Photosynthetica 1998, 35(2):241-246 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1006962807448

The Photosynthetic Efficiency of Some Elite Rice Hybrids and Restorers

M.J. Baig1, P. Swain1, K.S. Murty1
1 Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India

At the vegetative growth stage (40 d), the mean photosynthetic rate (PN) and canopy photosynthesis (PN × LAI) in F1 hybrids and their parents were similar, whereas the maintenance respiration rate (RM) was considerably higher and PN/RM lower in the F1 hybrids than in the parents. Yet at the flowering stage, the hybrids showed higher PN and PN × LAI values, while RM and PN/RM were similar in both. A specific F1 hybrid like IR 62829A×Vajram showed high readings in PN, PN/RM, and PN × LAI at the flowering stage, while IR 62829A×Swarna followed by IR 62829A×Vajram had high values 40 d after planting. The parents Swarna and Vajram, although moderate in PN, had the highest PN × LAI at the flowering stage due to a greater LAI.

Additional key words: cultivars; growth stages; heterosis; leaf area index; maintenance respiration; net photosynthetic rate; Oryza sativa

Prepublished online: June 1, 1998; Published: January 1, 1998  Show citation

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Baig, M.J., Swain, P., & Murty, K.S. (1998). The Photosynthetic Efficiency of Some Elite Rice Hybrids and Restorers. Photosynthetica35(2), 241-246. doi: 10.1023/A:1006962807448
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