With the beginning of 2013, Applied Mathematics & Optimization will return to an editorial format closer to that used at its inception, which is to have several editors-in-chief. This is intended to reflect the relatively broad nature of the journal as spanning applied mathematics and optimization, including stochastic and deterministic systems, modeling, computational aspects and a range of application areas. At the same time, the board has been expanded to reflect areas in which the number of submissions has been growing, targeted areas which are natural for future promising development of the journal and the discipline, as well as to strengthen topics which continue to be of high interest and very active. We hope that these changes will keep the journal well positioned to continue as a resource for the applied mathematics and optimization community.

The under-signed will serve as Editors-in-Chief starting on January 1, 2013. They welcome the new members of the Editorial Board, and they look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the new and continuing members of the Editorial Board.