1 Erratum to: Earthq Sci (2014) 27(5):567–576 DOI 10.1007/s11589-014-0091-y

The original version of this article contained an omission of Acknowledgments section. The corrected version appears in this erratum.


This paper is strongly relying upon the work of many colleagues and collaborators to whom we are greatly thankful, in particular: Carlo Doglioni, Gillian Foulger, Vahid Gholami, Hossein Hamzehloo, Volodya Kossobokov, Cristina La Mura, Anatoly Levshin, Andrea Magrin, Antonella Peresan, Federica Riguzzi, Franco Vaccari, Peter Varga, Tatiana Yanovskaya. Financial support from PRIN 2010-2011 and RITMARE projects, funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research, is gratefully acknowledged.

In addition, Fig. 3 should be updated by new one as below.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Shear wave section along the tectonic equator (TE) and perturbed path (TE-pert) of the Earth. Generalized asymmetry is evident across oceanic ridges: lithosphere (0–100 km) on the western side of the rift has a higher velocity than on the eastern or northeastern side, whereas the upper asthenosphere (low-velocity layer, 100–200 km) has a slower velocity on the western side with respect to the conjugate counterpart. Red lines correspond to elements of the Eastern Pacific, Mid-Atlantic, and Indian Ridges. Radial anisotropy sections shown in the lower panels are without crust, since the crust is assumed to be isotropic. V S is taken here as average of V SV and V SH (modified from Panza et al. 2010). Along the TE-pert, which is not a great circle, a ubiquitous LVZ, about 1000-km-wide and 100-km-thick, occurs in the asthenosphere, where the most mobile mantle (LVZ) is located (decoupling layer). The arrows indicate the possible relative motion