
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Volume 41, Issue 4, 30 August 2009, Pages 1590-1604
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

From Lagrangian mechanics fractal in space to space fractal Schrödinger’s equation via fractional Taylor’s series

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2008.06.027Get rights and content


By considering a coarse-grained space as a space in which the point is not infinitely thin, but rather has a thickness, one can arrive at an equivalence, on the modeling standpoint, between coarse-grained space and fractal space. Then, using fractional analysis (slightly different from the standard formal fractional calculus), one obtains a velocity conversion formula which converts problems in fractal space to problems in fractal time, therefore one can apply the corresponding fractional Lagrangian theory (previously proposed by the author). The corresponding fractal Schrödinger’s equation then appears as a direct consequence of the usual correspondence rules. In this framework, the fractal generalization of the Minkowskian pseudo-geodesic is straightforward.


The motivation of the present article comes from some remarks related to three topics which are respectively, the increasing presence of fractal in physics, the wish (we do not say the need) to have an analytic mechanics to deal with dynamical systems defined in coarse-grained spaces and fractal space, and the fact that fractional calculus appears to be intimately related to fractal spaces and self-similar functions.

Many authors who applied fractional calculus to physics did it in a rather formal way, by formally substituting fractional derivative for derivative everywhere without clearly expliciting the physical motivation for this approach, and very often the formalism so involved did not put in evidence sufficiently clearly the physical meaning of the problem. We believe that this is mainly due to the fact that one is used to define fractional derivative by integral (?), what hides the intrinsic properties of the increments of the function under consideration.

We think that a good framework of fractional derivative, which would be fully efficient in modeling physical science problems, should refer to increments of the function which we are dealing with. The velocity of a particle is the quotient of two differentials, and in the same way the fractional velocity of this particle should be also defined as the quotient of two differentials.

The most natural and direct way to question the classical framework of physics is to remark that in the space of our real world, the generic point is not infinitely small (or thin) but rather has a thickness. This remark can be taken for granted very easily. In contrast, with respect to time at first glance the two assumptions are at stake: time may be continuous or on the contrary the clock of our universe would evolve by quantum of time.

Coarse-grained and thus fractal spaces are basic in El Naschie’s work [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16]. Fractals are basic in Nottale’s work [50], [51], [52], [53], and transparent in Ord’s paper [55]. See also [2], [6], [49]. In these works fractals are introduced as a tool to revisit the foundation of physics as natural science.

The problem of defined a theory of fractional Lagrangian mechanics has attracted many researcher [3], [36], [45], [46], [47], [48], [57], but to the best of our knowledge, these theories or approaches deal with dynamical systems which are mainly fractal in time. And in a large number of papers, one supposes merely that the system velocity under consideration is formally defined by fractional derivative either in Riemann–Liouville sense [37], [40], [41] or in Djrbashian–Caputo sense [5], [8]. It is hard to find in these works the very origin of the use of fractional derivative as a tool for modeling. As a result, we have several models of Lagrangian mechanics fractal in time [45], [46], [47], and one of them is the model that we proposed recently and which is defined in terms of action function involving integral with respect to (dt)α [33].

Fractional derivative has been introduced formally by Liouville by using an integral involving the function under consideration, and in most cases this fractional calculus is more or less a formal calculus which is very often converted into Laplace’s transform. This was true until when Kolwantar and Gangal [38], [39], starting from the Hölder exponent of functions defined on Cantor’s sets, arrived at the definition of fractional derivative. Later, we arrived at the same identification, but by using the opposite way. We started from a fractional derivative defined as the limit of fractional difference, which allowed us to obtain the generalized fractional Taylor’s series, and we so found that the Hölder exponent is exactly the order of the fractional derivative of the function under consideration.

As a last, but not least remark, we shall notice that non-differentiability and randomness are mutually related in their nature, in such a way that studies in fractals on the one hand and fractional Brownian motion on the other hand are often parallel in the same paper. Indeed, as pointed out by Nottale [50], a function which is everywhere continuous but is nowhere differentiable cannot be duplicated, and as a result necessarily exhibits random-like or pseudo-random feature. This may explain the huge amount of literature which extends the theory of stochastic differential equation [22], [59] to stochastic dynamics driven by fractional Brownian motion [7], [9], [21], [42], [43], [44].

