
Journal of Algebra

Volume 602, 15 July 2022, Pages 555-598
Journal of Algebra

Maximal orders in the Sklyanin algebra

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2022.02.015Get rights and content


A major current goal of noncommutative geometry is the classification of noncommutative projective surfaces. The generic case is to understand algebras birational to the Sklyanin algebra. In this work we complete a considerable component of this problem.

Let S denote the 3-dimensional Sklyanin algebra over an algebraically closed field, and assume that S is not a finite module over its centre. In earlier work Rogalski, Sierra and Stafford classified the maximal orders inside the 3-Veronese S(3) of S. We complete and extend their work and classify all maximal orders inside S. As in Rogalski, Sierra and Stafford's work, these can be viewed as blowups at (possibly non-effective) divisors. A consequence of this classification is that maximal orders are automatically noetherian among other desirable properties.


Roughly, the goal of noncommutative projective geometry is to use techniques and intuition from commutative geometry to study noncommutative algebras. A major current goal of noncommutative geometry is the classification of noncommutative projective surfaces; in the language of algebras, a classification of connected graded domains of GK-dimension 3. Within this, a major target is a classification of algebras birational to the Sklyanin algebra. This problem provides the main motivation of our work.

First, as always, we need to get some essential definitions and formalities out of the way. Fix an algebraically closed field k. Let A=nNAi be an N-graded k-algebra and a domain. We call A connected graded (cg) if A0=k and dimkAi< for all i. Almost all algebras considered will be cg domains of finite Gelfand Kirillov dimension (see Notation 2.9 for a definition). In particular we assume this for the next few definitions.

The algebra A sits inside its graded quotient ring, Q=Qgr(A), formed by inverting the Ore set of all nonzero homogeneous elements. The division ring of degree zero elements of Q will be denoted by Dgr(A). We call A a maximal order if there is no cg B with ABQ, and such that xByA for some nonzero x,yQ. Let R be another algebra such that ARQ. We call A a a maximal R-order if there exists no graded equivalent order B to A such that ABR. Given dN, the d-Veronese of A is the subring A(d)=iNAdi. It is (usually) given the grading An(d)=Adn.

A construction that plays a fundamental role in our work, and in general noncommutative geometry, is that of a twisted homogeneous coordinate ring. Fix a projective scheme X. Let L be an invertible sheaf on X with global sections H0(X,L), and let σ:XX be an automorphism of X. Write Lσ for the pullback sheaf σL. Set L0=OX and Ln=LLσLσn1 for n1. We define B(X,L,σ)=nNH0(X,Ln). There is a natural ring structure on B(X,L,σ) and we call it a twisted homogeneous coordinate ring.

Our results regard certain subalgebras of the Sklyanin algebra, which we now define. Let a,b,ck, then we setS=kx,y,z(azy+byz+cx2,axz+bzx+cy2,ayx+bxy+cz2). Provided a,b,c are general enough, then S has a central element gS3, unique up to scalar multiplication and such that S/gSB(E,L,σ). Here E is a nonsingular elliptic curve, L is an invertible sheaf of degree 3, and σ is an automorphism of E. We call such S a Sklyanin algebra.

The results of this work are analogous to those of [15], [17], where the authors tackled similar problems inside the 3-Veronese subring T=S(3) of S. Here, as in [15], [17], our results concern certain blowup subalgebras and virtual blowup subalgebras of S at effective and so-called virtually effective divisors on E. Our assumption throughout is Hypothesis 1.1.

Hypothesis 1.1 Standing assumption

Fix an algebraically closed field k. Fix a 3 dimensional Sklyanin algebra S. Let gS3 be such that S/gSB(E,L,σ), where E is a smooth elliptic curve, L an invertible sheaf on E with degL=3 and σ:EE an automorphism of E. Assume that σ is of infinite order.

Before presenting our results we set some notation as standard.

Notation 1.2

Given a subset XS, we write X=(X+gS)/gSS/gS. Similarly for xS, x will denote its image in S=B(E,L,σ).

In [15] Rogalski studied what will be our 1 point blowup. The definition becomes slightly more complicated as we allow blowups at 2 points, since now the rings need not be generated in a single degree.

Definition 1.3 Definition 3.3 and Definition 3.7

Let d be an effective divisor on E with degd2. For i=1,2,3, put

  • V1={xS1|xH0(E,L(d))},

  • V2={xS2|xH0(E,L2(dσ1(d)))},

  • V3={xS3|xH0(E,L3(dσ1(d)σ2(d)))}.

We define the blowup of S at d to be the subalgebra of S generated by V1, V2 and V3. We denote it by S(d)=kV1,V2,V3.

When d=p is a single point, we in fact have S(p)=kV1. Rogalski showed in [15] that it is the only degree 1 generated maximal order inside S. When d=p+q is two points Definition 1.3 is both new, and harder to understand than S(p). The S(d) are the correct analogue of the blowup subalgebras S(3)(e) of S(3) defined by Rogalski in [15, Section 1]. We now state the main results of this work.

