1 Introduction

With the continuous development of mobile wireless communications and the Internet-of-Things (IoT), cities are becoming smarter, for example, autonomous vehicles with high mobility are becoming a reality. The number of connected and/or autonomous vehicles on the road is anticipated to increase substantially in the coming years [1]. These vehicles and users have versatile resource requirements in terms of computing, communication and storage and in most cases are extremely latency-sensitive. These create new challenges on resource-constrained communication networks [2]. Mobile edge computing (MEC) [3, 4] is considered a promising approach that integrates edge servers into communication network facilities such as base stations (BSs) or roadside units (RSUs). This enables users with quick access to computation and data storage resources. Moreover, edge servers can also be integrated into the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) base stations [5] to further improve flexibility and radio coverage for supporting remote areas hence enabling ubiquitous service provisioning.

The deployment of MEC brings cloud services closer to the users and significantly reduces service access latency [6]. Nevertheless, serving highly mobile users such as vehicles requires careful planning and updating the placement of edge services, because such users are likely to be moving away from the associated edge servers due to their mobility. Hence, without timely migration of provision quality might be degraded resulting e.g., not corresponding edge services, and slower response times for latency-sensitive applications [7].

To address this issue, the service needs to migrate to a new service location to enable the user to maintain the advantages of MEC and the QoS of future communication networks (Fig. 1). In contrast to the cellular handover, the users in service migration can continue receiving service from original edge servers when no longer connected to the original base stations. Because a remote edge server can communicate with users through currently associated base stations and backhaul networks, the edge service can be migrated to any potential edge server. Cellular handover is often decided by signal strengths and must occur when the original base station signal does not satisfy users. It has a smaller decision space than service migration.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of service migration application scenario

Service migration decreases the transmission latency between the user and the edge server hosting its service. Nevertheless, it can also incur extra service interruption, energy consumption and network overhead. Therefore, further investigations are required to evaluate when and where to migrate the service to achieve a balance between “migration cost” and “transmission cost”. In addition, the migration process may cause unprecedented vulnerabilities and flaws in the MEC environment, e.g., malicious code injection attacks, and violations of privacy in terms of location and usage patterns, making it one of the weakest phases of MEC [8]. Secure service migration thus becomes an important requirement for vehicle edge service continuity, hence the trade-off between security, energy consumption and latency of service migration should be further investigated.

In recent years, various research efforts have been made on the development of dynamic service migration strategies for mobile users. For instance, one-dimensional (1-D) environment migration strategies were first proposed in [9]. They constructed the migration decision processes as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) that enable predict users’ next move. They thus developed corresponding migration strategies and addressed users’ mobility challenges during service migration. However, in these approaches, migration strategies are based on 1-D MDPs and clients are considered to only move straight ahead. Two-dimensional (2-D) mobility MDP migration strategy was then presented in [10]. It approximates the underlying state space via the distance between the user and the location of the service. User’s movement in a 2-D space thus can be anticipated. However, it acts as a 1-D service migration strategy essentially, where the error increases as the operational distance of the vehicle increases and is also unable to change strategy in real time according to network conditions. In future communication systems, the networks that employ UAVs become more sophisticated dynamic three-dimensional (3-D) networks. Hence, the development of a more accurate, secure and energy-efficient 3-D environmental dynamic migration strategy is more necessary to enable real-time service provisioning in such a fast changing environment. Further, to the best of our knowledge, few investigations have considered a specific security measure and its cost in 3-D network dynamic service migration.

To address these urgent needs, a novel blockchain technology based energy-efficient secure service migration framework is proposed to ensure the security of 3-D service migration. Based on the proposed framework, a general reliability value calculation scheme for intelligent autonomous nodes is designed to decrease the energy consumption of the presented framework. Furthermore, a new 3-D communication network service migration strategy is proposed that optimally the security cost and energy consumption of a service migration system while guaranteeing a low migration delay. The corresponding dynamic optimisation problem is then expressed as an MDP with the same general reliability value formula as we proposed for intelligent autonomous nodes to enable quantifying of the migration cost. Finally, an efficient deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based scheduling algorithm is developed to solve this optimisation problem.

The main contributions of this paper are summarised as follows.

(1) We propose a novel energy-efficient secure service migration framework for 3-D communication networks based on blockchain that improves the security, reliability and energy efficiency of service migration between the MEC servers.

