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MixStyle Neural Networks for Domain Generalization and Adaptation

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International Journal of Computer Vision Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Neural networks do not generalize well to unseen data with domain shifts—a longstanding problem in machine learning and AI. To overcome the problem, we propose MixStyle, a simple plug-and-play, parameter-free module that can improve domain generalization performance without the need to collect more data or increase model capacity. The design of MixStyle is simple: it mixes the feature statistics of two random instances in a single forward pass during training. The idea is grounded by the finding from recent style transfer research that feature statistics capture image style information, which essentially defines visual domains. Therefore, mixing feature statistics can be seen as an efficient way to synthesize new domains in the feature space, thus achieving data augmentation. MixStyle is easy to implement with a few lines of code, does not require modification to training objectives, and can fit a variety of learning paradigms including supervised domain generalization, semi-supervised domain generalization, and unsupervised domain adaptation. Our experiments show that MixStyle can significantly boost out-of-distribution generalization performance across a wide range of tasks including image recognition, instance retrieval and reinforcement learning. The source code is released at

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Fig. 1
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The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available in the project’s github repository,




  3. We follow the original train/test split in each dataset for evaluation.



  6. We do not use batch normalization or dropout because they are detrimental to the performance, as suggested by Igl et al. (Igl et al., 2019).


  8. Note that for fair comparison we only select the baselines that share a similar implementation including the model architecture.


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Zhou, K., Yang, Y., Qiao, Y. et al. MixStyle Neural Networks for Domain Generalization and Adaptation. Int J Comput Vis 132, 822–836 (2024).

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