1 Introduction

The design of safety-critical systems heavily relies on the comprehensive elicitation and verification of relevant system properties. Fault tree analysis, for example, is a well-established—and in some application domains mandatory—method to investigate the impact of potential failures on the correctness of system functions and serves as an input for the development of counter-measures in the design. The same applies to failure mode and effects analysis, which is devoted to reveal potential propagation paths of failures in the system. The development and verification of systems that are hardened against failures calls for system models that incorporate operating modes. This enables, for example, detailing the behavior of redundancy mechanisms to check whether a takeover of safety-critical functions of components in failure modes by their backups is performed as expected. Modeling operating modes is also helpful for managing design complexity. For example, modern adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems in road vehicles are able to function in two modes. In Cruise mode, the vehicle’s velocity is kept to a value set by the driver. In Follow mode, the ACC is controlling the velocity such that a safe distance to a previously detected vehicle in front is maintained. The active mode is selected according to the current traffic situation. The authors of Damm et al. [10] developed an approach in which operating modes are realized by individual components that interact via a dedicated protocol to transfer activity tokens. The approach allows to split the verification of system properties into the verification of the individual components and the correctness of the mode transition protocol, thus reducing the overall verification complexity. The reason for this is that modes provide an automaton-like view that significantly constrains the set of state pairs that can actually follow each other, thus focusing and thereby easing proofs of sequential consistency.

Correctness of mode transitions generally concerns two entangled aspects. First, they must occur consistently as specified and do not result in unexpected behavior. In case of the ACC example, this means that at any point in time exactly one mode is active. The second aspect is timing, which is closely related to the first, since mode transitions typically do not occur simultaneously among the involved components but must be propagated in the system. Other timing aspects may also play an important role. Safety mechanisms, for example, are specified with respect to fault-tolerant time intervals, which define the maximum period of time allowed from the occurrence of a failure until the measures take effect.

Reasoning about these aspects calls for suitable specification means. Previous work [5, 6] established a framework for the specification and verification of timing requirements, which employs the contract-based design paradigm [4]. According to this framework, systems are modeled in terms of components. Timing requirements of the individual components are expressed in terms of Assume/Guarantee (A/G) contracts. In addition, a set of specification patterns has been defined that allows engineers to express many relevant timing aspects. However, it was already stated there that the incorporation of operating modes would be desirable. This paper aims at closing this gap. Thus, the contributions are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Integration of operating modes into pattern-based timing contracts, including specification of modes, transitions, and mode-dependent timing behavior.

  2. 2.

    Investigation of mode decomposition and resulting proof obligations for common contract operations such as composition and refinement.

  3. 3.

    Demonstration of the practical applicability based on a realistic example.

This article is an extended version of the conference paper [19] at the 15th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS’21). It mainly includes refined pre- and post-phase definitions for mode transitions, mode combinatorics for contract composition, and generally improved explanations and application examples.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 summarizes previous work and places our contribution in its scientific context. Section 3 introduces the basic concepts that serve as building blocks to describe system models and to reason formally about operating modes. In Sect. 4, we investigate general properties and identify relevant timing phenomena using a simple example system that incorporates mode-dependent behavior. Based on this, we extend two commonly used timing specification patterns in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, the developed concepts are applied to a realistic example system to examine their practical suitability. Furthermore, we discuss mode decomposition and relevant proof obligations when applying mode-dependent timing specifications in Sect. 7. Section 8 concludes the paper and gives an outlook on future activities.

2 Related work

Existing research that is particularly relevant in the context of our work can be split into two areas. The first area comprises classical approaches to model internal states and modes for system design. Related work from this area is presented in Sect. 2.1. The second area focuses on approaches in the field of contract-based design, which are discussed in Sect. 2.2. Previous work includes concepts that facilitate the reuse of existing components in new environments and application contexts (see Sect. 2.2.1) and address the use of operating modes as a tool to achieve coordinated behavioral changes (see Sect. 2.2.2).

2.1 Classical modeling approaches

In his seminal work [14], Harel introduces statecharts that extend classical state machines by concurrency and hierarchy to address the problem of state and arc explosion. It introduces a notion of event-based communication by adding constructs to generate and receive events in different subcharts. Over the years, numerous variants and dialects have been developed [31]. Statecharts rely on a powerful semantics to consider hierarchical states. In terms of our approach, this would be equivalent to establishing a gray box perspective on component specifications, which is contrary to the principles of contract-based design. In the following, we will therefore rely on an explicit mapping between higher-level and lower-level modes to reason about their relations.

Maraninchi and Remond propose mode-automata [22] as a formal and executable formalism to describe mode structures of reactive systems. It enables the modeling of operating modes and mode transitions by means of automata, whose states are assigned to dataflow programs. The authors also introduce operations for parallel and hierarchic composition, the latter adding support for hierarchical modes. In contrast with our approach, mode-automata do not provide descriptive means to express temporal properties.

Finally, modes are also included in languages specialized for the design of safety-critical systems like Giotto [15], which adopts a task semantics for modes. In this context, a mode is defined as a fixed set of tasks that are called according to a certain pattern. Giotto also supports mode switches that enable or disable the invocation of tasks. However, since it is dedicated to technical system design, its focus is clearly on implementation and it is not intended for formulating timing specifications.

All three formalisms have in common that there is no direct relation to contract-based design and thus no easy way to integrate them into the existing methodology [5, 6]. However, they define a set of basic concepts that are essential for handling operating modes in the context of our work.

2.2 Contract-based design

Contract-based design facilitates component reuse by allocating responsibilities in specifications. A contract specifies, on the one hand, all environments in which a component is supposed to operate and, on the other hand, the expected behavior of the component if it is used in such an environment. The present work relies on the particular contract theory of A/G contracts developed in [4], in which the assumption A specifies the behavior of the environment, and the guarantee G specifies the behavior of the component. The explication of responsibilities between the environment and a component is a major advantage with respect to “flat” specifications. In addition, the use of natural language or semi-formal requirements, for example, the specification patterns proposed in [5], helps engineers to capture the meaning of specifications more intuitively than by using formal languages like linear temporal logic [26] or metric temporal logic [18] formulas.

2.2.1 Reuse of existing components

The idea of A/G contracts is further developed by the concept of fine-grained contracts [29]. Here, weak assumptions are employed for specifying alternative contexts in which components can be used. Corresponding guarantees allow to specify the behavior of the components individually for each of the assumed environments. The work is closely related to our approach, as both refine classical A/G contracts. Nevertheless, whereas fine-grained contracts allow to specify intended behavior for different environments, the concepts presented in this article can be used to describe dynamic behavior within an unaltered context.