(2) We present a universal intelligent autonomous nodes reliability assessment approach that considers nodes’ security and efficiency. We further apply this approach to the suggested framework and service migration selection strategy to improve network efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

(3) A 3-D dynamic service migration strategy is also proposed which considers UAV base stations. This strategy is modelled as an MDP in which a service migration reward function considers security, energy consumption and quality-of-service (QoS) when migrating services. The optimal service migration strategy is obtained using the DRL approach.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the existing research findings related to this work. We then introduce the security system model in Sect. 3 and the reliable value formula in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, the migration strategy for 3-D vehicle networks is introduced. The performance of the proposed mechanism and method are then evaluated and analyzed by simulations in Sect. 6. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sect. 7.

For easy reference, the main parameters used throughout this paper are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Notation definition

2 Related works

2.1 Service migration strategies

Several existing works are focused on latency reduction for making implementing service migration decisions. An early effective migration mechanism was proposed in [11], which implies the service always follows with the user, i.e., “always migration”. In [12], a short-sighted strategy to determine whether to migrate the service based on the current service condition of the user called “myopic” was presented. None of the above works however consider users’ mobility prediction. As mentioned before, the authors in [9] first proposed a 1-D service migration moving model based on 1-D MDP and demonstrated the presence of an optimal threshold policy to optimize the total cost of service migration. However, these strategies could not be adapted to more complex multidimensional scenarios. S. Wang et al. in [10] extended the application scenario to 2-D mobility space using the distance-based MDP they presented to develop a more general and efficient service migration strategy. They further described a general cost model based on distance and introduced a mathematical framework to achieve the best migration strategy. Moreover, they also examined the application of the proposed 2-D migration algorithm using the real date of the San Francisco taxi movement. The error however increases with environmental changes and the distance travelled by taxi since distance-based MDP is 1-D MDP essentially. Similar 2-D service migration was further investigated in [13] and [14].

The migration energy consumption and latency balance have been also investigated. For instance, [15] proposed a migration energy consumption model. Further, this model however favours the transfer of uncompleted tasks of users rather than service migration. [16] took a similar energy consumption model as [15] and used deep Q network (DQN) to estimate the optimal migration policy. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as DQN have been used in recent years to enhance the ability of migration optimization models. A DQN method is presented in [17] that lower latency service migration strategies can be obtained compared to dynamic programming. The service can only choose to migrate to the client’s current location server rather than the most suitable server that may exist in the path. The strategies in this method are sub-optimal. Similarly, [18] also designed a reward function and used DQN to search for the optimal migration strategy. Nevertheless, none of the above works using the DQN approach mentions user movement patterns and the impact of adopting such a machine learning technique on the node.

2.2 Service migration security

Research on the security of service migration is much less investigated than that of optimising migration strategy. For instance [19] brought the cost of security into the service migration decision making in terms of distance, but only an approximate model of the safety costs was incorporated. Similarly, [20] introduced a platform of trust credentials, which does not require an active third party, and ensures service migration to a trusted cloud platform. However, no results were presented to support their framework to ensure their platform is secure enough. [21] suggested blockchain could be used to tackle the trust issue in the migration of entities in different domains but did not provide specific measures for implementation. In addition, none of the introduced security frameworks take into account the energy consumption associated with security measures.

3 System model

In this section, we present the proposed migration framework based on the blockchain system in detail.

3.1 Migration model

We consider a user moving in a 2-D geographic zone accessing randomly distributed fixed/UAV-assisted edge cloud servers. These servers are distributed in a 3-D space. All possible locations of the user consist of set L, where L is a finite set that can be arbitrarily large. In each time slot, the user location \(\textit{l}\in \textit{L}\) can be represented as a 2-D vector as it moves in a 2-D space, i.e., (ab). In addition, we assume each user’s location has an edge facility that can provide services in the cellular network, and the user’s location and the 2-D vectors (i.e., height is 0) of the edge facility are overlapping. Thus, \( \Vert l_1-l_2\Vert \) is as the distance between \(l_1\) and \(l_2\). Note that the distance metric is not the Euclidean distance but the number of hops from one edge facility to another. To facilitate differentiation, we denote the user’s location at the time slot t as \(\mu _t=(a_{\mu },b_{\mu })\vert c_{\mu }\), where \(c_{\mu }\) is the height of users, and \(c_{\mu }=0\). Similarly, the location of the current service facility at the time slot t can be represented as \(h_t=(a_h,b_h)\vert c_h\). Therefore, we use \(s_t=\{\mu _t,h_t\}\) to indicate the real-time status of the system and the next time status is \(s_{t+1}=\{\mu _{t+1},h_{t+1}\}\).

