Matrix representations of multidimensional integral and ergodic operators rights and content


We provide a representation of the C*-algebra generated by multidimensional integral operators with piecewise constant kernels and discrete ergodic operators. This representation allows us to find the spectrum and to construct the explicit functional calculus on this algebra. The method can be useful in various applications, since many discrete approximations of integral and differential operators belong to this algebra. Some examples are also presented: (1) we construct an explicit functional calculus for extended Fredholm integral operators with piecewise constant kernels, (2) we find a wave function and spectral estimates for 3D discrete Schrödinger equation with planar, guided, local potential defects, and point sources. The accuracy of approximation of continuous multi-kernel integral operators by the operators with piecewise constant kernels is also discussed.


Let ΩRN be some domain. Consider the Hilbert space L2:=L2(ΩCM,μ) of vector-valued functions acting on Ω (μ is the Lebesgue measure). The goal of the paper is the study of a discrete analogue of the following algebra of operators acting on L2:Ac=Alg(A·,·dx1,,·dxN,T).In other words, Ac is generated by: (1) multiplication operators A ·  (the dot  ·  denotes the place of the operator argument u=(um)m=1ML2), where A=A(x1,,xN) are bounded measurable M × M matrix-valued functions with complex entries defined on Ω; (2) integral operators ·dxn=ΩI·dxn, where I is the one-dimensional set (line) defined byI=I(x1,,xn1,xn+1,,xN)={(x1,,xn1,yn,xn+1,,xN):ynR},so, the operator u(x1,,xN)dxn integrates u in one coordinate xn producing the function that is constant along this coordinate; (3) operatorsTu(x)=(um(Tm(x)))m=1M,xΩ,whereTm:ΩΩare measurable mappings. In particular, the algebra Ac contains various integral operators of Fredholm type, ergodic operators (which are based on Tm), and their combinations. All such operators have different applications in mathematical physics, e.g., they describe a propagation of waves and other phenomena in complex structures with defects [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], diffusion [7], [8], thermodynamic processes [9], [10], random Schrödinger operators and various operators on discrete graphs [11], [12], [13], electromagnetic scattering [14]. Some general aspects of the connection between integral and ergodic operators are discussed in [15], [16], [17]. Integral operators and some of their finite-dimensional approximations are discussed in [18], [19], [20]. There are also useful purely algebraic approaches for various integro-differential modules over C(R) developed in, e.g., [21], [22], [23].

The main problems for operators from Ac are to find the spectrum, to find the inverse operators, square roots, or, more generally, to construct the functional calculus on this algebra. The difficulty is that Ac is very complex. We try to find some discrete analogue A of Ac for which the functional calculus can be constructed explicitly. One of the most important requirements to A is to be finite dimensional. Because in this case A can be expressed in terms of matrix algebras for which the functional calculus is well known. If A is finite dimensional then, due to the Stone–Weierstrass theorem, all the matrix-valued functions A should be piecewise constant, otherwise the subalgebra generated by A has an infinite dimension. This tells us how the operator algebra A should be arranged. It is natural to suppose that Ω is a union of a finite number of shifted copies of a cube H=[0,h)N (h > 0)Ω=i=1SΩi,Ωi=ai+H,where aiRN are some vertices such that Ωi are disjoint. Recall that L2:=L2(ΩCM,μ)=L2(Ω)M is the Hilbert space of vector-valued functions acting on Ω, square-integrable with respect to the Lebesgue measure μ. For any ACM×M, α{1,,N} and i,j{1,,S} introduce the following elementary operators Eijα[A]:L2L2 defined byEijα[A]u(x)={h|α|AΩiu(xai+aj)dxα,xΩi,0,xΩΩi,where dxα=nαdxn and the number of elements in α is denoted by |α|. Note that α can be the empty set ∅, in this case there is no ∫ in (5). Also note that Eijα[A]u(x) is constant along xn in Ωi for n ∈ α. In fact, the operator Eijα[A] translates the values of u(x) from the cube Ωj to the cube Ωi, then, it takes the average in Ωi along xn, n ∈ α and multiplies the average by A, and, finally, it puts zero values inside other cubes Ωr, r ≠ i. The examples of action of different operators E is demonstrated in Fig. 1.