Theorem 1.4 Theorem 3.15

Let d be an effective divisor on E of degree d2. Set R=S(d). Then:

  • (1)

    RgS=gR with R/gRB(E,L(d),σ). The Hilbert series of R ishR(t)=n(dimkRn)tn=t2+(1d)t+1(t1)2(1t3).

  • (2)

    The 3-Veronese R(3) is a blowup subalgebra of S(3). More specificallyR(3)=S(3)(d+σ1(d)+σ2(d)).

  • (3)

    R is a maximal order in Qgr(R)=Qgr(S).

We also show in Theorem 3.15 that S(d) satisfies some of the most useful homological properties, the most prominent for us will the Auslander-Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay properties (see Definition 3.1). Although not explicit below, obtaining Theorem 1.4 is absolutely essential for the rest of our main results.

For a complete classification of maximal S-orders we need to introduce virtual blowups at virtually effective divisors. We only define a virtually effective divisor here. For the purposes of the introduction one may take the conclusions of Proposition 1.6 as the definition of a virtual blowup.

Definition 1.5

A divisor x is called virtually effective if for all n0, the divisor x+σ1(x)++σ(n1)(x) is effective.

Proposition 1.6 Proposition 4.22 and Definition 4.17

Let x be a virtually effective divisor of degree at most 2. Then there exists a virtual blowup S(x). In particular:

  • (1)

    S(x)S(g) where S(g) is the homogeneous localisation of S at the completely prime ideal gS.

  • (2)

    The ring S(x) is a maximal order in Qgr(S) and uniquely defines a maximal S-order V=S(x)S.

  • (3)

    S(x)gS(g)=gS(x) and, in high degrees n0,(S(x)/gS(x))n=B(E,L(x),σ)n.

Despite the current notation, it is unknown whether the algebra S(x) appearing in Proposition 1.6 is unique for a fixed virtually effective divisor x. Another unknown is when S(x)S holds. These problems are investigated in [9, Chapter 5.3].

The classification of maximal S-orders remarkably only requires blowups and virtual blowups at most 2 points.

Theorem 1.7 Theorem 5.7

Let U be a connected graded maximal S-order such that Uk. Then there exists a virtually effective divisor x with 0degx2, and a virtual blowup S(x), such that S(x) is the unique maximal order containing U=S(x)S.

It may not be the case that S(x)S, however the difference between S(x) and the ring U=S(x)S is small (see Theorem 5.8(1c)). Out of proving the above theorems we also obtain many nice properties for maximal orders. The most striking of these is that we get that maximal (S-)orders are noetherian for free. The homological terms in Corollary 1.8(2) will remain undefined for they are not used. The definitions can be found in [9, Chapter 2].

Corollary 1.8 Corollary 5.10 and Corollary 5.11

Let U be a cg maximal S-order such that Uk. Equivalently, let U=S(x)S for some virtual blowup S(x) at a virtually effective divisor with 0degx2. Then

  • (1)

    S(x) and U are strongly noetherian, and are finitely generated as k-algebras.

  • (2)

    S(x) and U satisfy the Artin-Zhang χ conditions, have finite cohomological dimension, and possess balanced dualizing complexes.

The Auslander-Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay properties are missing from Corollary 1.8. It is shown in Theorem 6.1(3) that in general we cannot expect these homological properties.

The ultimate goal of this line of research is to understand connected graded algebras birational to the Sklyanin algebra. That is, algebras A satisfying Dgr(A)=Dgr(S); or equivalently Qgr(A)=Qgr(S)(d) for some d1.

Theorem 1.9 Theorem 5.7

Let d1 be coprime to 3 and suppose that U is a cg maximal S(d)-order satisfying Uk. Then there exists a virtually effective divisor x with 0degx2, and virtual blowup S(x), such that U=S(x)S(d).

Retain the notation of Theorem 1.9. When d=3e is divisible by 3, U=(FS)(e) for a virtual blowup F of S(3). This is [17, Theorem 8.11]. In contrast, when we prove Theorem 5.8 - the converse of Theorem 1.9 - we also prove the analogous statement for maximal S(3)-orders. This result is an improvement on [17]. Out of these results we are able to obtain the best answer yet to [17, Question 9.4].

Corollary 1.10 Corollary 5.9

Let U be a cg graded subalgebra of S satisfying Dgr(U)=Dgr(S) and such that Uk. If U is a maximal order then U(d) is a maximal order for all d1.

A final achievement of this work is an explicit construction of a virtual blowup - a first of its kind. The example shows that these algebras have certain intriguing and more technical properties, and the reader is referred to Section 6 for details.

In 1987, Artin and Schelter started a project to classify the noncommutative analogues of polynomial rings in 3 variables [2]. These algebras are now called AS-regular algebras. The subject of noncommutative projective geometry was born when Artin, Tate and Van den Bergh completed this classification in [5], [6]. Their results can be thought of as a classification of noncommutative projective planes.