According to the Markov mobility model, the users’ positions remain fixed for the duration of a time slot and only change from one time slot to the next. The time slot model is similar to the sampling in continuous time, where the duration of the time slot can be variable. At the beginning of each time slot, the edge facility has the following two options:

1) Migrate service from \(h_t\) to other appropriate location \(h_t^{'}\), which will result in a migration cost M and security cost B (details are elaborated in the subsequent section). Migration cost M is defined as non-zero service interruption time similar to [22, 23]. It is related to the size of the server’s random access memory (RAM) and the available bandwidth [24, 25]. As each migration entails a certain cost, we assume that it is also related to the number of migrations. We use M(x) to represent total migration cost, where \(x=\Vert h_t-h_t^{'}\Vert \) is the distance between \(h_t\) and \(h_t^{'}\). After completing the migration, the system state changes as \(s_t^{'}=\{\mu _t,h_t^{'}\}\), and the next time slot service location is \(h_{t+1}=h_t^{'}\).

2) No service migration. State maintained at \(s_t=\{\mu _t,h_t\}\) and the next time slot state \(s_{t+1}\) will be changed as \(\{\mu _{t+1},h_{t+1}=h_t\}\), hence no migration cost.

However, if a user is not at the location of the current service facility, there also exists a data transmission cost of T after possible migration. In general, in a 2-D geographical space, transmission cost is distance-dependent and can capture the delay of data transmission such as transmission delay, propagation delay and queuing delay. It can be defined as T(y), where y is the distance between the user location and the current service location. In traditional 2D service migration, y is calculated as the number of hops between the user location and the current service location, i.e., \(\Vert h_t^{'}-\mu _t\Vert \). Furthermore, queuing delay represents the time a user requests in the request queue to queue in line for a free resource. It is sensible to assume that more users in the same base station range may have more service requests resulting in higher queuing delays and transmission costs. Since UAV-assisted base station has wider coverage and may serve more clients at the same time. Therefore, the distance y in 3-D scenarios can be rewritten as:

$$\begin{aligned} y=d+\sum _{i=1}^{e}\alpha c_i, \end{aligned}$$

where d and e are the numbers of fixed base stations and UAV-assisted base stations in the route respectively. We have \(d+e=\Vert h_t^{'}-\mu _t\Vert \) in 3-D scenarios. Further, in Eq. (1), \(\alpha \) is the weighting parameter and \(c_i\) is the height of UAVs. As UAV-based base stations provide a larger coverage area hence requiring longer propagation distances and serving more users. These characteristics are merely due to the addition of the UAV altitude parameter. The change in altitude can thus affect the propagation delay and the transmission delay. Moreover, it is shown that for service migration, the major factors affecting the migration delay are the transmission and propagation delays. Therefore, we only consider the height parameters in this paper to fit the 3-D service migration scenario and to reduce the modelling complexity.

Moreover, we assume that the time spent due to transmission and migration costs is much less than that of the length of each time slot. Therefore, the costs do not vary with the duration of the time slot.

Fig. 2
figure 2

PBFT algorithm operating under normal conditions [29]

3.2 Blockchain system

Blockchain provides significant protection of customer privacy and security. However, commonly used proof based blockchain consensus mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) have high energy consumption, long transaction confirmation latency and low throughput [26]. Thus, in our energy-efficient secure migration framework, we employ the Practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) consensus mechanism that is well suited for IoT as it offers low computational power and complexity [27, 28].

In the proposed framework, all blockchain nodes consist of edge facilities. The total number of nodes is k. These nodes are divided into two types: a primary node and a backup node. The primary node is responsible for assigning serial numbers to the client’s transaction requests and forwarding them to the backup node. The backup nodes are responsible for performing the requests according to the serial numbers assigned by the primary node, checking the legitimacy of the serial numbers, and using a timeout mechanism to monitor whether the primary node is an anomaly. In addition, the maximum number of fault-tolerant nodes is defined as f, where \(3f+1<k\) [29].