The operators Eijα[A] provide the interaction between the components of u in the various micro-domains Ωi. Roughly speaking, if h > 0 is sufficiently small then Ω can be approximately represented by (4) and the discrete analogue of Ac can be chosen asA=Alg(Eijα[A]).In other words, A is generated by Eijα[A] for all ACM×M, α{1,,N} and i,j{1,,S}. Let us discuss why A is a discrete analogue of Ac defined by (1). The discrete analogues of the multiplication operators A ·  are the multiplication operators with piecewise constant functions A=A(x), i.e.A(x)=Ai=const,xΩi,i=1,,S.The corresponding operators are expressed in terms of E as follows:A·=i=1SEii[Ai].The integral operators, see (1) and (2), are also expressed in terms of E:·dxn=i=1SjβihEij{n}[I],where I is the identity matrix,βi={j:aj(m)=ai(m),mn}and a(m) is the mth entry of the vector a. The discrete analogues of change-of-variables operators Tm: Ω → Ω (see (3)) should be based on discrete mappings pm:{1,,S}{1,,S}, since Ω=i=1SΩi. Taking arbitrary pm we constructTmx=xai+apm(i),xΩi,i=1,,S.Then the discrete analogues of T (3) are expressed in terms of E as follows:T=m=1Mi=1SEi,pm(i)[Im],whereIm=(δimδjm)i,j=1MCM×Mand δ is the Kronecker delta.

The above arguments show that A can be considered as the discrete approximation of Ac. As it is shown in Theorem 1.3 and Example 2 below, if h → 0 then the approximation becomes better and better. Moreover, A is a closed C*-subalgebra of Ac and, hence, deserves its own study. The properties of A are enough for most practical applications.

Denoting by * the Hermitian conjugation, one can easily check the fundamental relationsEijα[A]*=Ejiα[A*],Eijα[A]+Eijα[B]=Eijα[A+B],Eijα[A]Eklβ[B]=δjkEilαβ[AB].Hence, Eijα[A] are basis elements and any operator AA has the formA=α{1,,N}i,j=1SEijα[Aijα],where Aijα are some M × M matrices. In practice, form (14) is available after taking an approximation of the initial operator AcAc. The question is how to find explicitly the spectrum of A, inverse A1, square root A, etc. As mentioned above, if we provide a representation of A in terms of simple matrix algebras, then the answers on all these questions become explicit. We denote the simple matrix algebras as Cn×n, n ⩾ 1. Introduce the following matricesAα=(Aijα)i,j=1SCMS×MS,Bα=βαAβand the following mappingπ:A(CMS×MS)2N,π(A)=(Bα)α{1,,N},where A is given by (14). The next theorem is our main result.

Theorem 1.1

The mapping π is the C*-isomorphism between C*-algebras A and (CMS×MS)2N. The inverse mapping has the formπ1((Bα)α{1,,N})=α{1,,N}i,j=1SEijα[Aijα],where AijαCM×M are the blocks of the matrix Aα=(Aijα)i,j=1S given byAα=βα(1)|αβ|Bβ.

Note that while the most of operators from A are infinite-dimensional and even non-compact, the algebra A has a finite dimension. We immediately obtain the following

Corollary 1.2

(i) The operator A is invertible if and only if all the matrices Bα are invertible. In this case, A1 can be computed explicitlyA1=π1((Bα1)α{1,,N}).

(ii) Generalizing (i) we can take rational functions f and writef(A)=π1((f(Bα))α{1,,N}).The extension to algebraic and transcendent functions f is also obvious.

(iii) The trace and the determinant of A can be defined asdet(A)=α{1,,N}detBα,tr(A)=α{1,,N}trBα,they satisfy the usual propertiesdet(AB)=det(A)det(B),tr(aA+bB)=atr(A)+btr(B),det(eA)=etr(A),sp(A)={λ:det(AλI)=0},where I=π1((I)α{1,,N}) is the identity operator, I is MS × MS identity matrix, and a,bC, A,BA.

(iv) Since π is the C*-isomorphism, the operator norm of AA can be computed explicitlyAL2L2=max{λ:λaresvaluesofBα},where, recall that π(A)=(Bα)α{1,,N}.


The algebraB=Alg(A·,01·dx1,,01·dxn)with piecewise constant functions A acting on Ω=[0,1)N is considered in [24]. The difference between A and B is the presence of more general class of sets Ω and the addition of change-of-variables operators T. In the case Ω=[0,1)N with the uniform partition of each of the segments [0,1) on p intervals (i.e. S=pN), B becomes a C*-subalgebra of A:Bn=0N(CMpn×Mpn)(Nn)pNn(CMpN×MpN)2NA,where (Nn) are binomial coefficients. It is interesting to note that the generalization of the structure of A simplifies the proof of main results.

