Correction to: JMEPEG

Acknowledgment of the copyright owners for the images in Figure 2 was omitted from the figure caption in this article as originally published.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic of an embedded (a) and laminated (b) structural battery. Panel (a) reprinted from Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol 136, K. Pattarakunnan, J. Galos, R. Das, A.P. Mouritz, “Tensile properties of multifunctional composites embedded with lithium-ion polymer batteries,” Article 105,966, Copyright 2020, with permission from Elsevier. Panel (b) reprinted from Energy Storage Materials, Vol 24, Kathleen Moyer, Chuanzhe Meng, Breeanne Marshall, Osama Assal, Janna Eaves, Daniel Perez, Ryan Karkkainen, Luke Roberson, Cary L. Pint, “Carbon fiber reinforced structural lithium-ion battery composite: Multifunctional power integration for CubeSats,” Pages 676–681, Copyright 2020, with permission from Elsevier

The original article has been corrected.

The full figure caption reads as follows: