
1 Introduction

Currently competitive Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes include BGV [BGV12] and BFV [Bra12, FV12] which are designed to operate on finite fields, DM [DM15] and CGGI [CGGI16a] which are designed to operate on binary inputs, and CKKS [CKKS17] which focuses on approximations to real and complex numbers. Among them, those relying on RLWE-format ciphertexts [SSTX09, LPR10], namely BGV, BFV and CKKS, provide high throughput thanks to Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) computations. In contrast, those based on LWE-format ciphertexts [Reg05], namely DM and CGGI, provide lower latency.

In this work, we focus on the efficiency of homomorphic evaluation of binary circuits. It is usually considered that DM and CGGI are the prime choice for binary computations as their message space is already binary. However, as put forward in [DMPS24], CKKS can be used to perform binary operations by identifying a bit \(b \in \{0,1\}\) with the real number \(b + \varepsilon \) for some \(\varepsilon \) satisfying \(|\varepsilon | \ll 1\) and operating on those real numbers to emulate binary gates. Indeed, any binary gate can be implemented as a real-arithmetic circuit of multiplicative depth 1, while preserving the above binary-to-real encoding. For instance, the binary gate evaluation \(a \wedge b\) for \(a, b \in \{0,1\}\) can be computed as \(a \cdot b\), and \(a \vee b\) can be computed as \(a + b - a \cdot b\). Such homomorphic operations make the error term \(\varepsilon \) grow, but it may be reduced by applying the coarse approximation \(h_1\) to the step function introduced in [CKK20]. As shown in [DMPS24, Fig. 3], when the parallelism is sufficiently high (e.g., when evaluating a given circuit many times in parallel), CKKS outperforms DM/CGGI. This was further illustrated in [ADE+23], which used the approach from [DMPS24] to homomorphically perform AES-128 decryption of 512KB of data in only 11.5  min by running the HEaaN library [Cry22] on a GPU. In contrast, the authors from [TCBS23] relied on the TFHE library [CGGI16b] and the TFHE programmable bootstrapping [CJP21] to decrypt a single AES-128 block in 28 s on a 16-thread workstation. While comparing these results is difficult due to heterogeneous computing environments, this indicates that CKKS outperforms DM/CGGI for high-throughput computations. It is noteworthy that the approach from [DMPS24] relies on the CKKS scheme in a black-box manner, and one may then wonder whether the performance of CKKS for homomorphic computations on binary data can be further improved by adapting CKKS to this specific type of computations.

This state of affairs suggests to use a hybrid construction for homomorphically evaluating binary circuits, à la CHIMERA [BGGJ20]: the hybrid would rely on DM/CGGI when the circuit is deep and thin (i.e., it is relatively sequential), and on CKKS when the circuit is sufficiently wide (i.e., the computation enjoys heavy parallelism). Unfortunately, the ciphertexts formats from DM/CGGI and [DMPS24] do not seem readily compatible. More concretely, DM/CGGI consider LWE-format ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}\in \mathbb {Z}_q^{n+1}\) satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}\ \approx \ (q/4) \cdot b \bmod q \ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textsf{sk}\) is the secret key, \(b \in \{0,1\}\) is the encrypted bit and the symbol \(\approx \) hides an error whose magnitude is small compared to q/4. The RLWE-format ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}\) from [DMPS24] belong to the module \( (\mathbb {Z}_q[X]/(X^N+1) )^2\) for N a power of 2. In the case of slots-encoding, they satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}\ \approx \ \varDelta \cdot \textsf{iDFT}(\textbf{b}) \bmod q \ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textsf{sk}\) is the secret key, \(\textbf{b} \in \{0,1\}^{N/2}\) corresponds to N/2 bits, \(\varDelta \) is a scaling factor that is small compared to q but still large compared to the error hidden in the \(\approx \) symbol, and \(\textsf{iDFT}: \mathbb {C}^{N/2} \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}[X]/(X^N+1)\) refers to (an adaptation of) the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform. In the case of coefficients-encoding, they satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}\ \approx \ \varDelta \cdot \iota (\textbf{b}) \bmod q \ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\iota (\textbf{b}) \in \mathbb {Z}[X]/(X^N+1)\) has binary coefficients containing b. A RLWE-format ciphertext can be readily viewed as many LWE-format ciphertexts. Going the other way, i.e., converting many LWE-format ciphertexts into a RLWE-format ciphertext, is known as ring packing. This operation has been extensively studied (see [CGGI17, MS18, BGGJ20, CDKS21, LHH+21, BCK+23]). Beyond the formats (LWE or RLWE) of the ciphertexts, the ways the plaintexts are encoded in the ciphertexts seem difficult to reconcile. The encodings of (2) and (3) are compatible via the \(\textsf{CtS}\) (coefficients to slots) and \(\textsf{StC}\) (slots to coefficients) procedures used in CKKS bootstrapping [CHK+18a]. Going from a scaling factor \(\varDelta \ll q\) as in (3) to a scaling factor equal to q/4 as in (1) can be implemented by multiplying the ciphertext by \(\approx (q/4) / \varDelta \). Going the other way, i.e., decreasing the scaling factor, seems significantly more complex. One way to decrease the scaling factor \(\varDelta \), or equivalently to increase the modulus while maintaining the scaling factor \(\varDelta \), is to extract \(\iota (b)\) from \(\varDelta \cdot \iota (b)+q\cdot I\) for some integer polynomial I, where the \(q\cdot I\) term corresponds to the “\(\bmod ~q\)” operation. The latter is implemented in CKKS bootstrapping by using a polynomial approximation to the sine function, whose degree and hence evaluation cost grow fast when the scaling factor \(\varDelta \) nears the modulus q.