Let us discuss a norm of approximation of continuous operators from Ac by discrete operators from A. For simplicity, consider the case Ω=[0,1)N and M=1. The generalization to M > 1 is similar. Consider a multi-kernel operator Ac:L2(Ω)L2(Ω) of the form, common in applications,Acu(k)=α{1,,N}[0,1)|α|Aα(k,xα)u(kα¯+xα)dxα,kΩ,uL2(Ω).Here, we also use the notationxα=(x˜n),x˜n={xn,nα,0,nα.Note that x=xα+xα¯, where α¯={1,,N}α is the complement to the set α. Consider the uniform partition of Ω onto pN identical cubesΩ=i=1pNΩi,Ωi=ai+[0,1/p)N,whereai=1pN(bj)j=1N,i1=j=1Npj1bj,bj{0,,p1}is the representation of i1 in the base p numeral system. Let us take the approximation of Ac byA=α{1,,N}i=1pNj=1pN1p|α|Eijα[Aijα],whereAijα={Aα(ai+ɛ,(aj+ɛ)α),(ai)α¯=(aj)α¯,0,otherwise,andɛ=(1/(2p))r=1N.The next proposition shows us that AAc in the operator norm.

Theorem 1.3

Suppose that Aα(k, xα) in (25) are real functions with bounded first derivatives. ThenAcAL2L2N2pα{1,,N}AαL0forp.

Along with Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2, we can use Theorem 1.3 to determine the spectrum and the inverse operator.

Corollary 1.4

Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.3, we assume also that Ac is self-adjoint, i.e. Aα(k,xα)=Aα(kα¯+xα,kα). Then A is self-adjoint andsp(Ac)Bδ(sp(A)),sp(A)Bδ(sp(Ac)),where Bδ means δ-neighbourhood and we can set δ=N2pα{1,,N}AαL. If 0sp(Ac) then Ac is invertible and there is p such that 0sp(A) and A1L2L2δ1, and the following estimate is trueAc1A1L2L2δA1L2L221δA1L2L2.Moreover, RHS of (32) tends to 0 for p → ∞.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains two examples: (1) new formulas for the functions of 1D Fredholm integral operators with step kernels; (2) the application of the method for obtaining a solution (with arbitrary precision) and spectral estimates for 3D discrete Schrödinger equation with planar, guided, and local potential defects. A short proof of the main result based on the explicit representation of a semigroup algebra of subsets is given in Section 3. We conclude in Section 4.

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Example 1

Consider the case N,M=1, and the classical Fredholm integral operators (see [18])A:L2([0,1))L2([0,1)),Au(x)=01B(x,y)u(y)dywith S-step (piecewise constant) kernelsB(x,y)=Si,j=1SBijχi(x)χj(y),BijC,χi(x)={1,x[i1S,iS),0,otherwise.Such operators form an algebra isomorphic to CS×S (see, e.g., [19]). But, this algebra does not contain the identity operator (Iu=u). Let us supplement it by adding new operatorsAu(x)=A(x)u(x)+01B(x,y)u(y)dy,whereA(x)=i=1SAiχi(x).In other wordsA(x)=χ(x)Aχ(x),B(x,y)

Proof of Theorems 1.1 and 1.3

At first, let us consider the semigroup of subsetsG={eα:α{1,,N}},eαeβ=eαβand the corresponding C*-algebraM={α{1,,N}Aαeα:AαC}.The identity element in this algebra is 1=e, where ∅ is the empty set. All the basis elements eα*=eα are self-adjoint. Define the mappingπ1:MC2N,π1(α{1,,N}Aαeα)=(Bα)α{1,,N},Bα=βαAβ.

Lemma 3.1

The mapping π1 is the C*-isomorphism. The inverse mapping is defined byπ11((Bα)α{1,,N})=α{1,,N}Aαeα,Aα=βα(1)|αβ|Bβ.


Consider the following basis in Mfα=eαnα(1e{n}).


We have shown that the analysis of mixed multidimensional integral and some type of ergodic operators can be explicitly reduced to the analysis of special matrices. This allows us to compute functions of such operators and their spectra explicitly with an arbitrary precision.


This paper is a contribution to the project M3 of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 181 “Energy Transfer in Atmosphere and Ocean” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Projektnummer 274762653. This work is also supported by the RFBR (RFFI) grant No. 19-01-00094.

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