As a matter of fact, the main problem with fractional derivative as defined by integral, is that it is more or less formal so that its exact meaning, from the physical standpoint, is not transparent. And it is exactly why many mathematicians discard it at first glance, and consider it as being merely a formal calculus. This drawback can be circumvented if instead one uses the definition expressed in term of finite difference, and which, as a consequence, provides the Leibnitz formula. The article can be thought of as the continuation of the reference [33] and it is organised as follows. For the convenience of the reader, we first bear in mind the essential of the fractional modified Riemann–Liouville derivative and the fractional Taylor’s series, as well as some useful formulae which one can so obtain (Sections 2 A short background on fractional analysis, 3 Background on Taylor’s series of fractional order, 4 Basic formulas for fractional derivative and integral). Then one considers the problem of modeling velocity in coarse-grained space by the quotient (dx)α/dt and by this way, via fractional analysis, we come across fractional derivative. This velocity appears as being the fractional derivative of time with respect to space, and by using some inverse function fractional formulae, we converted it into the fractional derivative of space with respect to time (Section 5). Then, by duplicating previous results [33], one derives the basic of the Lagrangian mechanics (Section 6). Section 7 illustrates the matter in the case of a single particle. And then, after considering the wave function as a probability density of fractional order (Section 8), we shall show how the classical correspondence rule will allow us to obtain the corresponding fractal Schrödinger’s equation.

Kolwankar and Gangal [38], [39] considered a function defined on a fractal set, and after introducing its derivative dx/(dt)α in terms of Hölder exponent α, they arrive at fractional derivative and fractional (local) Rolle–Taylor’s formula. In our approach, we worked in the opposite way. Firstly, irrespective of any fractal set, we start from the expression of the fractional derivative as the limit of a fractional difference involving an infinite number of terms, and therefore we obtain the fractional generalized Taylor’s series, whereby we come across the Hölder’s exponent.

In order to deal with functions which are not differentiable, Ben Adda and Cresson [4] introduced a so-called quantum derivative, different from the Nottale’s scale-derivative, which also provides a (local) Rolle–Taylor’s formula. Here, we shall use a different modeling based on fractional derivative.

Quite recently, Eid et al. [10] consider a Schrödinger equation in α-dimensional space with a Coulomb potential, and obtained its solution. This equation is defined by the authors and has to be taken for granted by the reader. Here, we shall try to bring some rationales to support the derivation of the fractional Schrödinger equation.

Section snippets

Fractional derivative via fractional difference

Definition 2.1

Let f:RR,xf(x), denote a continuous (but not necessarily differentiable) function, and let h > 0 denote a constant discretization span. Define the forward operator FW(h) by the equality (the symbol ≔ means that the left side is defined by the right one)FW(h)f(x)f(x+h),then the fractional difference of order α, 0 < α < 1, of f(x) is defined by the expressionΔαf(x)(FW-1)αf(x)=k=0(-1)kαkf[x+(α-k)h]and its fractional derivative is defined as the limit []f(α)(x)limh0Δα[f(x)-f(0)]hα.

This definition

Basic formula for one-variable functions

A generalized Taylor expansion of fractional order which applies to non-differentiable functions (F-Taylor series in the following) reads as follows [33], [34].

Proposition 3.1

Assume that the continuous function f:RR,xf(x) has fractional derivative of order kα, for any positive integer k and α, 0 < α  1, then the following equality holds, which isf(x+h)=k=0hαk(αk)!f(αk)(x),0<α1,where f(αk)(x) is the derivative of order αk of f(x), and with the notationΓ(1+αk)=:(αk)!,where Γ(.) denotes the Euler gamma

Fractional derivative of compounded functions

The Eq. (3.1) provides the useful differential relationdαfΓ(1+α)df,0<α<1,or in terms of fractional difference, Δαf  α! Δf, which is basic in our approach..