Main Contribution. We design two bootstrapping algorithms for CKKS ciphertexts whose underlying plaintexts consist of bits: \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) raises the modulus of a single ciphertext encoding a vector of bits, whereas \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) raises the modulus and (SIMD-)evaluates a gate for two ciphertexts encoding vectors of bits. These bootstrapping algorithms allow to obtain lower latency and higher throughput than achieved with the black-box use of CKKS for binary data from [DMPS24]: we conjecture that our approach is preferable to DM/CGGI for homomorphically evaluating binary circuits when the parallel repetition is as low as around 100, and that it outperforms those schemes by close to three order of magnitudes for massively parallel computations. See Table 1. Further, our bootstrapping procedures are compatible with the DM/CGGI ciphertext formats. In fact, combining the efficient ring packing technique from [BCK+23] with \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) leads to an alternative gate bootstrapping for DM/CGGI. Our implementation is advantageous when there are as low as around 200 DM/CGGI gate bootstraps to be performed (for the same gate). See Table 2.

Table 1. Throughput comparison with [LMSS23, CGGI16b, DMPS24]. The ‘Naive’ variant of [DMPS24] is the direct implementation of the method introduced in that work, while the ‘Improved’ variant is obtained by more efficient placement of cleaning functions and the use of complex bootstrapping (see Sect. 5.2 for more details). The first two timings are borrowed from [LMSS23] which used a computing environment similar to ours, whereas the last three are obtained with our implementation.
Table 2. Comparison between several DM/CGGI bootstrapping implementations. The winning threshold gives the minimal number of gate bootstraps to be performed in parallel for the same gate, for which our implementation becomes preferable. The timing of [DMPS24] is measured as evaluating a gate and bootstrap given two ciphertexts, and using the FGb parameters of [Cry22].

We stress that our implementation is not optimized: its purpose is only to highlight the strength of the proposed bootstrapping techniques. For example, optimizing the RNS arithmetic ([CHK+18b]) to 32-bit moduli as well as the relinearization parameters (see, e.g., [KLSS23]) are likely to give runtime savings by more than a factor 2.

Technical Overview. Let us first recall the high-level structure of CKKS bootstrapping. We start with a ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\) in the form of Eq. (3) for some small modulus \(q=q_0\). At this stage of the discussion, the plaintext \(\textbf{b}\) is not restricted to be binary and can be a real number. The ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\) is interpreted as a ciphertext modulo a large modulus Q, whose inner product with \(\textsf{sk}\) is \(\approx \varDelta \cdot \iota (\textbf{b})+q_0\cdot I\) for some small-magnitude integer polynomial I. This computationally vacuous step is referred to as \(\textsf{ModRaise}\). It is followed by the \(\textsf{CtS}\) step relying on (an adaptation of) the discrete Fourier transform. Its purpose is to obtain a new ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}'\), whose inner product with \(\textsf{sk}\) is \(\approx \textsf{iDFT}(\varDelta \cdot \iota (\textbf{b}) + q_0\cdot I) \bmod Q'\) for some \(Q'\) lower than Q: it has the coefficients of \(\varDelta \cdot \iota (\textbf{b}) + q_0\cdot I\) in the complex slots. At this stage, the ciphertext is in the form of Eq. (2), which enables SIMD computations on the underlying data. The goal of the \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) step is to remove the \(q_0\cdot I\) term. It achieves the latter by evaluating a polynomial approximation of a proper scaling of the sine function. The key point is that for inputs \(x+(2\pi ) \cdot I\) for an integer I and a small-magnitude real number x, we have \(\sin (x+(2\pi ) \cdot I) \approx x\). Once the \(q_0\cdot I\) term has been removed, a SIMD arithmetic circuit can be performed on slots. Finally, the \(\textsf{StC}\) step reverses the \(\textsf{CtS}\) transformation, to obtain a ciphertext in the form of Eq. (3) that is ready for another bootstrap.

