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The proposed cases of defensive mimicry of insects and other animals, and animal action mimicry by plants, commonly by colors, include a wealth of types. Some of them were tested experimentally and found to defend plants from herbivory, e.g., butterfly egg mimicry (Williams and Gilbert 1981; Shapiro 1981a, b) and tunnelling mimicry (Soltau et al. 2009). I am certain that additional animal mimicry types exist, and that many more taxa express the mimicry types already proposed and those that are not yet identified. I estimate the number of plant species that visually mimic animals or their action for defense in the thousands. Similarly, defensive olfactory mimicry of animals or their action by plants is probably not smaller although almost unknown. The combination of the two mimicry types for defense from herbivory should also occur. Although only a few of these hypotheses have been tested directly, these few cases and the much better known indirect data indicate that such defensive animal and animal action mimicry may indeed defend plants from herbivory.