Both Democrats and Republicans have failed to create a Comprehensive Immigration Policy. Many White Americans feel threatened by growing minority populations of illegal immigrants that when combined with African Americans will become America’s majority population in short order. White Supremacists “Great Replacement Theory” fuels the notion when said development occurs; White Americans will seek to reverse that trend in a most inhospitable manner. Such fear has led to US Policies by Republican and Democratic Administrations alike that have adversely impacted Non-White Immigrants as well as African Americans, resulting in disparities in drug sentencing along racial lines leading to mass incarceration, disparities in infant mortality rates, and harsher policing in communities of color.

Illegal immigrants, mostly from South American Countries, who have become American Citizens have added to an already fast-growing population, not only in places such as California, New York, and Texas, but in various cities on the east coast and in the Midwest. As these populations proliferate, discussions are had, and questions are raised about the potential to exert their influence for the purpose of gaining political power and securing economic benefits. Illegal immigrants were, for the most part, able to walk across the US Southern Border and assimilate into US Society until, a White Republican backlash led to the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, the Biden Administration has seemingly picked up where the Trump Administration left off.

Both political parties lack the imagination, and creativity to propose a National Comprehensive Immigration Reform Policy that benefits both the country and illegal immigration.

After many discussions and much debate with colleagues, the following ideas surfaced:

  • The US government should create and operate a National Online Immigration Center (NOIC) and employ a remote staff of public defenders, private attorneys, and judges to expedite the Online Application Process. NOIC should use Artificial Intelligence to process all Online Asylum Applications and make an impartial determination that approves or denies Asylum Applications within 48 hours, while applicants wait in their own countries.

  • Illegal immigrants who are denied asylum, but cross into the USA from Mexico should immediately be flown back to their Country of Origin by the US Military. To address their safety concerns, Deported Immigrants should be provided with special weapons that are geolocated and biometric activated to defend themselves against gangs in their home countries.

  • Illegal immigrants who are approved for Asylum should immediately be ushered into the USA with a 5-year work permit, pending their final citizenship approval. However, they should only be employed at a minimum of $15 per hour wage. They should not be allowed to qualify for federal, state, or city funded services until after 5 years and final citizenship approval. This should eliminate Native Americans, White, and African Americans from being negatively impacted by having to compete for jobs or being undercut on wages by illegal and new legal immigrants.

  • Illegal immigrants who accept US Asylum must contractually agree to pay a $0.10 higher sales tax, $10 higher property tax, and a 20% higher income tax than other Americans for a minimum of 10 years, before receiving the right to vote in national, state, county, and city elections. Immigrants should be prevented from owning or operating a business for 15 years. The additional tax revenue must support public education, health care, and criminal justice system reform as well as fund the Economic Empowerment of White, Asian, Hispanic, and African Americans displaced by Immigrants.

  • The USA should create an Immigrants Funding Remittance System (IFRS) that adds a 20% tax for sending funds back to South American Countries that failed to provide protection, safety, or economic opportunities for their citizens, resulting in illegal travel to the USA in the first place. This will serve as a Special Economic Tax (SET) on funds remitted back to immigrants’ countries of origins. Funds should be used to fund weapons to ensure safety and security, to create economic empowerment, and to pay for climate mitigation technologies that address the root causes of mass illegal immigration to the USA.

This proposal was written to jump start a serious and fruitful discussion and debate among our elected officials and public policy experts that leads to comprehensive immigration reform legislation, which should be passed into law as National Immigration Reform. Such a discussion, resulting in an action item, is as important today as it has ever been. Given the uncertainties brought about by COVID-19, I can think of no better time than now to put this issue on the front burner of American politics.