Enhanced CKKS-Bootstrapping for Binary Data. Once we fix the inputs to be in \(\{0, 1\}\), we can construct a better approximation for approximate modular reduction (\(\textsf{EvalMod}\)). Instead of evaluating the sine function on \(x+(2\pi ) \cdot I\) for an integer I and a small-magnitude real number x carrying the plaintext data, we use the extrema of a trigonometric function for a binary input mapped to \(b \in \{0,1\} \subseteq \mathbb {R}\):

$$ \forall b \in \{0,1\}, \forall I \in \mathbb {Z}: \ \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 - \cos \left( b\cdot \pi + I \cdot 2\pi \right) \right) = b \ . $$

The function and its domain of interest are plotted in Fig. 1. This choice eliminates the need for b to be small compared to the period, i.e., the need for \(\varDelta \) to be small compared to \(q_0\). As a result, the scaling factor \(\varDelta \) can be close to \(q_0\), which is compatible with the DM/CGGI ciphertext format. This also leads to a significant efficiency gain compared to general-purpose CKKS and its use for binary inputs [DMPS24]. In the latter case, one typically sets \(q_0 / \varDelta \approx 2^{10}\), whereas we can take \(q_0 / \varDelta = 2\): the base modulus \(q_0\) can be decreased by almost 10 bits. This significantly reduces modulus consumption during \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\): recall that each multiplication level consumes modulus; those corresponding to \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) have higher modulus consumption as they encode plaintexts that contain the term \(q_0 \cdot I\); the bit-size gain for \(q_0\) is hence multiplied by the combined multiplicative depth of \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) when we consider the overall modulus consumption. In total, this amounts to more than 100 bits. This gain then allows to consider more levels of computation in a bootstrapping cycle.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The trigonometric functions used to approximate the modular reduction function, for conventional CKKS (left) and binary bootstrapping (right). The bold areas correspond to valid plaintexts.

Another significant advantage of the modified use of the sine function is that bootstrapping also reduces the error term. As CKKS operates on real numbers, the plaintext is not exactly \(b \in \{0,1\}\) but rather \(b + \varepsilon \) for some \(\varepsilon \ll 1\). In this case, we have

$$ \forall b \in \{0,1\}, \forall I \in \mathbb {Z}: \ \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 - \cos \left( (b+\varepsilon )\cdot \pi + I \cdot 2\pi \right) \right) = b +O(\varepsilon ^2) \ . $$

The error shrinks quadratically. This is in contrast with using the sine function for inputs x near 0, which has a linear behaviour even if x encodes a bit. As a result, there is less need to clean the error terms than in [DMPS24].

CKKS-Style Gate Bootstrapping. To evaluate a binary gate on two ciphertexts modulo \(q_0\), one could run the above binary bootstrapping twice in parallel and then evaluate a binary gate on the bootstrapped ciphertexts as in [DMPS24]. We now propose an alternative CKKS-style gate bootstrapping algorithm inspired from DM/CGGI gate bootstrapping. The objective is to perform most of the work related to the gate on the input small-modulus ciphertexts rather than on high-modulus bootstrapped ciphertexts.

Assume we are given two ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}_1\) and \(\textsf{ct}_2\) such that \(\textsf{ct}_i \cdot \textsf{sk}\approx (q/4) \cdot \iota (\textbf{b}_i) \bmod q_0\) for \(i \in \{1,2\}\), where \(\iota (\textbf{b}_i)\) is a binary polynomial containing the coefficients of \(\textbf{b}_i \in \{0,1\}^{N/2}\). We first add the ciphertexts to obtain \(\textsf{ct}\) such that \(\textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}\approx (q/4) \cdot \iota (\textbf{b}_1+\textbf{b}_2) \bmod q_0\). Then we note that any symmetric gate G evaluated (SIMD-wise) on \(\textbf{b}_1\) and \(\textbf{b}_2\) is in fact the (SIMD-wise) evaluation of a function of \(\textbf{b}_1+\textbf{b}_2\). Importantly, the latter addition occurs over the integers rather than modulo 2. (We observe that \(\textbf{b}_1+\textbf{b}_2\) can take only three values and we could hence replace q/4 by q/3, allowing for a small gain in overall modulus consumption.) The ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\) then goes through \(\textsf{ModRaise}\) and \(\textsf{CtS}\). The \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) bootstrapping step is modified by changing the sine function for another trigonometric function that allows to send each real \(x \in \{0,1,2\}\) to the proper output in \(\{0,1\}\) depending on the specific gate. See Fig. 3.

The main benefit of the above CKKS-style gate bootstrapping over the binary bootstrapping approach is that one can evaluate gates even at the very bottom level of the multiplication ladder. This is particularly interesting when we are given as inputs LWE ciphertexts with a small modulus, which is likely when we consider the context of ring packing as described in [BCK+23]. This is notably the case if one aims at gate-bootstrapping numerous DM/CGGI ciphertexts in parallel with CKKS. A drawback compared to binary bootstrapping is that it does not contain an error reduction functionality. One can apply the \(h_1\) error cleaning function from [CKK20, DMPS24] after evaluating the modified \(\textsf{EvalMod}\), at the cost of two multiplication levels. Alternatively, one can modify \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) further to use three local extrema of a combination of trigonometric functions. The resulting bootstrapping, \(\textsf{GateBoot}'\), can, from this respect, be viewed as an extension of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (which relies on two extrema). We refer to the full version of this work for more details.

