Correction to: European Spine Journal (2023) 32:3547–3560

In page 2, under the heading introduction, in line 11, the value “[3.95–5.83 cm]” has been incorrectly published in the original publication. The complete correct paragraph is given below.


C1 transpedicular screw (C1TS) has been widely utilized in cervical spinal fixation for the satisfactory biomechanical and clinical outcomes, including high stiffness and toggle forces, minimized blood loss, and decreased neurovascular complications; it is a promising alternative to the lateral mass screw. [1–4] For the safe and accurate placement of C1TS, multiple studies have investigated the anatomical characteristics of the atlas and designed ideal insertion trajectories, indicating that the pedicle height, vertical height of posterior arch, height of the midportion of lateral mass (LM), width of the midportion of LM are 3.95–5.83 mm and 4.59–5.52, 12.95–17.52, and 8.68–13.02 mm, respectively. The ideal insertion parameters of the mediolateral angle and length of trajectory were 0.66–9.9° and 27.20–29.65 mm. [5–11] However, the reported parameters varied widely, which could also be unsuitable for an atlas with severe posterior arch variation.

The original article has been corrected.