Reussner et al. address specifications for components that require interface changes in order to be deployed in certain contexts by parametric contracts [27]. The concept can be used to explore different dimensions of compositionality when adapting components to new environments. Since parametric contracts are capable of modeling the dependencies between provided and required functionalities, they support predictions about the quality of service, analysis of architectural design, and automated protocol adaptation. In [28], specialized graph grammars are used to reason about these aspects. Firus et al. apply parametric contracts for measuring the performance of software components [13]. The approach determines discrete response time distributions while considering statistical distributions of response times of environmental services. With regard to our work, parametric contracts do not provide support for handling operating modes. Nevertheless, they allow the adaptation of component behavior and interfaces to changing contexts, thus ensuring interoperability in composite systems.

Kugele et al. introduce a component model enriched with interface assertions and mode-based contracts [20], which are formulated by means of predicate logic formulas. The approach provides support for determining composed interface assertions for given architecture configurations. It is complemented by algorithms for checking underspecification, overspecification, and specification compliance. Compared to our approach, mode-based contracts do not focus on timing aspects and lack support for hierarchical component models.

2.2.2 Coordination of behavioral changes

Contract-based design has also been employed to model dynamic behavioral changes and coordination mechanisms. In [10], Damm et al. exploit contract specifications to reason about the stability and safety of systems that consist of components, which provide the desired properties only in certain contexts. Control between the individual components is actively passed in terms of a token protocol. The method enables compositional reasoning to reduce the verification complexity.

Champion et al. have designed a mode-aware specification language called CoCoSpec [7], which extends the A/G paradigm and is designed to specify synchronous reactive systems. It provides benefits like rigorous feedback for fault localization, a scalable and adequate compositional analysis as well as defensive semantic analysis to identify oversights. The approach is developed as an extension of the synchronous programming language Lustre and provides support for mode-aware verification by using the Kind 2 model checker [8]. In contrast with our approach, CoCoSpec is an implementation-oriented language that is particularly suited for use in later design phases. It is therefore not specifically tailored to early requirements engineering. In addition, the focus is on functional aspects, without providing specification means for timing behavior. Similar to the present article, the relations between hierarchical modes are established by an explicit mapping.

The present work goes along the same line as those mentioned in Sect. 2.2. It builds on top of our previous work on contract specifications [5, 6] that are devoted to the timing aspect. The envisaged extensions will allow the specification of component modes and, in particular (the timing of), mode transitions and mode-dependent behavior, thus enabling a consistent reasoning about mode composition and the effects of individual modes on the behavior of the overall system.

3 Basic concepts

In the context of this work, we rely on an extended version of the system model defined in [5], which was later refined in [6]. According to this model, a system S consists of a set \({\mathcal {C}}\) of hierarchically nested components. Each component \(c \in {\mathcal {C}}\) is equipped with three disjoint sets of input ports \(P_i\), output ports \(P_o\), and variable ports \(P_v\), which together represent the observables of the encapsulated component behavior. In order to provide a meaningful functionality, each component must have at least one port belonging to one of these classes, i.e., \(P_c:= P_i \cup P_o \cup P_v \ne \emptyset \). The set of system ports \({\mathcal {P}} = {\mathcal {P}}_i \cup {\mathcal {P}}_o \cup {\mathcal {P}}_v\) is defined as the union of all ports of all components that are part of the system.

The interaction of two or more components \(c_1, \dots , c_n \in {\mathcal {C}}\) is represented by the definition of so-called signals \(s: {\mathcal {P}} \rightarrow {\mathcal {P}}^n\). A signal usually connects an output port \(p_o \in {\mathcal {P}}_o\) with a set of input ports \(P_i \subseteq {\mathcal {P}}_i\). For connections between two hierarchy levels, however, signals can also be defined between two or more input ports \(s_{in}: p_{i_1} \mapsto (p_{i_2}, \dots )\) as well as between two or more output ports \(s_{out}: p_{o_1} \mapsto (p_{o_2}, \dots )\) with \(p_{i_1}, p_{i_2} \in {\mathcal {P}}_i\) and \(p_{o_1}, p_{o_2} \in {\mathcal {P}}_o\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Component model of the example system

Figure 1 depicts a simple example system. The System is decomposed into two main components Function and Observer, each of which has multiple input and output ports as well as a variable port called Mode, whose characteristics are detailed in Sects. 3.1 and 3.2. An interaction component CC serves as a converter channel, which forwards only selected events from the variable port Function.Mode to the Observer.Status input port. The ports of the lower-level components are interconnected with three signals that pass occurring events and value changes along the connections. In addition, the lower-level input and output ports Input and Verdict are linked to the respective ports of the top-level component. A dotted arrow connects the Observer.Mode and System.Mode ports, indicating a dependency between the two ports. The exact semantics of this relation is explained later in Sect. 4.

In order to characterize desired system behavior, each component \(c \in {\mathcal {C}}\) can be annotated with a set of specifications \(\Phi _c\). Naturally, each element \(\varphi \in \Phi _c\) must refer only to the component ports \(P_c\) to make statements about behavior. Formally, the behavior observable at the components’ interfaces is defined in terms of infinite timed traces. In order to specify \(\Phi _c\), we rely on declarative specifications in terms of A/G contracts within a compositional reasoning approach, which is detailed in Sect. 3.3.

3.1 Event ports

The sets of input and output ports are collectively referred to as event ports \({\mathcal {P}}_{i/o} = {\mathcal {P}}_i \cup {\mathcal {P}}_o\). The behavior observable at port \(p \in {\mathcal {P}}_{i/o}\) is restricted to its value domain \(\Sigma _p\) specified by the port type. We assume a special value \(\bot \) to be a member of every value domain, which represents the absence of a value. A notion of dense time is used to characterize the occurrence of events. Therefore, we define \({\mathbb {T}} = {\mathbb {R}}_{\ge 0}\) to be the time domain. Each event port has non-absent values for all \(t \in T \subset {\mathbb {T}}\). A single event e occurring at port \(p \in {\mathcal {P}}_{i/o}\) is defined as a tuple \(e = (\sigma , t)\) that consists of an event value \(\sigma \in \Sigma _p\) and a time of occurrence \(t \in T\). This allows us to describe the semantics of event ports in terms of timed traces, for which we use definitions from Böde et al. [6].

A timed trace over p is defined as an infinite sequence \(\omega _p = (\sigma _i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\), in which \(\sigma _i \in \Sigma _p\) are elements from the value domain and \((t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) forms a monotonic sequence of time instances. We require all timed traces to be non-zeno, i.e., for each \(t \in {\mathbb {T}}\) exists \((\sigma _i, t_i)\) such that \(t_i \ge t\). Moreover, we denote the set of timed traces observable at port p by \(\Omega _p = \{\omega = (\sigma _i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\}\). For each port set P, we define a set of timed traces \(({\mathbf {\sigma }}_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) over P, where \({{\mathbf {\sigma }}}_i = (\sigma _1, \dots , \sigma _n) \in \Sigma _{p_1} \times \dots \times \Sigma _{p_n}\) holds. Similar to the consideration of individual ports, we denote the set of traces over port set P by \(\Omega _P = \{\omega _P = ({\mathbf {\sigma }}_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\}\). Based on this, the set of possible timed traces observable at the component interfaces can be characterized by a timed language \(L_P \subseteq \Omega _P\).