The design of CKKS-style gate bootstrapping is quite flexible. By relying on trigonometric interpolation, we show that it can handle asymmetric binary gates, gates with more than two binary inputs (such as the majority gate) and gates whose inputs are not binary. The latter corresponds to functional/programmable bootstrapping in the context of DM/CGGI [CJL+20, CLOT21, KS23]. In the full version, we also discuss how to evaluate several gates on the same inputs for a cost that is close to evaluating a single gate, similarly to multi-value bootstrapping in the context of DM/CGGI [CIM19, GBA21].

Parameter Selection and Experiments. In conventional CKKS, parameters are typically set to obtain a relatively high precision (of the order of 20 bits) for each unit homomorphic operation (relinearization, rescaling, etc.), in order to achieve sufficient precision at the end of deep real/complex arithmetic circuits. In case of binary data, we only need to maintain relatively low precision per gate. Indeed, we have a single bit of interest, and we only want to maintain sufficient margin between this bit and the noise resulting from computations. This margin should not be too small, so that the computation can go through with only few noise cleaning steps, either inside binary bootstrapping or based on the \(h_1\) function. Evaluating \(h_1\) consumes two multiplication levels, and has the effect of (essentially) squaring the error term. On the other hand, the smaller the margin, the smaller the moduli in the modulus chain. This in turns can help to obtain parameters with smaller moduli and ring degree, or to optimize throughput with more non-bootstrapping multiplication levels.

We design two sets of CKKS parameters for binary data. The first one aims at minimizing latency. Based on the moduli optimizations above and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\), we provide the first description of bootstrappable parameters for CKKS with ring degree \(N=2^{14}\). This parameter set handles \(2^{13}\) gate bootstrappings at once in less than 1.4 s for a single-thread execution on an Intel Xeon Gold 6242 at 2.8GHz with 503GiB of RAM running Linux. It enjoys 2 extra multiplicative levels, which may be used to evaluate second and third binary gates for a negligible cost before another bootstrap is required.

The second parameter set targets high throughput. The ring degree is fixed at \(N=2^{16}\). In 23 s with the same computing environment as above, it bootstraps \(2^{16}\) bits. The number of available multiplication levels is 28, 8 of which we use for regularly cleaning the error term. This gives an amortized cost per binary gate of \(\approx 18 \mu \)s. This is several hundreds times faster than state-of-the art DM/CGGI bootstrapping [Klu22, BIP+22, LMK+23, LMSS23, XZD+23]. This is also an improvement over [DMPS24] by a factor of the order of 5.3.Footnote 1

Related Works. The two bootstrapping algorithms introduced above rely on a modification of \(\textsf{EvalMod}\), which approximately evaluates modular reduction with respect to the base modulus \(q_0\). This is the most depth-consuming step in CKKS bootstrapping. The use of trigonometric functions has been a typical approach. Initial works [CHK+18a, CCS19, HK20] used trigonometric sine function with Taylor expansion or Chebyshev approximation. In order to reduce the error coming from the difference between the sine and modular reduction functions, approaches based on the inverse sine function [LLL+21] and on the sine series [JM22] have been suggested. Another line of works focuses on directly approximating the modular reduction function. These work rely on Lagrange interpolation [JM20], Least Squares [LLKN20], and Error Variance Minimization [LLK+22]. In our case, we change the function to be evaluated rather than optimize its evaluation.

As seen above, our technique can be viewed as enabling high throughput for DM/CGGI encryption. An independent line of works [MS18, LW23a, LW23b, MKMS23, GPL23] considers the same goal, but by means of modifying the DM/CGGI bootstrapping algorithms rather than relying on another FHE approach. From a theoretical perspective, this allows to rely on hardness of LWE and RLWE with noise rates polynomially bounded as a function of the LWE dimension and RLWE degree (and a circular security assumption). Timings are only reported in [GPL23] and show that the approach would require further improvements to reach a competitive performance.

One may also consider using the BGV [BGV12] and BFV [Bra12, FV12] schemes to evaluate binary circuits. One approach is to use binary plaintext domains, but, to have SIMD computations, one cannot use the cyclotomic rings \(\mathbb {Z}[X]/(X^N+1)\) with degree N that is a power of 2 as the polynomial \(X^N+1\) does not factor into N distinct linear terms modulo 2. A possibility is then to switch to more complex cyclotomic rings, as chosen for instance in HELib [HS14]. However, as can be seen in [HS14, Table 3], this approach still does not provide N-wise parallelism.Footnote 2 Overall, this remains slower than (regular) CKKS bootstrapping [BP23]. Another approach is to keep a power-of-2 cyclotomic ring and use plaintext domain modulo a larger p such that \(X^N+1\) factors into N distinct linear terms in order to enjoy N-wise parallelism, and only consider plaintext elements in \(\{0,1\} \subset \mathbb {Z}_p\). This choice, made for example in Lattigo [EPF22], however makes bootstrapping more complex and less efficient. We note that recent works [KSS24, MHWW24] however show significant progress for bootstrapping performance in this regime. Using BFV for SIMD binary gate evaluations and bootstrapping DM/CGGI has been recently investigated in [LW23c, LW24], though the performance remains limited compared to ours, using CKKS.

