Correction to: Clinical Oral Investigations

Figure 2 was incorrect in the original published version of this article. Correct figure in presented here.

Fig. 2
figure 1

SEM images of Biodentine (ae) along with AFM images in two views, 3D (a1–e1) and topography (a2–e2). a Non-etch surfaces, gelform structure with globular particles, and some microchannels (mc); a1, a2 microretentive view with a number of concavities and convexities. b Acid-etch surface, eroded surface as squared-shaped (sq) view; b1, b2 surface with microroughness similar to non-etch surface. c Laser-etch 60, gel-form matrix (gm) with crystalline structure (crs), microchannels (mc), reformed globular particles (rgp), and selective loss of matrix in some area; c1, c2 microretentive pattern similar to aid-etch surface. d Laseretch 80 surface, selective loss of surface exposing gelform matrix (gm), an area of crystalline structure (crs) and needle-like crystals (ncrs) with few microchannels (mc), and evident crack (crk); d1, d2 surface irregularities similar to non-etch surface, except of presence of crack. e Laser-etch 100, more loss of some surface and cracked surface with few crystals and needle-like crystal (ncrs), and few microchannels; e1, e2 surface roughness similar to laser-etch 80 and deep crack

The original article has been corrected.