will be examined whether this expectationhas been met or not. Have career guidance services becomeavailable to a greater number of people and has the quality ofthe services improved? The conclusion is that availability hasindeed increased but not as a consequence of marketisation andonly for those who can afford it financially. The quality of theservices is certainly not higher and may even be lower.

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Meijers, F. The effects of the marketisation of career guidance services in the Netherlands. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 23, 131–149 (2001).

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