3.2 Variable ports

In order to enable specifying modes, we also define variable ports \({\mathcal {P}}_v\). Just like event ports, each variable port has a clearly defined value domain \(V_p\). In contrast with event ports, variable ports have a specified value at each point in time \(t \in {\mathbb {T}}\), which evolves at discrete time points, i.e., no absent values exist. The behavior of a variable port \(p \in {\mathcal {P}}_v\) can thus be characterized as a value history \(v_p: {\mathbb {T}} \rightarrow V_p\) that maps a well-defined value to each time point \(t \in {\mathbb {T}}\).

To enable the interaction between event and variable ports, we introduce two new event types, namely set() and change(), that occur on an implicitly defined, virtual event port \(p_{i/o}(p) \in {\mathcal {P}}_{i/o}\) that is assigned to each variable port \(p \in {\mathcal {P}}_v\):

  1. 1.

    set(p, v) events represent the assignment of a value \(v \in V_p\) to p and is called to initiate value changes. Assuming a set() event occurring at time \(t_i \in {\mathbb {T}}\), the value of p is updated to \(v_p(t_i) = v\).

  2. 2.

    change(p, v) events indicate a change in the value of \(p \in {\mathcal {P}}_v\) that results from a set() event. They can be used to react to value changes. Whenever a time point \(t_i \in {\mathbb {T}}\) exists such that \(v_p(t_i) \ne v_p(t_{i - 1}) \wedge v_p(t_i) = v\), a change() event occurs at time \(t_i\).

For both events, the explicit specification of \(v \in V_p\) is optional. In case of a set() event, omitting v means that an arbitrary value from \(V_p\) is set to p. Omitting v in a change() event allows any change of the value of p. Later on, we will need to reason about traces of change() events and hence define a change event trace \(({\textit{change()}}_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) for each \(p_{i/o}(p)\), which contains all change(p) events. Concerning the observable behavior of a component, note that each event port \(p_{i/o}(p)\) is a (virtual) member of \(P_i \cup P_o\), and thus, set() and change() events are “visible” in the timed language \(L_P\).

3.3 Specifications

Components can be equipped with specifications, which in our case consist of A/G contracts. To keep things simple, we assume exactly one contract \({\mathscr {C}}_c\) to be assigned to each component \(c \in {\mathcal {C}}\), where \({\mathscr {C}}_c = (\Phi _c^A, \Phi _c^G)\) such that \(\Phi _c = \Phi _c^A \cup \Phi _c^G\). In other words, the specifications in \(\Phi _c\) are partitioned into those that specify the assumption of the contract and those that specify the guarantee. Each specification defines a set of valid timed traces of c, which is denoted by \(L_\varphi \). As said above, all specifications are defined over the components’ interfaces, i.e., \(L_\varphi \subseteq \Omega _{P_c}\). Furthermore, we define \(L_\Phi = \bigcap _{\varphi \in \Phi } L_\varphi \) and designate the set of timed traces that comply with a given A/G contract as \(L_{{\mathscr {C}}_c} = \Omega _{P_c}{\setminus } L_{\Phi _c^A} \cup L_{\Phi _c^G}\). In other words, the logical meaning of a contract is an implication, \(\Phi _c^A \implies \Phi _c^G\). A component hence is supposed to adhere to its guarantee only if its environment adheres to the component’s assumption.

This meaning gives reason to the following definition of contract satisfaction: If we denote by \(L_c\) the possible behavior of component c, we say, c satisfies \({\mathscr {C}}_c\), written \(c \models {\mathscr {C}}_c\), if \(L_c \cap L_{\Phi _c^A} \subseteq L_{\Phi _c^G}\). In other words, c satisfies its contract if it behaves as specified by the guarantee under all possible behaviors of its environment.

There are two main definitions in contract-based design that are relevant in the context of this paper. Any contract theory relies on a composition operation that defines how new components are obtained from the composition of other (sub-)components. Along this operation on components, contract composition defines how to obtain a contract from the contracts of other lower-level contracts, written \({\mathscr {C}} = {\mathscr {C}}_1 \otimes {\mathscr {C}}_2\). The refinement relation defines under which circumstances a component can be replaced by another without violating existing specifications. We say, \({\mathscr {C}'}\) refines \({\mathscr {C}}\), written \({\mathscr {C}'} \preceq {\mathscr {C}}\), if \(L_{\Phi _c^{A'}} \supseteq L_{\Phi _c^A}\) and \(L_{\Phi _c^{G'}} \subseteq L_{\Phi _c^G}\). It means that component \(c'\) allows for more behavior of its environment and has a more confined behavior than c. Note that \({\mathscr {C}}'_1 \preceq {\mathscr {C}}_1\) and \({\mathscr {C}}'_2 \preceq {\mathscr {C}}_2\) implies \({\mathscr {C}}'_1 \otimes {\mathscr {C}}'_2 \preceq {\mathscr {C}}_1 \otimes {\mathscr {C}}_2\). We refer the interested reader to Benveniste et al. [4] for more details.

Exploiting contract composition and refinement, we can define what it means for a system (component) S to satisfy a specification. Given that S is specified by a contract \({\mathscr {C}}_S\), and S is composed by a set of components \({\mathcal {C}}\), S satisfies its specification, i.e., \(S \models {\mathscr {C}}_S\), if \(\otimes _{c \in {\mathcal {C}}} {\mathscr {C}}_c \preceq {\mathscr {C}}_S\).

4 Operating modes

In general, an operating mode represents an internal state of a component. In the context of this work, we assume that the mode of a component does not change spontaneously, but is triggered by interactions via its event and variable ports. We define each \(c \in {\mathcal {C}}\) to possess a dedicated variable port \(p_m \in P_v\) called Mode, which has a mode history

$$\begin{aligned} m_c(t) = v_{p_m}(t) \end{aligned}$$

with \(t \in {\mathbb {T}}\). The active mode \(m_c(t)\) of c results from the initial mode \(m_c(0) \in V_{p_m}\) as well as the sequence of set() events over \(p_{i/o}(p_m)\) that have occurred up to the current time t. The set of modes \(M_c\) of a component is given by \(M_c = V_{p_m}\), where \(V_{p_m}\) has either been explicitly defined or is implicitly derived from the set of values specified in \(\Phi _c\). In the following, the change event trace \(({\textit{change()}}_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) of port \(p_{i/o}(p_m)\) is denoted by \((m_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\). We define a time-bounded mode-set projection

$$\begin{aligned} (m_i, t_i)_{M,I} = \{(m_i, t_i) \mid m_i \in M \wedge t_i \in I\}\,\text {,} \end{aligned}$$

where M is a set of modes and I is either a left-closed, right-open time interval \(I = [a, b)\) or an open time interval \(I = (a, b)\) with \(a, b \in {\mathbb {T}}\).