2 Preliminaries

Given a power-of-two integer N, we define the rings \(\mathcal {R}_N = \mathbb {Z}[X]/(X^N+1)\) and \(\mathcal {R}_{q,N} = \mathcal {R}_N/q\mathcal {R}_N\). Let \(\textsf{DFT}: \mathbb {R}[X]/(X^N+1) \rightarrow \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) be (the variant of) the discrete Fourier transform defined as

$$ \forall p \in \mathcal {R}_N: \ \textsf{DFT}(p) =\left( p(\zeta ^{5^i})\right) _{0 \le i < N/2}\, $$

where \(\zeta \) is a primitive (2N)-th root of unity. We let \(\textsf{iDFT}: \mathbb {C}^{N/2} \rightarrow \mathcal {R}_N\) denote its inverse.

Vectors are denoted in bold. For a vector \(\textbf{b}\), we let \(\Vert \textbf{b}\Vert \) denote its 2-norm. This notation is extended to elements of \(\mathcal {R}_N\) by first transforming the considered polynomial in the vector of its coefficients. The notation \(\textbf{b} \cdot \textbf{b}'\) refers to the inner product of the vectors \(\textbf{b}\) and \(\textbf{b}'\) over their ring of definition.

For a function \(f: \mathbb {C} \rightarrow \mathbb {C}\), we let \(f^\odot \) denote its component-wise application to a vector over \(\mathbb {C}\).

2.1 The CKKS Scheme

We first recall some necessary material on the CKKS fully homomorphic encryption scheme [CKKS17, CHK+18a].

Coefficients and Slots. The Discrete Fourier Transform \(\textsf{DFT}\) is a ring homomorphism sending elements in the ring \(\mathcal {R}_{N}\) (the coefficients space) to complex vectors in \(\mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) (the slots space). Importantly, it maps polynomial multiplication to component-wise multiplication.

The decoding map \(\textsf{Dcd}: \mathcal {R}_N \rightarrow \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \forall p \in \mathcal {R}_N: \ \textsf{Dcd}(p) = \frac{1}{\varDelta } \cdot \textsf{DFT}(p)\ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varDelta \) denotes the scaling factor associated to the plaintext polynomial p. The encoding map \(\textsf{Ecd}: \mathbb {C}^{N/2} \rightarrow \mathcal {R}_N\) is an approximation of its inverse, defined as

$$ \forall \textbf{z} \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}: \ \textsf{Ecd}(\textbf{z}) = \lfloor \varDelta \cdot \textsf{iDFT}(\textbf{z})\rceil \ . $$

The data \(\textbf{z} \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) to be computed upon is stored in the slots, and the plaintext polynomial m is \(\approx \textsf{Ecd}(\textbf{z})\).

Note that \(\textsf{DFT}\) is a scaled 2-norm isometry: it satisfies \(\Vert \textsf{DFT}(p)\Vert _2 = \sqrt{N/2} \cdot \Vert p\Vert _2\) for all \(p \in \mathcal {R}_N\). Therefore, any error produced in \(\mathcal {R}_N\) is amplified by factor \(\sqrt{N/2}\) in 2-norm when considered in \(\mathbb {C}^{N/2}\). This implies that the scaling factor \(\varDelta \) should be at least \(\sqrt{N/2}\) times the desired precision. Looking forward, the scaling factor is the amount by which one has to rescale after each homomorphic multiplication, implying that there must be at least some amount of modulus reserved for each multiplication level even if one aims very low plaintext computation precision.

Ciphertexts. A ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}= (b,a) \in \mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\) decrypting to a (polynomial) plaintext \(m \in \mathcal {R}_N\) under a secret key \(\textsf{sk}= (1,s)\) satisfies the following equation over \(\mathcal {R}_{q, N}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}= \textsf{ct}\cdot (1, s) = b + as = m \ , \end{aligned}$$

where \(m \in \mathcal {R}_N\) has small-magnitude coefficients compared to q and may correspond to a desired polynomial up to some small error term. For \(\textbf{z} \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\), we write \(\textsf{ct}= \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}}(\textbf{z})\) to refer to a ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\in \mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\) that decrypts to \(\varDelta \cdot \textsf{iDFT}(\textbf{z})\) under \(\textsf{sk}\).