The main consensus process of the PBFT algorithm is divided into 3 phases (Fig. 2): pre-prepare, prepare, and commit [29]. During the pre-prepare phase, after receiving a request from the client, the primary node assigns a serial number to the request and broadcasts a "pre-prepare" message to all backup nodes. As soon as a backup node recognizes the serial number assigned by the primary node and accepts the "pre-prepare" message, this backup node enters the prepare phase. In the prepare phase, the backup node sends a "prepare" message to all nodes and each node receives "prepare" messages from the other nodes. Upon receiving 2f "prepare" messages (including itself) that match the "pre-prepare" message, the backup node enters the third phase and the request is considered prepared. Meanwhile, the backup node broadcasts a network-wide "commit" message and the request moves to the committed state and is processed upon receiving no less than \(k-f\) authenticated messages (including itself). The result of the operation is returned to the client and stored in the local status database.

If the primary node is in an abnormal condition, or running slow, the primary node is changed. We name this primary node change process as “view change” and a primary node effective time is a "view". In view change progress, all backup nodes broadcast the view change message and the number of communications is \((k-1)^{2}\). When a “view change” is confirmed, the primary node announces a view change confirmation message to all backup nodes, which passes \(k-1\) messages. We assume each node has the same communication condition. The transmission rate of a single communication therefore can be denoted by

$$\begin{aligned} r=B_{0}log_{2}({1+\frac{p_{0}h_{0}}{{\sigma }_0} }), \end{aligned}$$

where \(B_{0}\) is the bandwidth, \(p_{0}\) is the transmission power, \(h_{0}\) is the channel gain and \({\sigma }_0\) is the channel noise. Therefore we can consider that the number of communications in the network is proportional to the energy consumption of the network.

Normally, in the original PBFT, other nodes elect a new leader based on the sequence of the nodes, following:

$$\begin{aligned} primaryId=v \bmod k, \end{aligned}$$

where v is the reference number of views, primaryId is the reference number of nodes and mod is modular arithmetic. In this setting, each node has an equivalent probability of acting as a primary node. Nevertheless, it does not take into account the real operational capacity and security of the node. This increases the likelihood of view changes. Hence introducing additional communication consumption and latency.

4 Reliability value calculation in blockchain-enabled service migration systems

4.1 Reliability value calculation

For secure and energy-efficient communication, the blockchain node with a high level of processing capacity and security should be chosen as the primary node. Many similar scenarios also exist in future IoT networks aimed at finding more reliable nodes. These reliability nodes usually have better operating speed, available resources and security. We, therefore, propose a universal reliability node evaluation method jointly considering node operating speed, available resources and security for future IoT networks. The evaluation value of each node is defined as the node’s reliability value. The reliability value \(T_r\) can be thus expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} T_r=T_oT_s, \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_o>0\) and \(T_s>0\) are the operating speed value, and available resources and security value of the node respectively.

Node operating speed is normally determined by both the node hardware and the node algorithms used, we have

$$\begin{aligned} T_o=\beta T_h+(1-\beta )T_c, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta \) is the weight parameter. \(T_h>0\) is the node hardware performance value that depends on the processing unit’s cycles. Since the values are used for numerical evaluation without a unit, we only select numerical values when the unit is in Gcycles/s, which is generally less than 10. \(T_c>0\) is the value related to algorithms used by the node. As the whole node algorithms are numerous and mostly not independent of each other. This is however difficult and unrealistic to consider them all for a universal node evaluation. Fortunately, the ubiquitous AI will assist and enable IoT nodes as intelligent autonomous nodes in the future IoT network. Furthermore, AI and machine learning techniques are anticipated to be one of the main algorithms applied in intelligent autonomous nodes. Machine learning techniques, especially deep learning techniques represent to a great extent the processing capability of intelligent autonomous nodes. We hence denote \(T_c\) as the value associated with the machine learning algorithms used by the node.

Generally, a good machine learning algorithm for humans should consider the following domains [30]: accuracy, appropriate data and algorithm, robustness, privacy protection, context awareness, subjectivity and computational overhead. Obviously, some domains such as accuracy and robustness can be judged by running and understanding the algorithm itself. Other domains such as context-awareness and subjectivity are up to the users to judge after the experience. Therefore, we define the \(T_c\) calculation formula as:

$$\begin{aligned} T_c=\gamma O_v+(1-\gamma )S_v, \end{aligned}$$

where \(O_v\) is the algorithm objective value and \(S_v\) is the subjective value judged by humans, which is adjusted by coefficient \(\gamma \). Here we can define \(O_v\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} O_v=\frac{1}{N} \sum _{m_{n}\in m_N}^{}\frac{a_{m_n}r_{m_n}d_{m_n}}{\Omega _{g_n} \omega _{m_n}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(m_n\in \{m_1,m_2,...,m_N\}\) represents the evaluated machine learning model in an intelligent autonomous node. \(a_{m_n}\) is a accuracy indicator in [0, 1], which means the model \(m_n\)’s accuracy after training with appropriate labels. \(r_{m_n}\in [0,1]\) denote the node robustness, indicating the accuracy after the algorithm withstanding a degree of attack. \(d_{m_n}\in [0,1]\) measures the appropriateness of the training data, the larger number implies the more perfect the data set. It can be quantified based on the real-time training label situation, such as data balance situation and independent and identically distributed situation.

