Correction to: Neurocrit Care

In the original article, Figure 5 has incorrect EEG images and the corrected version is shown below (Fig. 5):

Fig. 5
figure 5

Serial FDG-PET distinguishes electroclinical status epilepticus from infectious encephalitis (patient 5). a MRI of the brain on hospital day 5 demonstrates subtle left mesiotemporal T2 hyperintensity on FLAIR imaging. b FDG-PET on hospital day 4 demonstrates left ventral striatum avidity. c Concomitant cvEEG demonstrates abundant left centrotemporal and temporal lateralized periodic discharges. d Due to refractory interictal findings despite multimodal treatment, an interval MRI was obtained on hospital day 7, demonstrating progressive left temporal T2 hyperintensity. e The patient was burst-suppressed for 24 h, and an interval FDG-PET scan on hospital day 8 demonstrated a persistent FDG-avid focus. f cvEEG confirmed electrographic burst suppression during this interval. g Quantitative FDG-PET standardized uptake values before and during burst suppression, represented as LPR and LICR