Given a ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\in \mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\) for a key \(\textsf{sk}'\) and an RLWE switching key \(\textsf{swk}\in \mathcal {R}_{qp, N}^2\) from \(\textsf{sk}'\) to \(\textsf{sk}\) for some auxiliary integer p, the key switching procedure \(\textsf{KS}: \mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2 \times \mathcal {R}_{qp, N}^2 \rightarrow \mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\) outputs a ciphertext \(\textsf{KS}(\textsf{ct}, \textsf{swk})\) decrypting to approximately the same message as \(\textsf{ct}\) but using the new secret key \(\textsf{sk}\).

Homomorphic Operations. Homomorphic addition/subtraction is performed by adding/subtracting ciphertexts in \(\mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\). The inputs and the output are all defined with respect to the same modulus q. The plaintexts are being homomorphically added/subtracted as the decryption equation and the \(\textsf{Ecd}\) function are additive homomorphisms (up to some small error terms).

Homomorphic multiplication proceeds in several steps: tensoring, to multiply the underlying plaintexts; relinearization, to decrease the dimension back to the one of the inputs; and rescaling, to master the growth of the error terms. Homomorphic multiplications are significantly more expensive than homomorphic additions/subtractions as they involve polynomial multiplications. Further, because of rescaling, the output is with respect to a modulus \(q/q'\) that is smaller than the modulus q of the inputs. To appropriately handle error growth, one typically sets \(q' \approx \varDelta \). A multiplication between a ciphertext and a plaintext polynomial can be done similarly but without relinearization.

CKKS also supports homomorphic application of any ring automorphism \(\phi : \mathcal {R}_N \rightarrow \mathcal {R}_N\). This can be used to move data across slots (i.e., apply a permutation of coordinates over \(\mathbb {C}^{N/2}\)) and to take the complex conjugate (i.e., apply complex conjugation to a vector of \(\mathbb {C}^{N/2}\)). The latter is denoted by \(\textsf{conj}\). Ring automorphisms require polynomial multiplications but do not consume modulus.

Because of the modulus consumption of homomorphic multiplication, it is convenient to view an arithmetic circuit in terms of multiplication levels: additions and ring automorphisms do not change the level whereas a multiplication decreases the level by 1. Each level is associated to a modulus.

Bootstrapping. As each homomorphic multiplication consumes modulus, one eventually reaches the base modulus \(q_0\) after some amount of multiplication depth. The bootstrapping allows to recover the modulus budget: it increases the modulus back to a certain point. The conventional CKKS bootstrapping consists of four steps: \(\textsf{StC}\), \(\textsf{ModRaise}\), \(\textsf{CtS}\), and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{z} \xrightarrow {\textsf{StC}} z(x) \xrightarrow {\textsf{ModRaise}} z(x) + q_0I(x) \xrightarrow {\textsf{CtS}} \textbf{z} + q_0 \textbf{I} \xrightarrow {\textsf{EvalMod}} \textbf{z} \end{aligned}$$
  • Slots-to-Coefficients. Given a ciphertext decrypting to a vector \(\textbf{z}\), \(\textsf{StC}\) converts it to a ciphertext decrypting to a (polynomial) plaintext z(x) whose coefficients are entries of \(\textbf{z}\). It consists in homomorphically multiplying by the \(\textsf{DFT}\) matrix.

  • Modulus Raising. Given a ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\in \mathcal {R}_{q_0, N}^2\) at the very smallest modulus, we embed it to \(\mathcal {R}_{q, N}^2\) with a large modulus q. This introduces a \(q_0I(x)\) term whose coefficients are small-magnitude integer multiples of the base modulus \(q_0\).

  • Coefficients-to-Slots. A ciphertext decrypting to a (polynomial) plaintext \(z(x) + q_0I(x)\) is converted to a ciphertext decrypting a vector \(\textbf{z} + q_0 \textbf{I}\) whose entries are the coefficients of \(z(x) + q_0I(x)\). It consists in homomorphically multiplying by the \(\textsf{DFT}\) matrix.

  • Modular Reduction. We homomorphically evaluate the modulo-\(q_0\) function in order to remove the \(q_0 \textbf{I}\) term. This is implemented using proper polynomial approximations such as a combination of sine and inverse sine function [LLL+21] or a direct polynomial approximation built to minimize the error variance [LLK+22].


We now recall a strategy introduced in [DMPS24], called BLEACH, that enables Boolean operations using CKKS. We note that this work also covers other types of discrete data such as small integers, which we do not recall here as we are focusing on binary operations.