In addition, we adopt the model complexity[31] as the denominator to denote the computational overhead of the node. Complexity indicates, to some extent, how fast an algorithm can be operated. Different from run time, complexity is not judged in relation to hardware and is more aligned with our evaluation of the algorithm itself. Furthermore, the provenance of reasoning (e.g., which data features caused which decisions) is also one of the key concerns for artificial intelligence implementation. Simpler models enable better emotional judgement of nodes by humans. In the formula, \(g_n\) is the model type of \(m_n\) and \(\omega _{m_n}\) quantifies the structural complexity for the model (such as the number of neurons in deep learning, and depth in decision trees). \(\Omega \) is a complexity indicator.

The subjective value parameter \(S_v\) is determined by the sense from human perception of the advantages and disadvantages of intelligence in a 6 G environment. We can express this by

$$\begin{aligned} S_v=\frac{1}{\Gamma N} {\textstyle \sum \limits _{\kappa _\Gamma \in \Gamma }^{} \sum \limits _{m_{n}\in m_N}^{} p_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}e_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}s_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Gamma \) is the number of participants, \(\kappa _\Gamma =\{\kappa _1,\kappa _2...\kappa _\Gamma \}\), \(p_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}\), \(e_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}\) and \(s_{\kappa _\Gamma m_n}\) represent the privacy-preserving ability, the context-awareness, and the overall subjective perception of model \(m_n\) as judged by user \(\kappa \), respectively.

In addition, to determine the real-time security, efficiency and available computing resources of the node, we utilize node energy level as available resources and security value to help determine if there is a problem with a node or not. In cases where nodes are maliciously intruded or malicious nodes launch a malicious attack, they normally consume a large amount of energy. When a node has a high workload to cope with, the energy consumption ratio is also greater. We define the residual energy \(E_{res}\) and total energy level \(E_{tot}\). The value \(T_s\) is given by

$$\begin{aligned} {T_s}= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{E_{res}}{E_{tot}}, &{}{\text {if}}\ \frac{E_{res}}{E_{tot}}>\zeta ,\\ {0,}&{}{\text {otherwise,}} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where \(\zeta \) is the security energy threshold. The node is insecure upon falling below the threshold. The node is also considered to be unreliable in this case. We can therefore obtain the approach to evaluate the reliability node, which is denoted as

$$\begin{aligned} {T_r}= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\beta T_h+(1-\beta )T_c)T_s), &{}{\text {if}}\ T_s>\zeta ,\\ {0,}&{}{\text {otherwise.}} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Complexity analysis

For the reliability value evaluation complexity, since it does not vary with variables, we can have the complexity as O(1). Therefore, in this subsection, we discuss the number of basic executions while integrating the proposed reliability value in PBFT.

Based on Sect. 3.2, we have the total number of passed messages after completing the three-phase consensus process, z, is

$$\begin{aligned} z=2k^{2}-2k. \end{aligned}$$

In addition, We assume the probability of view change in a time slot is p. The total number of communications V for a given probability p of view changes thus is

$$\begin{aligned} V=z+pk(k-1)=2k^{2}-2k+pk(k-1). \end{aligned}$$

In our proposed framework, a new leader selection is based on “reliability value”. All backup nodes should broadcast the view change message and the reliability values of neighbouring nodes during the view change. It is used to elect the node with higher operational speed and better security to reduce p, so as to avoid potential threats and extra energy consumption. Therefore, the addition of the reliability value increases the number of calculations k but saves communication consumption of \(pk(k-1)\).