To shed some light on the interaction of events occurring at the components’ interfaces and the evolution of their modes, we again consider the example system presented in Fig. 1. The figure shows that the Function component has two modes A and B, which are visible at the variable port Function.Mode. The Observer component also exhibits two modes, namely \(A'\) and \(B'\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Intended behavior of the example system

Figure 2 depicts a set of example traces that illustrate the intended system behavior. The Function and Observer components sequentially process a sequence of events. Function receives periodic Input events that occur every 6 ms with an offset of 5 ms. Depending on the value of the Input events, which is either 0 or 1, the variable port Function.Mode is set with a delay of 1 ms. The effects of the set(Function.Mode A) and set(Function.Mode B) events on the value of the Mode port are indicated by dotted arrows. Some of the set() events lead to changes of the mode value and thus to the occurrence of change() events at the virtual event port \(p_{i/o}(p_{m_{fun}})\). They are forwarded to the Status port of the Observer via the converter channel CC, which filters out events other than change() events. In addition, the Function component adapts the frequency of the Output events according to its active mode \(m_{fun}(t)\), i.e., by using a period length of 2 ms in mode A and a period length of 5 ms in mode B.

The Observer component, on the other hand, receives the Output events and evaluates whether the observed behavior is consistent with the (time-delayed) knowledge about the mode of the functional component. To this end, it stores the current mode of the Function component in \(m_{obs}(t)\) by updating the value of the Observer.Mode port according to the received Status events. The component creates Verdict events to publish the results of the evaluation. A mode-dependent time span of 2 ms in mode \(A'\) and 5 ms in mode \(B'\) is required to create the verdict. Again, dotted arrows in Fig. 2 show how mode changes of the Function component are translated into Status events, which lead to mode changes of the Observer component. The mode-dependent delay of the Observer is visualized by dotted connections between the Output and Verdict events.

In the course of the paper, we will define mode-dependent timing specifications that are able to cover component behavior as shown in the example. To determine whether a specific behavior is valid with respect to a mode-dependent specification, we must first evaluate which mode the component is in. To this end, we have to define time points at which the current mode of a component is evaluated. Here, we distinguish two cases: simple event occurrences and reactions to trigger events, which correspond to two specification parts that are used to formulate any \({\mathscr {C}}_c\). For both cases, the evaluation time points are fully synchronized with the occurrence of events:

  • Instantaneous parts specify the occurrence of events according to a specific model, such as the periodic Output events generated by the Function component. In this case, the mode of component \(c \in {\mathcal {C}}\) is evaluated at each (anticipated) time of occurrence \(t_{eval} = t_e^{\uparrow } \in {\mathbb {T}}\) of the event \(e \in \Sigma _p\) at port \(p \in P_{i/o}\) of the component. For a given set of modes \(M_{cond}\), we define the corresponding condition as \(\exists m \in M_{cond}: m_c(t_{eval}) = m\).

  • Reactive parts specify the reaction of a component to trigger events \(e \in \Sigma _p\), as, for example, the Verdict events that occur as a result of the Output events. In this case, the condition \(\exists m \in M_{cond}: m_c(t_{eval}) = m\) is evaluated at each time \(t_{eval} = t_e^{\uparrow } \in {\mathbb {T}}\) of the event e to be reacted to.

A missing puzzle piece is a mechanism for reasoning about the relations between modes at different levels of the component hierarchy. For the system shown in Fig. 1, an important verification task is checking whether \({\mathscr {C}}_{fun} \otimes {\mathscr {C}}_{cc} \otimes {\mathscr {C}}_{obs} \preceq {\mathscr {C}}_{sys}\) holds. This check is also called virtual integration test (VIT). In order to perform this test, we need to characterize the relation between the top-level modes \(M_{sys}\) and the lower-level modes of its subcomponents.

A simple solution is the definition of a mode mapping function \(\mu _c: M_{sub_1} \times \dots \times M_{sub_n} \rightarrow M_c\) between modes \(M_{sub_i}\) and modes \(M_c\) for each component c that is decomposed into lower-level components \(sub_i\). In the example above, the mapping function simply maps the observer mode to the system. More precisely, \(\mu _{sys}: M_{fun} \times M_{cc} \times M_{obs} \rightarrow M_{sys}\) is defined such that \(\mu _{sys}(m_{fun}, m_{cc}, m_{obs}) = m_{obs}\). It is important to note that the mapping must be an input of any verification engine in order to perform the above checking task. Applying this approach establishes a tree-like hierarchy between modes, in which well-defined and traceable relations between modes along the component hierarchy exist.

A drawback of this solution is the fact that it introduces an additional specification mechanism. Moreover, it does not explain how such mapping is realized in the system architecture. An alternative solution is to design specific “mode management” components into the system, which realize the mode mapping. An advantage of the approach is the fact that such components could also be used to control and to orchestrate modes of individual subcomponents in addition to only aggregating them. Though the framework presented in this paper supports this approach without any adaptations, the specification patterns developed in the following section are sufficient for specifying only simple use cases. More elaborated scenarios would require specifications beyond purely event-based patterns. More precisely, it would need to allow variable ports as input ports of a component, which is out of scope of this paper. We will come back to this in Sect. 6.

5 Mode-dependent timing specifications

To facilitate the specification of modes and mode-dependent timing behavior, we will extend two existing specification patterns that allow to specify repetitive event occurrences and latencies. The basic idea is to enhance each pattern with an optional set of modes M in which it has to be fulfilled. Since we assume a use in contract-based design, we will present consistent extensions for use in assumptions and guarantees.

On the assumption side, we will allow mode-dependent counterparts of general assumptions. This enables the formulation of more precise and situation-tailored constraints on the component’s context. An even more significant reason for introducing mode-dependent assumptions is the advantage in terms of analyzability, since undefined or inconsistent mode combinations are made explicit and can thus be detected more easily. On the guarantee side, we need to define which mode is valid initially, which mode transitions exist, when and in what period these may be taken, and how the mode-dependent timing behavior of the component in focus looks like. In addition, immediate effects of mode changes in terms of adaptions in internal or output behavior will be described with mode-dependent guarantees.

In both cases, we may need to consider the behavior before and after a mode change takes effect in order to obtain a consistent and well-defined set of specifications. Inconsistencies could arise, for example, when leaving a specific mode and switching to another mode, in which a required input behavior is not (yet) provided by the interacting components. Two conceivable solutions to this problem would be to either ensure the provision of corresponding input events before the mode change is implemented, or to define a limited period of time in which the absence of the required input signal is tolerated after completing the transition.

