On the weak solutions of the compound Bessel ultra-hyperbolic equation

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2006.11.155Get rights and content


In this article, we have studied the compound Bessel ultra-hyperbolic equation of the formr=0mCrBru(x)=f(x),where Br is the Bessel ultra-hyperbolic type operator iterated r-times, f is a given generalized function, u is an unknown function, xRn+ and Cr is a constant. In this work we study the weak solution u(x) of above the equation which is of the form Bessel Diamond operator and moreover, such a solution is unique.


Gelfand and Shilov [2] have first introduced the elementary solution of the n-dimensional classical diamond operator. Trione [13] has shown that the n-dimensional ultra-hyperbolic equation has u(x)=R2k(x) as a unique elementary solution. Later Tellez [14] has proved that R2k(x) exists only for case p is odd with p+q=n. Kananthai [3], [4], [5], [6] has proved that the distribution related to the n-dimensional ultra-hyperbolic equation, the solutions of n-dimensional classical diamond operator and weak solution of the compound ultra-hyperbolic equation, and has showed that the solution of the convolution form u(x)=(-1)kS2k(x)R2k(x) is an unique elementary solution of the ku(x)=δ. Furthermore, Yıldırım et al. [12] have introduced the Bessel diamond operator Bk and have studied the elementary solution of this operator and also the Fourier–Bessel transform of the elementary solution.

In this article, we will define the Bessel ultra-hyperbolic type operator iterated k times with xRn+={x:x=(x1,,xn),x1>0,,xn>0}Bk=(Bx1+Bx2++Bxp-Bxp+1--Bxp+q)k,p+q=n.Consider the equationBku(x)=f(x),where u(x) and f are some generalized functions.

We will develop the Eq. (2) to the formr=0mCrBru(x)=f(x),which is called the compound Bessel ultra-hyperbolic and by convention B0u(x)=u(x). In finding the solutions of (3), we use the properties of B-convolutions for the generalized functions.

We give some notations and definitions.

The function E(x) as defined by (8) is an elementary solution of the Laplace–Bessel operatorΔB=i=1nBxi=i=1n2xi2+2vixixithat is ΔBE(x)=δ where xRn+.

The operator Bk can be expressed as the product of the operators □B and ΔB, that isBk=i=1pBxi2-i=p+1p+qBxi2k=i=1pBxi-j=p+1p+qBxiki=1pBxi+j=p+1p+qBxik=BkΔBk.Denoted by Ty the generalized shift operator acting according to the law [9]Txyφ(x)=Cv0π0πφx12+y12-2x1y1cosθ1,,xn2+yn2-2xnyncosθn×i=1nsin2vi-1θidθ1dθn,where x,yRn+ , Cv=i=1nΓ(vi+1)Γ(12)Γ(vi). We remark that this shift operator is closely connected with the Bessel differential operator [9]:d2Udx2+2vxdUdx=d2Udy2+2vydUdy,U(x,0)=f(x),Uy(x,0)=0.The convolution operator determined by the Ty is as follows:(fφ)(y)=Rn+f(y)Txyφ(x)i=1nyi2vidy.Convolution (6) known as a B-convolution. We note the following properties of the B-convolution and the generalized shift operator.

  • a.


  • b.


  • c.

    If f(x),g(x)C(Rn+), g(x) is a bounded function all x > 0 and0|f(x)|i=1nxi2vidx<,thenRn+Txyf(x)g(y)i=1nyi2vidy=Rn+f(y)Txyg(x)i=1nyi2vidy.

  • d.

    From c., we have following equality for g(x)=1:Rn+Txyf(x)i=1nyi2vidy=Rn+f(y)i=1nyi2vidy.

  • e.


The Fourier–Bessel transformation and its inverse transformation are defined as follows [10], [11]:(FBf)(x)=CvRn+f(y)i=1njvi-12(xiyi)yi2vidy,(FB-1f)(x)=(FBf)(-x),Cv=i=1n2vi-12Γvi+12-1,where jvi-12(xiyi) is the normalized Bessel function which is the eigenfunction of the Bessel differential operator. There are following equalities for Fourier–Bessel transformation [7], [8]:FBδ(x)=1,FB(fg)(x)=FBf(x)·FBg(x).

Lemma 1

There is a following equality for Fourier–Bessel transformationFB(|x|-α)=2n+2|v|-2αΓn+2|v|-α2Γα2-1|x|α-n-2|v|,where |v|=v1++vn.

The proof of this lemma is given in [10], [11].

Lemma 2

Given the equation ΔBE(x)=δ for xRn+, where ΔB is the Laplace–Bessel operator defined by (4). ThenE(x)=-S2(x)=-2n+2|v|-4Γn+2|v|-22i=1n2vi-12Γvi+12|x|2-n-2|v|is an elementary solution of the operator ΔB.