5 Optimal policy for offset-based MDP

In the following section, we elaborate on how to develop an optimal service migration strategy for mobile users in a 3-D environment considering security, energy and QoS.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example of a 3-tier 2-D model on hexagon cells [10]

5.1 Control decisions and costs

As previously stated (Sect. III-A), in each time slot, servers have the following two choices: service migration or no migration. Whichever choice is made, it may bring a certain amount of cost. We define the migration cost, M(x), and the transmission cost, T(y), according to migration distance x and transmission distance y, as the following:

$$\begin{aligned} {M(x)}= & {} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, &{}{\text {if}}\ x=0,\\ {(\frac{1}{\mu _t}+\delta )bx,}&{}{\text {if}}\ x>0, \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {T(y)}\triangleq & {} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, &{}{\text {if}}\ x=0,\\ {\rho _c+\rho _l\theta ^y,}&{}{\text {if}}\ y>0, \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where T(y) is a general non-decreasing function defined in the form of constant plus exponent to match to transmission cost. This comparable transmission cost is widely used in service migration decision making [16, 18]. Thus \(\rho _c\), \(\rho _l\), and \(\theta \) are real-valued parameters. Further, \(\delta \) is also a real-valued parameter related to the server’s RAM. \(\mu _t\) is the available bandwidth of the target server and b is the conversion parameter indicating the relationship between bandwidth and latency. That is because the cost of migration is dependent on the size of the server’s RAM and its available bandwidth. Changes in the RAM size have little effect on latency and energy consumption, so it is generally set as a constant value [32]. Differently, as the available bandwidth increases, the migration time and energy consumption decrease exponentially and eventually approach a constant value [24, 25]. For the sake of simplicity, hereafter we assume that the relationship between migration cost and the available bandwidth follows \(1/\mu _t\).

However, since blockchain was employed to secure services during migration, the security costs resulting from the blockchain cannot be ignored, which is

$$\begin{aligned} B(x)=\vartheta x, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\vartheta \) is a constant with the unit in second, which represents the migration delays caused by blockchain in each service migration. That is because it is shown in blockchain systems based on PBFT [33] that the latency for per-block generation remains almost constant at around one second for a limited transaction capacity. Also, the transaction capacity is much larger than the number of transactions per second in our range of service migration. Thus, the overall cost (unit in seconds) for a one-time slot can be denoted by

$$\begin{aligned} C=M(x)+B(x)+T(y), \end{aligned}$$

5.2 Off-set based MDP

As clients move in a 2-D geographical area, we consider a hexagonal cell structure, where the user fits a uniform 2-D random walk Markov mobility model in an infinite space to approximate real-world movement trajectory. We define the tier \(N=\{1,2...n\}\) as an application-specific maximum allowed distance and \(d_t\) as the number of hops between the user and the service before possible migration. We always perform migration when \(d_t>N\), so that we only focus on states \(d_t<N\). The relation between N and the total number of nodes is

$$\begin{aligned} O(N)=\frac{6N(N+1)}{2}+1. \end{aligned}$$

The number of nodes in the tier n is

$$\begin{aligned} O(n)=6n. \end{aligned}$$

Assume that moving to one of six neighbours with probability r and staying in the same cell with probability \(1-6r\). In all previous research, a user was only considered to have three movement options based on approximation by distance-based MDP when \(tier>0\). Stay at the same tier, move to a lower tier, and move to a higher tier with the probability of \(1-4r\), 1.5r, and 2.5r separately. Because the probability of moving to a lower tier is either r or 2r, while to a lower tier is either 2r or 3r, averaging the probabilities yields. Obviously, the results become increasingly inaccurate as the movement time increases. It’s not suitable for more complex 3-D communication networks.

We assume the client has seven options for movement. If the client is not at (0,0), there are two different location types of nodes. One type includes the node such as (1,1), which has a probability movement of r moving to a lower tier and a probability movement of 3r moving to a higher tier. The other type is the node like (2,1), which has a probability movement of 2r moving to a lower tier and a probability movement of 2r moving to a higher tier. We thus introduce polar coordinates to determine the location type of the node. As mentioned earlier, the 2-D vector of each node can be represented as (ab). Here, a is the number of tiers at the location of the node, and b is the location number within each tier. Assuming the node coordinates (ab) are labelled as in Fig. 3. Since nodes in n=1 are all the first type, when \(n>2\), if the result of \(\frac{\frac{2\pi j}{n}}{\frac{2\pi }{n-1}}\) is an integer, then the node is the first type or the second. And state in \(n+1\) or \(n-1\) can also be identified by the answer of \(\frac{\frac{2\pi j}{n}}{\frac{2\pi }{n-1}}\). In addition, the distance between two states can be denoted by

$$\begin{aligned} \psi =\sqrt{n_1^2-2n_1n_1cos(\varphi _1-\varphi _2)+n_2^2}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varphi \) is the angle in the polar coordinate, obtained from state j times \(\frac{2pi j}{n}\).