The approach presented here aims for the second solution. We introduce pre- and post-phases that enable to permit temporary deviations from mode-dependent behavior within a predefined time interval. Pre-phases, on the one hand, specify a kind of “settling phase” from the time of a mode change \(t_b \in {\mathbb {T}}\) to a fixed time bound \(t_b + D_{pre}\) with \(D_{pre} \in {\mathbb {T}}\), in which both the specified behavior of the active mode and (parts of) the behavior of the previous mode may apply. Post-phases, on the other hand, define a “tail phase” that starts with another mode change at time \(t_d \in {\mathbb {T}}\) and ends at \(t_d + D_{post}\) with \(D_{post} \in {\mathbb {T}}\) at the latest. Within this period, the specifications of the active mode as well as the specifications of the previous mode pose valid behavior. In the following, we assume default durations \(D_{pre} = 0\) and \(D_{post} = 0\) for instantaneous as well as \(D_{pre} = 0\) and \(D_{post} = \infty \) for reactive specifications, respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Specification pattern states and component modes

Based on the introduction of pre- and post-phases, we consider four specification pattern states \({\mathcal {S}} = \{\text {pre}, \text {on}, \text {post}, \text {off}\}\) that are illustrated in Fig. 3. As long as a specification pattern is in the on state, the component behavior must comply with this pattern. In the off state, the pattern does not need to apply. In pre and post, the behavior applies as described in the paragraph before. We require that each pattern passes through all states in the given order. Note, however, that each state may also be left after zero time.

For each change event trace \((m_i,t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\), we inductively define a specification state trace \(st = (state_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) with \(state_i \in {\mathcal {S}}\). The trace st contains all changes between the specification pattern states \({\mathcal {S}}\), including the exact time t of occurrence. The initial state of each trace is set to

$$\begin{aligned} (state_0, t_0) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\text {on}, 0) &{} \text {if } m_c(0) \in M \\ (\text {off}, 0) &{} \text {if } m_c(0) \notin M \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

based on the initial mode \(m_c(0) \in M\) of the component in focus. For \((state_i, t_i)\) and \((m_j, t_j)(m_{j + 1}, t_{j + 1}) \dots = (m_i, t_i)_{(t_i, \infty )}\), we extend the state trace based on the sequence of specification pattern states from Fig. 3 as follows:

  1. 1.

    If \(state_i = \text {off}\):

    $$\begin{aligned}{} & {} (state_{i + 1}, t_{i + 1}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\text {off}, t_j) &{} \text {if } m_j \notin M \\ (\text {pre}, t_j) &{} \text {if } m_j \in M \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned}{} & {} (state_{i + 2}, t_{i + 2}) = (\text {on}, t_{i + 2}) \wedge t_{i + 2} \in T_{pre}~\text {if } m_j \in M\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    If \(state_i = \text {on}\):

    $$\begin{aligned}{} & {} (state_{i + 1}, t_{i + 1}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\text {on}, t_j) &{} \text {if } m_j \in M \\ (\text {post}, t_j) &{} \text {if } m_j \notin M \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned}{} & {} (state_{i + 2}, t_{i + 2}) = (\text {off}, t_{i + 2}) \wedge t_{i + 2} \in T_{post}~ \text {if } m_j \notin M\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} T_{pre}= & {} [t_j, \min (t_j + D_{pre}, t_k \mid (m_k, t_k)_{M_c \setminus M, [t_{j + 1}, \infty )}))\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} T_{post}= & {} [t_j, \min (t_j + D_{post},t_k \mid (m_k, t_k)_{M, [t_{j + 1}, \infty )}))\,\text {.}\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

In order to evaluate st at time t, we define a specification state function \(S_{st}: {\mathbb {T}} \rightarrow {\mathcal {S}}\) with


that returns the active specification state. Given a state trace st, a subset of states \({\mathscr {S}} \subseteq {\mathcal {S}}\) and a timed trace \((\sigma _i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\), the specification state projection

$$\begin{aligned} \text {pr}_{st,{\mathscr {S}}}((\sigma _i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}) = \{(\sigma _i, t_i) \mid S_{st}(t_i) \in {\mathscr {S}}\} \end{aligned}$$

extracts all events from the timed trace that occur while one of the states in \({\mathscr {S}}\) is active. Note that infinitely many traces st may exist for every change event trace \((m_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\), because state changes may occur at any point in time within the pre- and post-phases. Finally, we define

$$\begin{aligned} St: (\Sigma \times {\mathbb {T}})^\omega \rightarrow 2^{({\mathcal {S}} \times {\mathbb {T}})^\omega }\,\text {,} \end{aligned}$$

which returns all state traces for a given change event trace. Since each specification pattern is assigned to exactly one component that has only a single mode port by definition, explicitly specifying \((m_i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}\) is optional.

5.1 Specification patterns

In the following, we will complete the extension considering two example specification patterns that allow to specify repetitive event occurrences and latencies. The basic idea is to extend each specification pattern of a contract \({\mathscr {C}}\) with an optional set of modes M in which it has to be fulfilled either by the environment or the behavior of the component itself. Additionally, pre- and post-phase durations \(D_{pre}\) and \(D_{post}\) are defined for each pattern.

5.1.1 Repetition pattern

The repetition pattern specifies an infinite sequence of recurring events. It expresses that a given event occurs every \(P = [P^-, P^+]\) time units, possibly further delayed by up to J time units:

figure a

In order to keep things simple, we require \(J < P^-\). The pattern is a member of the class of instantaneous specifications and can thus be used either in assumptions or guarantees. Its mode-independent semantics is defined by a family of languages \(L_{rep}(e, P^-, P^+, J)\), where e represents the Event:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_{rep}&= \{(e, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}} \mid t_i = u_i + j_i \wedge u_0 \in [0, P^+] \\&\,\,\wedge u_{i + 1} - u_i \in P \wedge j_i \in [0, J]\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4
figure 4

Repetition pattern examples

Figure 4 depicts two examples of the repetition pattern. In the upper part, a pattern instance with a period of 3 ms is shown. The resulting e events occur exactly with this periodicity. The lower part contains a repetition pattern with a period of 5 ms and an additional jitter of 2 ms. In this case, \(L_{rep}\) includes all traces in which an e event occurs at a non-deterministic time in each jitter interval.

The syntax extensions for adding support of mode-dependent specifications are as follows:

figure b

The additional components allow the definition of a set of modes M in which the pattern has to be fulfilled. Furthermore, the two optional parts pre and post enable the explicit specification of pre- and post-phase durations.

Based on the results from the previous sections, the semantics of the mode-dependent repetition pattern is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_{rep}^M =&~\{\text {pr}_{st,\{\text {on}, \text {post}\}} ((e, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}) \mid \exists st \in St \\&\wedge t_i = u_i + j_i \wedge u_0 \in [t_{init}, t_{init} + P^+]\\&\wedge u_{i + 1} - u_i \in U \wedge j_i \in [0, J]\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

such that \(\exists (\text {on}, t_{init}) \in st: \not \exists (\text {on}, t') \in st \wedge t' < t_{init}\) and


5.1.2 Reaction pattern

The reaction pattern expresses a “classical” latency between two causally related events. It specifies that an event occurs \(I = [I^-, I^+]\) after each occurrence of a trigger event :

figure g

The pattern belongs to the class of reactive specifications and can thus only be used in guarantees. Its original semantics is defined by \(L_{rea}(e, f, I^-, I^+)\):

$$\begin{aligned} L_{rea} = \{(\sigma _i,&t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}} \mid \forall (e, t_i) \exists (f, t_j): t_j - t_i \in I\} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 5
figure 5

Reaction pattern examples

Figure 5 shows two examples of the reaction pattern. The upper part depicts an example trace that results from a pattern instance with a latency of 2 ms. In this case, all f events occur exactly 2 ms after the corresponding trigger events e. In the lower part, a reaction pattern with a latency of 2 to 4 ms is shown. \(L_{rea}\) contains all traces in which an f event occurs 2 to 4 ms after the e event.