The values \(\text {true}\) and \( \text {false}\) are respectively identified to 1 and 0. By properly using addition, subtraction and multiplication over the real (or complex) numbers, one can emulate any symmetric binary gate. For instance, the ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘xor’ gates are respectively obtained as

$$ x \wedge y = x \cdot y, \quad x \vee y = x + y - x \cdot y, \quad x \oplus y = (x-y)^2 \ . $$

When performing those operations on approximate inputs \(x +\varepsilon _x\) and \(y+\varepsilon _y\) with \(|\varepsilon _x|,|\varepsilon _y| < 1/4\), the output error has magnitude no more than 5 times the maximum of \(|\varepsilon _x|\) and \(|\varepsilon _y|\) (see [DMPS24, Le. 2]). After several sequential operations, this error becomes significant and must be decreased. This is achieved by means of a cleanup functionality. Cleanup functions send real values near 0 or 1 closer to 0 or 1, respectively. For instance, the \(h_1\) map from [CKK20], defined as \(h_1(x) = -2x^3+3x^2\) for all \(x \in \mathbb {R}\), has a cleaning functionality because \(h_1(0) = 0\), \(h_1(1) = 1\), and \(h_1'(0) = h_1'(1) = 0\).

2.3 Modulus Engineering

Modulus is a valuable resource in the CKKS scheme: when one runs out of it, then bootstrapping must be performed. Recall that one divides the modulus by an integer at every homomorphic multiplication. More concretely, we consider a top modulus \(Q_L\) of the form \(Q_L=q_0\cdot \ldots \cdot q_L\) and, at level \(i \in \{0,\ldots , L\}\), the current ciphertext modulus is \(Q_i=q_0\cdot \ldots \cdot q_i\). To provide efficient RNS arithmetic [CHK+18b], the \(q_i\)’s are chosen co-prime and small enough to fit on a 64-bit machine word [CHK+18b]. To save modulus, state-of-the-art CKKS implementations such as [Cry22, EPF22] use optimizations for the choice of moduli.

A common optimizationFootnote 3 is to multiply by an integer c before bootstrapping and to divide by c after bootstrapping, as described in Algorithm 1. Note that c is chosen integral to avoid additional modulus consumption due to homomorphic multiplication by an arbitrary scalar. In practice, one typically sets c as a small power of 2, such as \(c=2^4\). For the sake of simplicity, we only describe the idea for bootstrapping real-valued inputs. The input modulus q is the \(Q_i\) for the level i corresponding to the start of \(\textsf{StC}\) and the output modulus Q is the \(Q_j\) for the level \(j \ge i\) reached after \(\textsf{EvalMod}\). In Step 3, the function \(\textsf{conj}\) refers to homomorphic complex conjugation.

figure a

The purpose of multiplying by c is to increase the CKKS precision for bootstrapping. Indeed, the errors occurring during bootstrapping are typically larger than those occurring during the levels reserved for useful computations (between \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) and \(\textsf{StC}\)). Using c allows to balance out these two types of errors. The multiplication of the ciphertexts by c implies that the scaling factors used for the bootstrapping levels are a factor c larger than the others. This in turn leads to taking the base modulus \(q_0\) a factor c larger than the non-bootstrapping moduli, as the ratio between the base modulus and its corresponding scaling factor determines the accuracy of the polynomial approximation used for \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) and hence its depth consumption and runtime.

Now, we explain how the other \(q_i\)’s in the moduli chain are chosen. For computation levels that are not part of bootstrapping, they are set to be close to the default scaling factor \(\varDelta \). One may choose higher or lower moduli for the computations requiring higher or lower precision, respectively, but often the magnitudes of moduli are set to be similar because it is a priori unknown which specific operations are going to be performed. For the bootstrapping levels, the general strategy is to choose the moduli to be as large as the encrypted plaintext polynomials. In \(\textsf{StC}\), the plaintext polynomials have magnitudes \(\approx \varDelta \), so one first tries to set the modulus near \(\varDelta \). Similarly, in \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\), the starting point is the estimated magnitude of the \(q_0 I(x)\) term added by \(\textsf{ModRaise}\). Given a first trial for a moduli chain, one then fine-tunes it by considering the overall bootstrapping precision. In \(\textsf{StC}\) and \(\textsf{CtS}\), one often ends up with moduli that are significantly smaller than the starting point. The main reason is that the scaling factors in \(\textsf{StC}\) and \(\textsf{CtS}\) are only used to scale up the coefficients of the matrices used to homomorphically evaluate \(\textsf{DFT}\) and \(\textsf{iDFT}\), and the induced error is usually the smallest among all errors coming from homomorphic computations.

Explicit examples of moduli chains are provided in [BMTPH21, BCC+22].

3 \(\textsf{BinBoot}\): Combined Binary Bootstrap and Clean

In this section, we propose a bootstrapping variant for the case where the plaintext underlying the input ciphertext corresponds to binary data.