5.3 Optimal solution

We model the service migration policy as MDP. As the state in one time slot t is \(s_t=\{u_t,h_t\}\) that \(s_{(t+1)}=\{u_{(t+1)},h_{(t+1)}\}\) is for the next time slot \(t+1\). After the action a choose the newest service location \(h_t^{'}\), \(x=\Vert h_t-h_t^{'}\Vert \) and the number of hops between the user and the service \(d_t=\Vert \mu _t-h_t^{'}\Vert \). Therefore, the cost in this time slot t is \(M(x)+B(x)+T(y)\), where \(d+e\) in (1) is \(h_t^{'}\), which gives y. However, there may be more than one shortest transmission path in the cell network between \(h_t\) and \(h_t^{'}\) and any of them can be chosen. For convenience, the probability of a node being UAV-assisted on the transmission path is the same as the probability of the random distribution of UAVs in that small region.

As for service quality, the edge facility in which the user is located may be the best choice. However, there may be insufficient service capacity, excessive load and questionable security for the target edge server. Therefore, the above issues should also be considered as important factors before developing a migration decision. Our suggested method for calculating reliability value in edge nodes is also well suited to serve as a judging criterion. Services should be migrated to a location with higher reliability value and lower cost. Thus, we have the migration server selection instant reward function as

$$\begin{aligned} R=\iota T_n-\eta C, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\iota \) and \(\eta \) are weighting parameters. Further, C denotes the value in units of seconds.

The objective of the proposed mobility service migration approach is to maximizes long-term expected rewards from the initial state, which can be denoted by

$$\begin{aligned} V^{*}(s_0)= \max V_\pi (s_0), \ \ \forall {s_0} \end{aligned}$$

where \(V^{*}(s_0)\) is the long-term expected rewards generated by the strategy \(\pi \) and initial state \(s_0\). The maximisation problem can be solved utilizing the Bellman equation, which can be shown as

$$\begin{aligned} V^{*}(s_0)=\mathop {\max \limits _{a}\{R(s_0,a)+\gamma {\textstyle \sum \limits _{s_1\in L*L}^{}P(s_1\vert s_0,a)V^{*}(s_1)} \}},\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

where \(0<\gamma <1\) is the discount factor. \(R(s_0,a)\) denotes the instant reward function when take the action a at the state s. In (21), \(P(s_1\vert s_0,a)\) is the transition probability from \(s_0\) to \(s_1\).

Deep Q network (DQN) [34] is one of the popular reinforcement learning methods. It uses deep neural networks to approximate state-action value \(Q(s,a;\theta )\), where \(\theta \) is the weight vector of deep neurons. So that it can find the optimal approximate action and solve (22). It is ideally suited to solve the problem of oversized state and action values in MDPs. Hence, in this work, we adopt the DQN approach to search for the optimal solution for our proposed complex 3-D service migration strategy. The pseudocode of our dynamic service migration algorithm based on DQN is shown in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1
figure f

3-D dynamic service migration strategy based DQN

6 Numerical evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed solutions under different parameter settings. We consider the following schemes first: 1) clients follow the random walk model with parameter \(r=0.15\) and maximum service range \(N=4\); 2) the UAV height is taken as the average value in the range; 3) in the blockchain system, the blocks generated have the same size and the frequency of generating blocks is the same.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Sum cost with different proportions of UAV in the network: a 0%, b 30%, c 60%

Table 2 Algorithm objective value evaluation

We first evaluate the impact of UAVs-assisted base station ratios and migration cost on service migration decisions. The discount factor \(\gamma \) of DQN is set as 0.9 and the batch size is set as 128. Further, the initial \(\epsilon \) and final \(\epsilon \) are set as 0.6 and 0.01, respectively. The transmission cost function parameters are selected as \(\rho _c=-4\), \(\rho _l=4\), \(\theta =1.03\), where \(\rho _c+\rho _l=0\) means there is no constant portion in the cost function. Moreover, the migration is considered to be performed with the same and sufficient available bandwidth, the migration cost and security cost can therefore be equal to \((\vartheta + \delta )x\). Because of the complexity of the 3-D service migration environment, no other suitable strategy decision algorithm is available at this time. Therefore, the suggested solution is compared to some conventional migration strategies, including never migration and always migration, where always migration was proposed in [35]. Since the myopic method [12] results in the same results as never migration in the service range \((N<5)\), this paper does not additionally show its results. It is noteworthy that the experimental results are derived from the average of 20 randomly generated similar clients’ walk routes in time slot \(t=6\).