In analogy to the extensions of the repetition pattern, the syntax of the reaction pattern is enriched by a set of modes M as well as optional definitions of pre- and post-phase durations:

figure h

The extended pattern specifies a reaction to each trigger event e that occurs while a mode \(m \in M\) is active, which only becomes visible within the validity period and the subsequent post-phase:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_{rea}^M&= \{(\sigma _i, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}} \mid \exists st \in St\wedge \forall (e, t_i) \in \text {pr}_{st,\{\text {on}\}}((e, t_i)_{i \in {\mathbb {N}}}): \\&\exists (f, t_j) \in (f, t_j)_{j \in {\mathbb {N}}}: t_j - t_i \in I \vee \exists (\text {off}, t_j) \in st: \\&t_i < t_j \wedge t_j - t_i \in I\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We are well aware that the extended patterns are only examples of instantaneous and reactive specifications. However, they clearly demonstrate the applicability of the approach and can already be used to cover many relevant application scenarios, some of which are presented in Sect. 6.

5.2 Fine-grained pre-phase and post-phase durations

So far, we were able to specify common pre- and post-phase durations for all modes in which the pattern must be fulfilled. The pre-phase of a pattern applies when the pattern becomes active independently from the previously active mode. Likewise, a specified post-phase applies when the pattern becomes deactivated independently from the following target mode.

In some application scenarios, it is desirable to define more fine-grained specifications. We hence further extend our patterns to be able to specify different pre- and post-phase durations depending on the previous (or following) mode. To this end, we extend the pattern syntax by replacing pre and post as follows:

figure k

The PreList and PostList elements are defined as lists of complementary, fine-grained pre- and post-phase durations:

figure l

With these extensions, we are able to specify optional mode sets \(M_{pre_i}\) from which the component changes to a mode in M such that the corresponding pre-phase duration \(D_{pre_i}\) applies. Likewise, the optional \(M_{post_i}\) specify mode sets to which the component switches when it leaves the mode set M, taking into account the post-phase duration \(D_{post_i}\). Note that any number of pairs {} and {} can be specified.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Examples of fine-grained pre- and post-phases

Figure 6 illustrates two examples of specification patterns with fine-grained pre- and post-phase durations. The upper part depicts an example trace of a repetition pattern with a period of 3 ms and fine-grained pre-phases, which are highlighted in green. The specified duration of 1 ms applies to all pre-phases (at \(t = 2\) ms and \(t = 7\) ms in the figure), except for mode transitions from C to B. Here, the specified duration is 2 ms (at \(t = 17\) ms). In the lower part, an example trace of a reaction pattern with a latency of 2 ms and fine-grained post-phases is shown. All post-phases are highlighted in orange. The pattern specifies that for every event e a corresponding event f occurs. This applies even if the mode in which the pattern is active has already been left, provided that the post-phase duration has not yet expired (at \(t = 5\) ms). Recall that the post-phase duration for reaction patterns is \(\infty \) by default. As a result of the post-phase duration of 1 ms specified for transitions from modes B to C, reactions to trigger events may be suppressed (at \(t = 14\) ms).

The extensions still allow specifying common pre- and post-phase durations \(D_{pre}\) and \(D_{post}\) without using \(M_{pre}\) and \(M_{post}\), respectively. If there are no other elements specified in the list, the duration applies to all modes in \(M_c \setminus M\), and thus \(M_{pre} = M_c {\setminus } M\) and \(M_{post} = M_c {\setminus } M\) are implicitly defined. Otherwise, it applies to all modes in \(M_c\) for which no other \(M_{pre_i}\) (or \(M_{post_i}\)) is specified in the list, and \(M_{pre}\) (or \(M_{post}\)) is assumed to be set accordingly. Finally, the following conditions must be fulfilled by all \(M_{x_{i/j}}\), which represent either pre- or post-phase mode sets \(M_{pre_{i/j}}\) or \(M_{post_{i/j}}\), respectively:

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} M_{x_i} \subseteq M_c \nonumber \\{} & {} M \cap M_{x_i} = \emptyset \nonumber \\{} & {} \forall (i \ne j): M_{x_i} \cap M_{x_j} = \emptyset \end{aligned}$$

The required extensions are reflected in the semantics by replacing \(D_{pre}\) in Eq. (8) by \(D_{pre}'\), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} T_{pre}= & {} [t_j, \min (t_j + D_{pre}', t_k \mid (m_k, t_k)_{M_c \setminus M, [t_{j + 1}, \infty )})) \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} D_{pre}' = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} D_{pre_1} &{} \text {if } m_{j - 1} \in M_{pre_1} \\ &{} \vdots \\ D_{pre_i} &{} \text {if } m_{j - 1} \in M_{pre_i} \\ D_{pre} &{} \text {else } \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

and \(D_{post}\) in Eq. (9) by \(D_{post}'\), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} T_{post}= & {} [t_j, \min (t_j + D_{post}', t_k \mid (m_k, t_k)_{M, [t_{j + 1}, \infty )}))\,\text {.} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} D_{post}' = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} D_{post_1} &{} \text {if } m_j \in M_{post_1} \\ &{} \vdots \\ D_{post_i} &{}\text {if } m_j \in M_{post_i} \\ D_{post} &{} \text {else} \\ \end{array}\right. } \,\text {.} \end{aligned}$$

6 Application example

To illustrate the approach for handling operating modes, we consider an Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Avoidance (ACCwCA). The system has been considered and implemented in the context of the Step-Up!CPS project, and is detailed in [1]. The main focus was on the timing behavior of the system, and thus, the overall architecture and time values were previously fixed. An issue that became evident in the previous work was the missing ability to specify operating modes in order to reflect the system behavior more accurately. Hence, the example presented here can be considered as an attempt to fix this issue.

A component model of the system is depicted in Fig. 7. The example focuses on the early phases of system design, where the functional viewpoint is in focus. However, the concepts are not limited to these phases or this particular perspective, but can also be used in later development stages down to the hardware/software design.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Component model of the Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Avoidance

The ACCwCA is an advanced driver assistance system that possesses a number of modes, namely Idle (I), Cruise (C), Follow (F), and Evade (E). Initially, the system is in Idle mode. It switches into Cruise mode when being activated, where it maintains a constant speed set by the driver. If a slower vehicle is ahead of the ego vehicle, the Follow mode is activated, and the ACCwCA adapts the speed to the leading vehicle and maintains a safe minimum distance. Additionally, the component provides a collision avoidance functionality. If the distance between the leading and the ego vehicle falls below a safety-critical threshold, the Evade mode is activated to perform an emergency braking maneuver.