More generally, one would like to classify all so-called noncommutative curves and surfaces. Let A be a cg noetherian domain, then we can associate a noncommutative projective scheme qgr(A) to A. It can be thought of as the noncommutative analogue of coherent sheaves, coh(X), over (the non-existent) X=Proj(A). The classification for noncommutative projective curves, when the GK-dimension is 2, was completed by Artin and Stafford in [4]. They show that in this case qgr(A)coh(X) for a genuine integral projective curve X. The question of noncommutative surfaces (when GKdim(A)=3) is still very much open. It is this ultimate goal that motivates this work.

Let A be a cg domain with GKdim(A)=3. Then Qgr(A)=Dgr(A)[t,t1;α]; a skew Laurent polynomial ring over the division ring Dgr(A) which is of transcendence degree 2. The division ring Dgr(A) is often called the noncommutative function field of A. A programme for the classification is to first classify the possible birational classes (the possible Dgr(A)'s), and then classify the algebras in each birational equivalence class. Artin conjectures in [1] that we know all the possible division rings. They are:

  • (1)

    A division algebra which is finite dimensional over a central commutative subfield of transcendence degree 2.

  • (2)

    A division ring of factions of a skew polynomial extensions of k(X), for a commutative curve X.

  • (3)

    A noncommutative function field Dgr(S) of a 3 dimensional Sklyanin algebra S.

Whilst this conjecture is still a long way off, significant work has been, and is being, done on the classification of algebras in each birational class. Algebras with Dgr(A) commutative (plus a geometric condition) have been successfully classified by Rogalski and Stafford and then Sierra in [18], [19] and [20] respectively. This is a significant subclass of (1) above. We are interested in case (3) when Dgr(A)=Dgr(S). More specifically, we look at subalgebras A of S with Dgr(A)=Dgr(S). Where would be a good place to start looking for such algebras? Inside S of course! How about a target to aim for? Maximal orders are the noncommutative analogue of integrally closed domains, or geometrically, of normal varieties. They are therefore a natural target for such a classification.

The first major results in this direction were given by Rogalski. In [15] Rogalski classifies the degree 1 generated maximal orders of the 3-Veronese ring T=S(3) of S. These are classified as so-called blowup subalgebras T(d) of T at effective divisors on E of degree at most 7. This is extended to include all maximal orders and maximal T-orders by Rogalski, Sierra and Stafford in [16], [17]. A detailed review of their work can be found in [9, Chapter 2.6-2.7]. In this work we ask the question, why work with S(3)? Surely it is S we are interested in?!


This work showcases the main results of the author's PhD thesis. The author completed his PhD thesis at the University of Manchester under the supervision of Toby Stafford, and is extremely grateful for all the guidance provided by Toby through-out. The author would also like to thank EPSRC for the funding provided.

Section snippets

g-Divisible subalgebras of the Sklyanin algebra

We fix Hypothesis 1.1 and its notation once and for all. What is clear from the work of Rogalski, Sierra and Stafford is that the property of g-divisibility (Definition 2.2) will play an important role: a g-divisible subring is significantly easier to describe as properties pass a lot more smoothly between a ring and its image in S=B(E,L,σ). Many of the results in this section are in fact proved in the slightly bigger ring obtained by inverting elements outside gS.

Notation 2.1

The set C consisting of the

The noncommutative blowups S(d)

In the classification of maximal S(3)-orders, other maximal orders are built as endomorphism rings over the blowup subalgebras T(d) as defined in [15, Section 1] (denoted R(D) there). To hope to apply a similar strategy we must ask what are the subalgebras of S are the appropriate analogue of the T(d). This section is dedicated answering exactly this. We will define and study the noncommutative blowups T(d) and their generalisations, S(d), that were defined in introduction. In particular, we

Classifying g-divisible maximal orders

In this section we aim to obtain a classification of g-divisible maximal S-orders: Theorem 4.19 and Proposition 4.22. We prove that any g-divisible maximal S-order is obtain from a virtual blowup in the sense of Definition 4.17. Here we follow ideas of [17], except one strength of our approach is that we are able to bypass many of the more technical aspects of [16], [17].

The main classification

Here we present our main classification of maximal S-orders (Theorem 5.7). It turns out that we already know of all the maximal S-orders U (such that Uk). We will show that they are all g-divisible, and hence fit into our classification of g-divisible maximal S-orders (Theorem 4.19).

Proposition 5.1

Let C be a cg subalgebra of S satisfying Qgr(C)=Qgr(S) and Ck. Suppose that gC. Then for all m0, CSgm=gmCˆ. Moreover, if C is noetherian, then Cˆ is also finitely generated on both sides as a C-module.



A virtual blowup example

We end the paper with an explicit example of a virtual blowup of S. We are able to give algebra generators of a virtual blowup (notoriously a hard problem in noncommutative algebra) as well as realising it as an endomorphism ring.

Theorem 6.1

Proposition 6.13, Remark 6.15 and Lemma 6.11

Let pE and x=ppσ+pσ2. We set

  • X1=S(p+pσ2)1={xS1|xH0(E,L(x))};

  • X2=S(p)1S(pσ2)1{xS2|xH0(E,L2([x]2))};

  • X3={xS3|xH0(E,L3([x]3))}.

Put U=kX1,X2,X3. Then U is a virtual blowup of S at the virtually effective divisor x. In particular
  • (1)

    U is a maximal order contained

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