The maximum Mostar indices of unicyclic graphs with given diameter rights and content


  • The greatest Mostar index among the graphs with order n and diameter d is determined.

  • The graphs with the greatest Mostar index among the graph set above are determined.

  • Cut method and graph transformations are used.


For an edge e=uv in a given graph G, let nGu(e) be the number of vertices which have a less distance from u than that from v. Then |nGu(e)nGv(e)| is called the contribution of e. The Mostar index is defined as the sum of the edge contributions in G. In this paper, the unicyclic graphs with order n and diameter d, having the greatest Mostar index are determined.


Let G=(VG,EG) be a simple and undirected graph. Define |G|=|VG| being the order of G. Denote by distG(x,y) (or dist(x,y) for short) the distance between two vertices x,y in G, which is defined as the edge number of the shortest path between them. For each edge e=uvEG, letNGu(e)={xVG|dist(x,u)<dist(x,v)},and nGu(e)=|NGu(e)|. ThenϕG(e)=|nGu(e)nGv(e)|is called the contribution of e. The Mostar index Mo(G) of G is defined as the sum of all edge contributions. That is,Mo(G)=eEGϕG(e).

The Mostar index was proposed in [1], which measures peripherality in chemistry and complex networks, and measures how far a graph is from distance-balanced [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], where a distance-balanced graph is the graph with the Mostar index being zero. With respect to the index, the extremal graphs among trees [1], [7], [8], tree-like chemical graphs [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], unicyclic graphs [1], bicyclic graphs [15], cacti [16] and so on, were studied. In [8], the Mostar index was found to be a good predictor for the total surface area of octane isomers, by being compared with other distance-based graph invariants. A recent article [17] gathered many known extremal results concerning the index, and stated some modifications of the index, such as the edge Mostar index [18], [19], [20], [21].

A unicyclic graph is the graph with exactly one cycle. The diameter of a graph is the greatest distance between two of its vertices. Let Gn,d be the graph set with order n and diameter d. For a graph set G, let GmaxG be the graph set with the greatest Mostar index. The aim of the paper is to determine Gn,dmax and their Mostar indices.

A cycle (resp. a path) with k edges is called a k-cycle (resp. a k-path) for short. Let Gn,d,1,3, Gn,d,1,4, Gn,d,2,3, Gn,d,2,4 and Gn,d,3 be the graphs obtained by the following steps, respectively.

  • (1)

    Gn,d,1,3 (resp. Gn,d,1,4): Let C be a 3-cycle (resp. a 4-cycle) and v be a vertex in C. First, attach (nd3) (resp. (nd4)) pendent edges at v. Second, attach a pendent (d/2)-path and a pendent (d/2)-path at v. See Fig. 1.

  • (2)

    Gn,d,2,3: Let C be a 3-cycle and uv be an edge in C. First, attach (nd2) pendent edges at v. Second, if d is odd, then either attach a pendent [(d+1)/2]-path at v and a pendent [(d3)/2]-path at u, or attach a pendent [(d1)/2]-path at each of u and v; see Fig. 2(a). If d is even, then attach a pendent (d/2)-path at v and a pendent (d/21)-path at u; see Fig. 2(b).

  • (3)

    Gn,d,2,4: Let C be a 4-cycle and uv be an edge in C. First, attach (nd3) pendent edges at v. Second, if d is odd, then attach a pendent [(d+1)/2]-path at v and a pendent [(d3)/2)]-path at u; see Fig. 3(a). If d is even, then either attach a pendent (d/2)-path at v and a pendent (d/21)-path at u, or attach a pendent (d/2+1)-path at v and a pendent (d/22)-path at u; see Fig. 3(b).

  • (4)

    Gn,d,3: Let C be a 4-cycle and uv be an edge in C. First, attach a pendent (d2)-path P at v. Second, if d=3,4,5, then attach (nd2) pendent edges at v; see Fig. 4(a). If d6 and d is even, then attach (nd2) pendent edges at w in P where distP(w,v)=d/22 or d/23; see Fig. 4(b). If d7 and d is odd, then attach (nd2) pendent edges at w in P where distP(w,v)=(d5)/2; see Fig. 4(c).

Theorem 1.1

Suppose n5 and 3dn2. Let G be a unicyclic graph with order n and diameter d.

  • (1)

    If d6 and nd+4, thenMo(G)n22nd22+d8,with the equality if and only if GGn,d,1,4 when d8; and GGn,d,1,4 or Gn,d,3 when d{6,7}.

  • (2)

    If d6 and n{d+2,d+3}, or d{4,5}, thenMo(G)n22nd222,with the equality only if GGn,d,3 or Gn,d,2,3 when d is even and n=d+2; and GGn,d,3 otherwise.

  • (3)

    Let d=3. If n=5, then Mo(G)8 with the equality if and only if GG5,3,2,3. If n6, thenMo(G)n22n8,with the equality if and only if GGn,3,1,3,Gn,3,2,3 or Gn,3,3 when n=6; and GGn,3,3 when n7.

Theorem 1.1 is proved in Section 3. The proof idea is as follows: first, show Gn,dmaxG0={Gn,d,1,3,Gn,d,1,4,Gn,d,2,3,Gn,d,2,3,Gn,d,3}; second, determine G0max by straightforward calculations. The calculations are based on basic cut method, which is stated in Section 2. General cut method was already used in counting Mostar index [22] recently and in counting the closely related Szeged index [23] before. For more about cut method, one can also be referred to the latest survey paper [24]. The other method we use in the proof is doing some graph transformations, such as the moving operation which is also stated in Section 2.

Section snippets

Cut method and graph transformations

For subgraphs H1 and H2 in a graph G, denote by distG(H1,H2) (or dist(H1,H2)) the least distance between one vertex in H1 and the other vertex in H2. For FEG, letϕG(F)=eFϕG(e)be the contribution of F.

Let G be a connected unicyclic graph with C being the unique cycle. For a vertex w in C, denote by Tw the component of (G{e1,e2}) which contains w, where e1 and e2 are the two edges incident to w in C.

Let e be a cut edge in G, then denote by Ge (resp. Te) the component of (Ge) which contains C

Proof of Theorem 1.1

First, we have the following two lemmas. Let G0={Gn,d,1,3,Gn,d,1,4,Gn,d,2,3,Gn,d,2,4,Gn,d,3}.

Lemma 3.1

Suppose d3 and nd+2. Then Gn,dmaxG0.


Let G be in Gn,dmax where n5 and 3dn2, with P=u0u1ud being a path of length d and C being the unique cycle of G.

Suppose VCVP={ui,ui+1,,ui+t} for some 0id. Let |C|=k. Note that |VCVP|k/2. Let e1=w1ui,e2=w2ui+t(ECEP). Without loss of generality, suppose |Tui||Tui+t| when t1, and |Tui1ui||Tuiui+1| when t=0.

Claim 3.1

Each vertex in (VC{ui,ui+t}) has degree 2.


Concluding remarks and a further research problem

In this paper, the unicyclic graphs with order n and diameter d, having the greatest Mostar index are determined. A bicyclic graph is a connected graph whose edge number equals to the order plus one. The following is a natural sequential research problem.

Problem 1

Among all bicyclic graphs with order n and diameter d, identify the graphs having the largest and smallest Mostar indices.

Declaration Of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


Kecai Deng is partially supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Huaqiao University (No. ZQN-904), and Fujian Province University Key Laboratory of Computational Science, School of Mathematical Sciences, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou, China.

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    On the extremal mostar indices of hexagonal chains

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    The hexagonal chains with the first three maximal mostar indices

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