Correction to: Virchows Archiv

One of the co-author of the below abstract was inadvertently missed in the published version of the Abstracts paper and is now presented below:


Claudin-18 as a surrogate marker for endocervical gastric-type carcinoma

T. Kiyokawa*, L. Hoang, A. Pesci, I. Alvarado-Cabrero, E. Oliva, K.J. Park, R.A. Soslow, S. Stolnicu

*Department of Pathology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan

Background & objectives: Claudin-18 has been shown to be frequently expressed in gastric and pancreatobiliary carcinoma. This study was carried out to investigate whether Claudin-18 could be a surrogate marker to separate endocervical gastric-type carcinoma (GAS) from other types of endocervical adenocarcinoma (ECA).

Methods: ECAs from 7 international institutions were reviewed by apanel of pathologists for consensus histotype based on recently developed International Endocervical Criteria and Classification (IECC). Tissue microarrays were constructed to analyse Claudin-18 expression using immunohistochemistry to simulate assessment in small biopsies. The staining was scored and any staining in > 5% of tumour cells considered as positive.

Results: Of 174 ECAs, 125 were of usual-type, 23 GAS, 7 clear cell and 19 other types. Claudin-18 expression was significantly frequent inGASs (15/23, 65.2%) than in non-GASs (3/151, 2.0%; all usual-type) (p < 0.01). Positive and negative predictive values of Claudin-18 for GAS were 83.3% and 94.9%, respectively. All Claudin-18 positive GASs showed strong and diffuse staining pattern with staining in more than 75% of tumour cells. None of clear cell type showed positivity for Claudin-18.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that Claudin-18 is a promising surrogate marker to separate GAS from other types of ECA, including clear celltype.