The proof of this lemma is given in [12].

Lemma 3

Given the equation ΔBku(x)=δ for xRn+, where ΔBk is the Laplace–Bessel operator iterated k times defined by (4). Then u(x)=(-1)kS2k(x) is an elementary solution of the operator ΔBk, whereS2k(x)=2n+2|v|-4kΓn+2|v|-2k2i=1n2vi-12Γvi+12Γ(k)|x|2k-n-2|v|.

The proof of Lemma 3 is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.

Lemma 4

If Bku(x)=δ for xΓ+={xRn+:x1>0,x2>0,,xn>0 and V>0} , where Bk is the Bessel-ultra-hyperbolic operator iterated k-times defined by (1). Then u(x)=R2k(x) is the unique elementary solution of the operator Bk, whereR2k(x)=V2k-n-2|v|2Kn,v(2k)=(x12+x22++xp2-xp+12--xp+q2)2k-n-2|v|2Kn,v(2k)forKn,v(2k)=πn+2|v|-12Γ2+2k-n-2|v|2Γ1-2k2Γ(2k)Γ2+2k-p-2|v|2Γp+2|v|-2k2.

The proof of this lemma can be from Lemma 1, Lemma 2, Lemma 3.

Lemma 5

R2k(x) is homogeneous distributions of order (2k-n-2|v|). In particular, it is a tempered distribution.


We need to show that R2k(x) satisfies the Euler equation(2k-n-2|v|)R2k(x)=i=1nxiR2k(x)xi.Nowi=1nxiR2k(x)xi=1Kn,v(2k)i=1nxixi(x12+x22++xp2-xp+12--xp+q2)2k-n-2|v|2=(2k-n-2|v|)Kn,v(2k)(x12+x22++xp2-xp+12--xp+q2)2k-n-2v2-1×(x12+x22++xp2-xp+12--xp+q2)=(2k-n-2|v|)Kn,v(2k)(x12+x22++xp2-xp+12--xp+q2)2k-n-2|v|2=(2k-n-2|v|)R2k(x).Hence R2k(x) is a homogeneous distribution of order (2k-n-2|v|). Now chosen suppR2k=KΓ¯+ where K is a compact set and Γ¯+ designates of closure Γ+. Then R2k is a tempered distribution with compact support. 

Lemma 6

  • (a)

    (Bkδ)u(x)=Bku(x) where u is any tempered distribution.

  • (b)

    Let R2k(x) and R2m(x) be defined by (10), then R2k(x)R2m(x) exists and is a tempered distribution.

  • (c)

    Let R2k(x) and R2m(x) be defined by (10), then R2k(x)R2m(x)=R2k+2m(x), where k and m are a nonnegative integer.

  • (d)

    Let R2k(x) and R2m(x) be defined by (10) and if R2k(x)R2m(x)=δ then R2k(x) is an inverse of R2m in the B-convolution algebra, denoted by R2k(x)=R2m-1(x), moreover R2m-1(x) is unique.


  • (a)

    First, we consider the case k=1, nowBδ(x)=i=1p2δxi2+2vixiδxi-j=p+1p+q2δxj2+2vjxjδxj,p+q=nand let φ(x) be a testing function in the Schwarts space S. By the definition odd B-convolution, we haveBδu(x),φ(x)=u(x),Bδ(y),φ(x+y)=u(x),i=1p2δ(y)xi2+2vixiδ(y)xi-j=p+1p+q2δ(y)xj2+2vjxjδ(y)xj,φ(x+y)=u(x),δ(y),i=1p2φ(x+y)xi2+2vixiφ(x+y)xi-j=p+1p+q2φ(x+y)xj2+2vjxjφ(x+y)xj=u(x),i=1p2φ(x)xi2+2vixiφ(x)xi-j=p+1p+q2φ(x)xj2+2vjxjφ(x)xj=i=1p2u(x)xi2+2vixiu(x)xi-j=p+1p+q2u(x)xj2+2vjxju(x)xj,φ(x)=Bu(x),φ(x).It follows thatBδu(x)=Bu(x).Similarly for any k we can show thatBkδu(x)=Bku(x).

  • (b)

    Since R2k and R2m are tempered distribution by Lemma 5. Now chosen suppR2k=KΓ¯+ where K is a compact set and Γ¯+ designates of Γ+ closure. Then R2k is a tempered distribution with compact support by [1] R2k(x)R2m(x) exists and is a tempered distribution.

