Colloid Polym Sci (2004) 282:1133–1139

A few errors appeared in this article. The corrections are as follows:

Equation 3. Must be:

$$ K_{\phi } = \frac{{10^{3} {\left( {\beta _{{\text{S}}} - \beta _{{{\text{S}},0}} } \right)}}} {{m\rho _{0} }} + \beta _{{{\text{S}}{\text{,0}}}} V_{\phi } $$

The correct version of Table 2 is

Table 2 Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities at the cmc and the increase upon micellization estimated from Eqs. (6) and (7)

On page 1136, 2nd column, the sentence has to be changed: The values of \( V^{0}_{\phi } \)and B V for sodium octanoate at different temperatures were ... must be: The values of \( V^{0}_{\phi } \) for sodium octanoate at different temperatures were ...

In the paragraph after Eq. 8, the following sentence was incorrect:

The fluorinated compound exhibits the sigmoidal response characteristic... I should read: The fluorinated compound exhibits a response characteristic...

Here is the correct version of Fig. 5.

figure MO1