Figure 4 demonstrates the comparison of migration cost versus sum cost for different migration policies. It is seen that the sum cost of always migration outperforms never migrate when the per migration cost is little. Nevertheless, as the block size grows or available bandwidth reduces, the sum cost of always migration increases exponentially following with the increase of per migration cost and surpasses the sum cost of never migrate. Interestingly, our proposed strategy achieves optimal results in various network conditions, which decreases the sum cost. Moreover, with the increasing proportion of the network’s UAVs, the sum cost of our proposed solution gets closer to the cost of always migration, when the always migration has a lower cost than always transmission. That due to as the ratio of UAVs increases, the per transmission cost grows resulting in increased costs associated with the transmission when migrating services. Nevertheless, our proposed method still saves at most almost 20% of energy simultaneously over the baseline method with a 60% UAV ratio.

We then investigate the trust value evaluation scheme. We use the common MNIST dataset that was first introduced by LeCun et al. [36] and assume the training label is appropriate enough, i.e., \(d=1\). Since different deep learning algorithms have different complexity indicators, we set the DNN complexity indicator \(\Omega \) to \(\Omega =\sum _{n}^{N} \varphi /100\), where N is the hidden layer number and \(\varphi \) is the neuron number of each hidden layer. In addition, 100 is the number of reference neurons, which can be changed according to the model. The accuracy of the test set is shown in the table. Specifically, we used the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) [37] to construct attacks against DNN and thus derive algorithmic robustness. FGSM is one of the most straightforward and powerful adversarial attacks, which makes the DNN believe that the new input is safe by applying some small perturbations to the input instances without changing the training instances.

In Table 2, the objective trust value of the deep neural network (DNN) was utilised by DQN to demonstrate our reliability value evaluation scheme. As shown in Table 2, as the number of hidden layers increases, the accuracy and complexity increase but the robustness decrease, and therefore the objective value change. Thus, more accurate, faster, more robust and less complex algorithms can achieve higher value, which is in accordance with the expectations of a good algorithm. This provides a criterion for selecting the reliable intelligent autonomous node algorithm.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Bandwidth consumption versus number of nodes

Fig. 6
figure 6

Migration delay versus number of nodes

In Figs. 5 and 6, we illustrate how the number of nodes in the blockchain system affects the bandwidth and migration cost separately. We analyze the number of communications in the blockchain system to bandwidth consumption. Because the bandwidth consumption of a blockchain system increases exponentially as the number of nodes increases [38] and the consumption is 0 when the number of nodes is 1. Function (3) is suitable to liken the bandwidth consumption.

Figure 5 demonstrates that the bandwidth consumption grows with the number of nodes. It is seen that a lower probability of node conversion consistently enables a lower bandwidth consumption. The bandwidth consumption differential increases with the number of nodes, which directly affects the remaining available bandwidth per node.

Then in Fig. 6, we set the conversion parameter \(b=1\), the total bandwidth is 10 Mbps and nodes consume 500 bits per communication. As shown in Fig. 6, as the number of nodes increases, the migration latency increases slowly and then rapidly. This is because the increase in nodes leads to more bandwidth for security, resulting in increased migration costs and insufficient bandwidth significantly increases migration latency. Choosing the appropriate maximum service range N therefore also needs to be considered in a realistic scenario. Furthermore, the additional bandwidth consumption caused by under-ability or under-secured primary nodes increases the cost of migration. Similar to the trend seen in Fig. 6. Thus, reliability value is necessary to be considered in primary node selection to decrease p so that reduces the bandwidth and migration consumption.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a blockchain-enabled energy-efficient secure migration framework in a 3-D communication environment where we studied the service migration decision optimisation problem. In particular, we presented a generalized intelligent autonomous node reliability calculation to improve system performance. To satisfy the client experience we modelled the service migration decision problem as an MDP and jointly optimised the cost of security, energy and service. A DRL algorithm was developed to handle the 3-D MDP problem, which can make nodes more reliable. Our results confirmed that intelligent autonomous node reliability effectively improves system performance and energy efficiency.