Table 1 Top-level specification of the Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Avoidance

The top-level specification of the ACCwCA is shown in Table 1. An upstream sensor processing unit periodically provides the distance D to the vehicle ahead and the velocity LV of the leading vehicle (line 1). The ego velocity EV is received from another external system (line 2). With the occurrence of a Req event in mode Idle, the system is activated (lines 3–4). After activation, the ACCwCA computes regular updates of the control values Ctrl as well as Switch values that indicate how the values are to be interpreted. A transition from Idle to Evade is automatically taken in safety-critical situations, i.e., without the need for manual activation (line 5). Depending on the active mode, the system shows different timing behaviors. This is partly to save resources and partly to avoid unnecessary restrictions in the specifications. In Cruise mode, the system reacts to its inputs within 245 to 250 ms (line 6). In modes Follow and Evade, the reaction requires a shorter period of time (lines 7–9).

Taking into account the traffic situation, the ACCwCA switches between Cruise, Follow, and Evade until it is deactivated by a driver request (lines 10–11). To ensure continuous control, Ctrl and Switch are provided every 3 to 7 ms in all operating modes other than Idle (line 12). When switching from Idle to Cruise, Follow, or Evade, the internal components need some time to adapt their behavior to the requested mode. Since a maximum delay of 30 ms in providing the first Switch and Ctrl events is acceptable, a pre-phase duration of 30 ms is defined (line 12).

When the component switches to Idle mode, it should not produce any further Ctrl and Switch events. To this end, we specify a fine-grained post-phase duration of 0 ms for transitions to the Idle mode (line 6–9). However, a post-phase duration of 25 ms remains for the periodic outputs events Ctrl and Switch (line 12), which does not comply with the previous requirements. Note that this situation arises for consistency reasons and is explained in more detail in Sect. 6.2.

6.1 Component-level specifications

The ACCwCA consists of three sub-components, namely Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Collision Avoidance (CA), and Switching Logic (SL). All components have their own internal modes as depicted in Fig. 7. Based on the definitions from Sect. 4, the top-level modes are mapped to combinations of the composed lower-level modes by using the mode mapping function \(\mu _{ACCwCA}: M_{acc} \times M_{ca} \times M_{sl} \rightarrow M_{ACCwCA}\). The detailed mapping is shown in Table 2. Each line specifies a combination of modes of the ACC, CA, and SL components as well as the resulting mode of the top-level component.

The combinations show that the mode of the overall system primarily depends on the lower-level modes of the ACC and SL components. The CA influences the mode of the ACCwCA only indirectly by inputs that cause mode changes of the SL. The interaction of these components is detailed in Sects. 6.1.2 and 6.1.3. As a result of the combinatorics, mode combinations that lead to inconsistencies between different specifications may arise, especially in transition phases. However, since these combinations are transient, a careful definition of suitable pre-and post-phase durations \(D_{pre}\) and \(D_{post}\) effectively prevents inconsistent behavior. The effects are explained in more detail in the following subsections.

As indicated in Sect. 4, the mode mapping and the corresponding mode transitions as depicted in the top-right part of Fig. 7 could also be modeled as a dedicated Mode Logic component. Such a component would be equipped with input ports that are connected with the mode ports of the ACC and SL components. An output port would present the aggregated mode of the ACCwCA component. In turn, the mapping of the input modes and the aggregated top-level mode could be specified by means of a specification similar to those of the other components. An excerpt from an example Mode Logic specification is included in Table 3. In this case, the guarantee contains four reaction patterns that forward mode changes of the ACC component to the output (line 1–3), as well as a change of the SL to the Evade mode (line 4). However, if the SL component switches from Evade mode back to Normal, the mode previously set by the ACC component must be reestablished as the new top-level mode. This would require to store the ACC mode into an internal state of the imagined Mode Logic component. Conceptually, this could be achieved by introducing a variable in the component that stores the mode, which is supported by the framework through variable ports. Note that corresponding specification patterns are needed, which have not (yet) been defined.

Table 2 Mode combinations and top-level modes
Table 3 Excerpt from a mode logic specification as an alternative for the explicit mode mapping

As a final remark, there is a fundamental difference between the two approaches. While mapping functions “realize” mode changes instantly, components with timing specifications do not allow for instantaneous reactions. This has an impact on the top-level specification, as mode changes become visible to the environment only with a delay.

6.1.1 Adaptive cruise control

The Adaptive cruise control (ACC) component calculates control values in terms of PCtrl events. Its specification is shown in Table 4. The component has Idle (I), Cruise (C), and Follow (F) modes and is activated and deactivated by Req events (line 4–5). Situation-dependent changes between Cruise and Follow are possible at any time (line 6). In Cruise mode, the component takes 220 to 225 ms to react to inputs, whereby it has to react faster in Follow mode to respond timely to the behavior of the vehicle ahead (lines 7–8). When the ACC switches out of Cruise mode, we limit the reaction to already received input events to a maximum duration of 200 ms (line 7). If the ACC switches to Idle mode, no further PCtrl values are to be calculated based on input events received (line 7–8). PCtrl events are provided every 5 ms in both modes (line 9).

Table 4 Specification \({\mathscr {C}}_{acc}\) of the Adaptive Cruise Control component

6.1.2 Collision avoidance

The Collision Avoidance (CA) component, whose specification is given in Table 5, checks whether the execution of an emergency braking maneuver is required. It possesses Normal (N) and Evade (E) modes. As long as there is no hazardous situation, the CA is in Normal mode. If a violation of the critical distance is detected, it switches to Evade (line 3) and transmits a Status event with value 1 to inform the SL component (line 4). The CA requires 170 to 175 ms to react to inputs (line 5). After completing of the braking maneuver, it switches back to Normal mode and emits a Status event with a value of 0 (line 6). To prevent the system from running into inconsistent states, additional Decel events are provided for 5 ms after leaving the Evade mode (line 7).

Table 5 Specification \({\mathscr {C}}_{ca}\) of the Collision Avoidance component

6.1.3 Switching logic

The specification of the Switching Logic (SL) is presented in Table 6. The component has Normal (N) and Evade (E) modes. It receives PCtrl, Decel, and Status events as inputs (lines 1–3). Based on these values, it switches between Normal and Evade modes. In Normal mode, it forwards the received PCtrl and provides corresponding Switch events to enable a correct interpretation of the values (line 4). A mode change to Evade is triggered by receiving a Status event with value 1 (line 5). In Evade mode, it passes the Decel values with a Switch value of 2 (line 6). The occurrence of a Status event with a value of 0 triggers a transition to Normal mode (line 7).

