Correction to: Organisms Diversity & Evolution

In this article the images of Figs. 5 and 6 images were wrongly assigned; the captions are correct, but the image of Fig. 5 belongs to Fig. 6 and vice versa as shown below.

Fig. 5
figure 1

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of Alcyonidium based on 646 unambiguously aligned nucleotide sites of the COI gene. Values on nodes represent posterior probabilities for BI (based on last 75% of trees) and bootstrap support (1000 replicates), respectively. Support values < 50% are not shown. The scale bar represents one substitutional change per 100 nucleotide positions. * Sequence was generated during this study

Fig. 6
figure 2

Map showing the type localities of all Antarctic species of Alcyonidium

The original article has been corrected.