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The Place of Strategy and the Spaces of Tactics: Structures, Artifacts, and Power Relations on Sugar Plantations of West Brazil

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Historical Archaeology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Archaeological research on two sugar plantations of the Chapada dos Guimarães region of West Brazil, the engenhos (sugar mills) of Rio da Casca and Água Fria, has provided an opportunity to study the organization and use of these spaces by planters, free laborers, and slaves. Planters organized the plantations according to a rigidly hierarchical model in which the planter’s house was the central location. They distributed European-produced goods among free laborers and slaves, aiming to reaffirm this hierarchical order. Though the slaves, in turn, had to live within this hierarchical system, they were also able to take advantage of opportunities to subvert this space, using it according to their own practices and traditions. In this sense, they invested the locally produced low-fired earthenware with sign-values and symbols related to their African backgrounds. Thus, two sets of discourses were fitted into the same landscape, composing a dialectic that characterized the multicultural space of the plantations.

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Symanski, L.C.P. The Place of Strategy and the Spaces of Tactics: Structures, Artifacts, and Power Relations on Sugar Plantations of West Brazil. Hist Arch 46, 124–148 (2012).

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