Table 6 Specification \({\mathscr {C}}_{sl}\) of the Switching Logic component

6.2 Resulting system behavior

Table 2 shows that the mode of the top-level component ACCwCA is depends on the mode of the SL component. Based on the description in Sects. 6.1.2 and 6.1.3, it is evident that the individual modes of the components have different criticality for the system behavior. If the safety-critical distance is violated, the highest priority is that an emergency braking maneuver is performed to prevent the system from a collision. Hence, by changing the mode of the SL from Normal to Evade mode, only the CA values are output and the ACC component values are ignored. This mode change propagates up to the top-level component, as can be seen in Fig. 8. The priority between the output values thus results indirectly from the combinatorics and the mapping between top-level and lower-level modes.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Example traces of the Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Avoidance

Figure 8 shows example traces that illustrate a possible system behavior resulting from the given specifications. Here, we focus on the evolution of component modes as well as the propagation of mode changes through the overall system. Again, active pre- and post-phases are highlighted in green and orange color. The system is activated at \(t = 0\) ms and deactivated at \(t = 400\) ms. The top-level mode, which is presented in the bottom line, directly results from the composed lower-level modes as described in Sect. 6.1 (see Table 2). Note that Cruise and Follow modes are ignored, if the high-critical Evade mode is active. In addition, the need for defining suitable pre- and post-phases is demonstrated. In the top-level specification, for example, a pre-phase is required to account for delays in providing initial results (see Table 1, line 12). Moreover, post-phases in \({\mathscr {C}}_{acc}\) ensure that the control values calculated in Follow mode are not overwritten by outdated values from the previous Cruise mode (see Table 4, line 7).

In the following, we will examine two significant non-trivial details of the system behavior more closely. Let us first take a look at the parts of Fig. 8 that are highlighted by the overlays , , and . Based on the specification of the ACC and CA components, which generate periodic output events every 5 ms in their respective modes (see Table 4, line 9 and Table 5, line 7), and the non-varying delay of 25 ms introduced by the SL component (see Table 6, lines 4 and 6), we can conclude that the output of the ACCwCA also occurs periodically every 5 ms. Looking at the highlighted parts of the Ctrl and Switch lines, it can be seen that both outputs do not occur periodically every 5 ms as expected, but later or earlier. This behavior is due to mode changes in the SL component. The mode change in the SL and the resulting change of the forwarded control values of the ACC and the CA lead to a discrepancy in the output behavior. Based on this possible temporal variation, the specification of the ACCwCA for the occurrence of the output does not result in a 5 ms period as assumed, but in an interval of [3, 7] ms.

The second detail refers to the system when switching to the Idle mode. The corresponding part is highlighted by annotation in Fig. 8. As described in Sect. 6.1, the system should not provide any further outputs when being switched to Idle mode. Contrary to the intended behavior, some trailing Ctrl and Switch events occur at the outputs after switching to the Idle mode. According to the specification, this happens within a maximum time span of 25 ms. Due to its function as a simple arbiter, the output behavior of the SL cannot be restricted by refining the post-phase durations in the specification. To this end, the integration of a mechanism to disable the SL component would be required. An alternative solution would be to integrate an additional component that filters the outputs of the SL depending on the modes of the internal components.

7 Discussion

The application example illustrates the expressiveness of the extensions and outlines possible application scenarios of mode-dependent specifications. In this context, the two patterns considered in Sect. 5 already enable a detailed formulation of real-time requirements that address operating modes and mode transitions. Due to the diversity of conceivable applications and the complexity of the combinatorics of inter-mode relations, the use of mode-dependent specifications requires a thorough consideration of resulting proof obligations.

For components that interact with each other, it must be ensured that operating modes takes place in a coordinated manner. Here, it is particularly important to ensure that the pre- and post-phase durations of all transitions defined in different specifications comply with each other.

When considering mode relations across multiple hierarchy levels, the definition of a meaningful mapping is crucial to enable error-free composition. In order to achieve a consistent specification of the behavior of the overall system, all mode mapping functions must be well-defined, i.e., they have to fulfill the following two conditions:

  1. 1.

    The mode mapping \(\mu \) must be complete, i.e., the modes of the higher-level component must result from the cross product of the modes of the respective lower-level components.

  2. 2.

    The mode mapping \(\mu \) must be unambiguous, i.e., it must indeed specify a function from the combination of sub-component modes to a well-defined output mode.

If both conditions are met, the mode-dependent specification of a higher-level component can be designed in the same way as the corresponding specifications of the lower-level components. Checking the above conditions for mapping function can easily be achieved.

Concerning the consistency between specifications at different hierarchy levels, the usual proof obligations for contract-based design [4] can be applied. The specified behavior in lower-level modes must refine the behavior of their associated higher-level modes. As a consequence, it is required to prove that the behavior in all operating modes is correct with respect to the assumed environments and that valid transitions are taken whenever the environment changes. The underlying contract theory allows to check the validity of refinement relations by means of VITs [12].

Virtual integration testing can also be used to check proper interaction of components at the same level with respect to their specifications. For compatibility, we can check whether the composition of multiple components refines the contract (falsetrue). If so, then there is no environment in which the corresponding components interact with each other in a “correct” way. Consistency can be tested by checking refinement of the contract (truefalse), meaning that the composition does not yield a valid implementation.

In order to support engineers in these tasks, automated tool support would be desirable. Therefore, mode-aware analyses are an important prerequisite. To close this gap, the extension of an existing tool prototype [11] that performs simulation-based VITs for SysML models annotated with A/G contracts is work in progress.

Viewed from a certain distance, it becomes clear that the concepts are not only suited for handling timing specifications, but can also be used to formalize safety properties. A first step in this direction was the use of mode-dependent specifications for modeling failure modes and mitigation as part of the requirements of the Model-based Safety Assessment and Traceability (MobSTr) dataset [30], which is available on GitHub.Footnote 1 The results have recently been published in [2] together with the presentation of prototypical tool support for this kind of specifications.

For most specification formalisms hold that verification is expensive for larger system designs. Contract-based design, on the other hand, enables managing complexity through a divide-and-conquer strategy along component hierarchies. Virtual integration testing ensures that higher-level specifications are satisfied if their composites do so, thus allowing to split verification tasks into smaller pieces. Contracts as a mean of requirement specification can be combined with modeling languages such as MATLAB/Simulink and statecharts [21, 23] in order to check contract satisfaction. Contracts as formal specifications are able to cover different functional, timing, and safety aspects in industrially relevant applications [17, 24, 25]. Besides tool support in the form of generalized verification engines such as UPPAAL [3] and SPIN [16], specialized tools like OCRA [9] exist.

8 Conclusion

The presented approach enables a consistent handling of operating modes, mode transitions, and mode-dependent behavior in contract-based design. In contrast with related work, we performed the extensions on pattern level, which enables the use of timed traces to characterize system behavior and facilitates seamless integration into an existing framework. The concepts allow a comprehensive consideration of timing aspects of mode-based systems and help to reduce verification complexity. In the future, we aim to investigate additional specification patterns and provide tool support for automated analyses.