Correction: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2022) 25:421–429

In the original publication of the article, Figs. 5 and 6 are revised due to unit notation error as given in this correction.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Average costs of infectious waste disposal by general and psychiatric hospitals (reporting in kg or L) over a 12-month period (from April 2015 to March 2016)-box and whisker plot is depicted, where maximum and minimum values are restricted to 1.5 times the interquartile range, and potential outliers that fall outside these ranges and indicated as dots outside the area of the box. The maximum and minimum IW disposal cost in general and psychiatric hospitals that report in kg was 2.01 US$/kg and 0.29 US$/kg, and 1.77 US$/kg and 0.36 US$/kg, respectively, while in general and psychiatric hospitals that report in L, the costs were 0.75 US$/L and 0.08 US$/L, and 1.08 US$/L and 0.12 US$/L, respectively

Fig. 6
figure 6

The average IW disposal cost per hospital over the 12-month study period. Bar graph is depicted showing the disposal cost of general (solid) and psychiatric (cross-hatched) hospitals that report IW in kilograms (grey bars) and liters (white bars). The prefectures in which the hospitals are located are indicated by numbers above the bars: Okinawa (47), Miyazaki (45), Oita (44), Kumamoto (43), Nagasaki (42), Fukuoka (40), Chiba (12), Gunma (10); Tochigi (9), Ibaraki (8), Fukushima (7), Yamagata (6), Iwate (3), Aomori (2), and Hokkaido (1). There are a total of 47 prefectures in Japan, and not all prefectures were included in the study. Prefectures are ordered geographically according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ “National Local Government Code”, with the largest number being southernmost and 1 being northernmost