Corollary 4.1

The following equalities hold, which areDαxγ=Γ(γ+1)Γ-1(γ+1-α)xγ-α,γ>0,or, what amounts to the same (we set α = n + θ).Dn+θxγ=Γ(γ+1)Γ-1(γ+1-n-θ)xγ-n-θ,0<θ<1,(u(x)v(x))(α)=u(α)(x)v(x)+u(x)v(α)(x),(f[u(x)])(α)=fu(u)u(α)(x)=fu(α)(u)(ux)α.u(x) and v(x) are not necessarily differentiable in (4.3), u(x) is differentiable in (4.4), (4.5), and f(u) is

The basic modeling assumption

Assume that we are considering a mechanical point with the mass m, which is moving in a one-dimensional coarse-grained space defined by the space coordinate x(t), where t denotes the time.

On a modeling standpoint, we shall assume that in a coarse-grained space, the point is not infinitely thin but rather has a thickness. So, if dx and (dx)c refer respectively to the size of the thin point and the size of the coarse-grained space point, then we should have dx < (dx)c, and this inequality suggests

Definition of the framework

As it is customary in physics, one can explicitly introduce the freedom degree of the system by expressing x in terms of n generalized co-ordinates q1, qn,  , ,qn and write x = x(q1, q2,  , qn, t).

Fractional velocity in coarse-grained space

We shall assume that there is some coarse-grained phenomenon which causes that the trajectory q(t) exhibits some roughness. As a result, the increment of the displacement is not dq = o(dt), but rather is dq = o((dt)α), 0 < α < 1. In this framework, in quite a natural way, we shall refer to the quotient dq/(dt)α,

Application to the dynamics of a single particle

In the present section, we consider the special case of a particle defined by the Lagrangian (we come back to the x state variable)L=(1/2)muα2-V(x).Eq. (6.6) direct yields the fundamental equationmρ(α)dαdtα((xt)α-1uα)-muαuαdx=-Vx.Remark that when uα reduces to x˙, then one comes across the fundamental equation of dynamics. A more detailed expression for (7.2) can be obtained as follows. We have successivelyxL+xV=muαxuα,uL=muα,xuα=(α-1)ρxα-2tα-1x(α),uα/x(α)=ρxα-1tα-1,therefore, on

Background on probability density of fractional order

Before to work on the Schrödinger’s equation as we intend to do it, we would like to show that the wave function itself could be considered with a fractional point of view, if one takes for granted the concept of probability density of fractional order.

Definition 8.1

Let X denote a real-valued random variable defined on the interval [a, b] and let pα(x), pα(x)  0 denote a positive function also defined on [a, b]. X is referred to as a random variable of fractional order α, 0 < α < 1, with the probability pα(x),

Background on the basic of quantum mechanics

Historically, quantum mechanics has been constructed as a generalization of the Lagrangian mechanics which explains some observations in laboratory.

The Hamilton’s function associated with a particle in a force field defined by the potential function v(x, t) isH=(1/2m)p2+V(x,t),with p = mv. In order to formally derive the corresponding Schrödinger’s equation, it is customary to use the correspondence rulep-i,p2-2Δ,V(x,t)V×and we so obtain the equation of the wave function ψ(x, t) in the formi

System with fractal time

In quite a natural way, we are led to the question of how to meaningfully generalize the pseudo-metric ds2 = c2dt2  dx2, in the presence of fractals. And we believe that this should be rather simple if we refer to the relative meaning of (dx)α and dx (respectively (dt)α and dt) in the framework of our fractional calculus via fractional differences.

In the first case, we assume that it is the time which is fractal of order β, 0 < β < 1, to yield the increment (dt)β instead of dt.

In such a case, we shall

Concluding remarks

In the present article, we have shown that, if one selects formulae defined in terms of finite increments (instead of integrals) to define fractional derivative, then the latter appears to be quite a suitable tool to construct a theory of Lagrangian mechanics for particle moving in coarse-graining space and fractal space.

The initial problem defined in a coarse-grained space has been considered as equivalent to a ((dx)α, dt) problem defined in a fractal space, and then converted in a (dx, (dt)α)

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    • On chain rule for fractional derivatives

      2016, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
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