  • (c)

    From equation Bk+mu(x)=δ we obtain u(x)=R2k+2m(x) by Lemma 4. For any m is a nonnegative integer we writeBk+mu(x)=BkBmu(x)=δ,then by Lemma 4 we have the following equality:Bmu(x)=R2k(x).B-convolving both sides by R2m(x) we obtainR2m(x)Bmu(x)=R2k(x)R2m(x),orBmR2m(x)u(x)=R2k(x)R2m(x).Then from Lemma 4 we have the following equality:δu(x)=R2k(x)R2m(x).It follows thatu(x)=R2k(x)R2m(x).From the fact that u(x)=R2k+2m(x) we obtainR2k(x)R2m(x)=R2k+2m(x).

  • (d)

    Since R2k(x) and R2m(x) are tempered distributions with compact supports, thus R2k(x) and R2m(x) are the elements of space of B-convolution algebra u′ of distribution. Now R2k(x)R2m(x)=δ then by Zemanian [15] show that R2k(x)=R2m-1(x) is a unique inverse. 

Lemma 7

Let R2k(x) and Kn,v(2k) be defined by (10), (11). Then

  • (a)


  • (b)

    BkR2m(x)=R2m-2k(x), where k and m are a nonnegative integer,

  • (c)

    R-2k(x)=Bkδ(x), where k is a nonnegative integer.


  • (a)

    From (11) we haveKn,v(2k+2)=πn+2|v|-12Γ4+2k-n-2|v|2Γ-1-2k2Γ(2k+2)Γ4+2k-p-2|v|2Γp+2|v|-2k-22=πn+2|v|-122+2k-n-2|v|2Γ2+2k-n-2|v|2-21+2kΓ1-2k22k(2k+1)Γ(2k)2+2k-p-2|v|2Γ2+2k-p-2|v|22p+2|v|-2k-2Γp+2|v|-2k2=2k(2k+2-n-2|v|)Kn,v(2k).

  • (b)

    By Lemma 6(c) we haveδR2m(x)=R2k(x)R2m-2k,BkR2k(x)R2m(x)=R2k(x)R2m-2k,R2k(x)BkR2m(x)=R2k(x)R2m-2kandBkR2m(x)=R2m-2k.

  • (c)

    For m = k, by Lemma 7(b) we haveBkR2k(x)=R0,δ=R0.For m = 0, by Lemma 7(b) we haveBkR0=R-2k(x),orBkδ=R-2k(x).

Theorem 1

Given the compound Bessel ultra-hyperbolic equationr=0mCrBru(x)=f(x),where Br is the Bessel ultra-hyperbolic operator iterated r-times defined by (1), f is a tempered distribution, xRn+ and n is odd and Cr is a constant. Then (14) has a unique weak solutionu(x)=f(x)R2m(x)(CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1,wherew(x)=Cm-1+Cm-2V2(4-n-2|v|)+Cm-3V22·4(4-n-2|v|)(6-n-2|v|)++C0Vm-12·4·62(m-1)(4-n-2|v|)(6-n-2|v|)(2m-n-2|v|)and V defined by (10) and (CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1 is an inverse of CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x).


By Lemma 6(a), Eq. (14) can be written as(CmBmδ+Cm-1Bm-1δ++C1Bδ+C0δ)u=f(x).B-convolving both sides by R2m(x) defined by (10) we obtain(CmBmR2m+Cm-1Bm-1R2m++C1BR2m+C0R2m)u=f(x)R2m.By Lemma 4, Lemma 7(c) we obtain(Cmδ+Cm-1R2(x)+Cm-2R4(x)++C1R2(m-1)(x)+C0R2m(x))u=f(x)R2m.By Lemma 7(a) we obtainR4(x)=V4-n-2|v|2Kn(4)=R2(x)V2(4-n-2|v|)Kn(2),similarlyR6(x)=V6-n-2|v|2Kn(6)=R4(x)V4(6-n-2|v|)=R2(x)V22·4(4-n-2|v|)(6-n-2|v|),R8(x)=R2(x)V32·4·6(4-n-2|v|)(6-n-2|v|)(8-n-2|v|),R2m(x)=R2(x)Vm-12·4·6(4-n-2|v|)(6-n-2|v|)(8-n-2|v|)(2m-n-2|v|).Thus we obtain the function w(x) of (16). Now w(x) is continuous and infinitely differentiable in classical sense for n is odd. Since R2(x) is a tempered distribution with compact support, hence w(x)R2(x) also is tempered distribution with compact support and so CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x). By Lemma 6(d), CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x) has a unique inverse denote by (CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1. Now (17) can be written as(CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))u(x)=f(x)R2m(x),R0=δ.B-convolving both sides by (CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1, we haveu(x)=f(x)R2m(CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1.Since R2m(x) is a unique by Lemma 4 and (CmR0(x)w(x)R2(x))-1 also is a unique by Lemma 6(d), it follows that u(x) is a unique weak solution of (14) with odd-dimensional n.

This completes the proof. 

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