3.1 Description of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\)

In the prior works on CKKS bootstrapping, including [CHK+18a] and [CCS19], a gap of typically \(\approx 10\) bits between the base scaling factor \(\varDelta _0\) and the base modulus \(q_0\) is required for bootstrapping. This is because the \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) relies on an approximation to the mod-\(q_0\) function that is accurate only partially. To be specific, the \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) step handles \(\varDelta _0\textbf{z} + q_0 \textbf{I}\), the result of \(\textsf{CtS}\), as a message \(\varDelta _0\textbf{z}/q_0 + \textbf{I}\) with scale factor \(q_0\). The fact that the approximation to the modular reduction function is accurate only in the vicinity of integer points, leads to the requirement that we have \(\Vert \varDelta _0\textbf{z}/q_0\Vert \ll 1\), or in other words that we have \(\varDelta _0 \ll q_0\). The modular reduction function is discontinuous and, as a result, it is not possible to find a low-degree high precision polynomial approximation of it for a large domain. By using a value of \(\varDelta _0\) that is smaller than \(q_0\), one inserts a buffer between \(\textbf{I}\) and the desired output \(\varDelta _0 \textbf{z}/q_0\). In turn, this enables the use of a polynomial approximation of moderate degree. Decreasing the gap between \(\varDelta _0\) and \(q_0\) would require the use of a polynomial approximation of a much higher degree.

Now, consider the case of a message space restricted to binary vectors, i.e., of the form \(\varDelta _0\textbf{z} + q_0 \textbf{I}\) with \(\textbf{z} \in \{0,1\}^{N/2}\) (and \(\textbf{I}\) integral, as above). Although we still need a process of removing the \(q_0\textbf{I}\) term, in this case, it now suffices to use a function that is only required to send \(0 + q_0 \mathbb {Z}\) to 0 and \(\varDelta _0+q_0 \mathbb {Z}\) to 1. This leads considering functions that are 1-periodic (after rescaling by \(q_0\)), which send \(0+ \mathbb {Z}\) to 0 and \(\varDelta _0/q_0+ \mathbb {Z}\) to 1, and whose derivatives around those points are moderate in order not to limit error amplification. There are plenty of solutions to these constraints, among which we choose the following:

$$ \forall x \in \mathbb {R}: \ f_{\textsf{BinBoot}} (x) = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 - \cos (2 \pi x) \right) . $$

The function \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) is plotted in Fig. 2. Beyond satisfying the constraints and enjoying some simplicity, it has two very significant advantages. First, it corresponds to setting \(\varDelta _0 = q_0/2\). The significantly reduced gap between the scaling factor and the modulus allows to choose a smaller \(q_0\) and leads to significant overall savings in modulus consumption. Second, as the derivative of \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) vanishes for \(x \in (1/2) \cdot \mathbb {Z}\), applying \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) reduces numerical inaccuracy rather than merely not amplifying it too much.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Graph of the trigonometric function \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}\) use in Algorithm 2. Note that the derivative vanishes for inputs in \((1/2) \cdot \mathbb {Z}\).

figure b

Algorithm 2 describes \(\textsf{BinBoot}\), the proposed binary bootstrapping method. It takes as input a ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}\) modulo \(q_0\) and with scaling factor \(\varDelta _0 = q_0/2\), which decrypts to \(\approx \boldsymbol{\varphi }\in \{0,1\}^{N/2}\) under the secret key \(\textsf{sk}\). At Step 1, we have that \(\textsf{ct}' = \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}}((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_1)/2 + \textbf{I})\) for some small-magnitude integer vector \(\textbf{I}\in \mathbb {Z}^{N/2}\) and some small-magnitude \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_1 \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) related to \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\) and the precisions used in \(\textsf{StC}\) and \(\textsf{CtS}\). Step 2 homomorphically takes the real part of \((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_1)/2 + \textbf{I}\) to obtain \(\textsf{ct}'' = \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}}((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2)/2 + \textbf{I})\) with \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2\) a small-magnitude vector in \(\mathbb {R}^{N/2}\). At Step 3, algorithm \(\textsf{Eval}_{f_\textsf{BinBoot}}\) is the homomorphic evaluation of \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}(x) = (1 - \cos (2 \pi x))/2\) via appropriate polynomial approximation. By design of \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}\) (see also Fig. 2), we obtain that \(\textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}}(\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}} )\) for some small-magnitude \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}} \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\).

3.2 Correctness of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\)

We start by studying the cleaning functionality of the chosen trigonometric function \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\): the distance of the output to 0 (resp. 1) is essentially the square of the distance of the input to \(0 + \mathbb {Z}\) (resp. \(1/2 + \mathbb {Z}\)) when the latter is sufficiently small. This means that \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) roughly doubles the precision of the considered data.

Lemma 1

(Cleaning functionality of \(f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\)). Let \(\varepsilon \in \mathbb {R}\), \(\varphi \in \{0, 1\}\) and \(I \in \mathbb {Z}\). Then the following holds:

$$ \left| f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\left( I + \frac{\varphi + \varepsilon }{2}\right) - \varphi \right| \le \frac{\pi ^2}{4} \varepsilon ^2 \ . $$


Observe that

$$ f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\left( I + \frac{\varphi + \varepsilon }{2}\right) = \frac{1 - \cos ((\varphi + \varepsilon )\pi ) }{2} = \sin ^2\left( \frac{(\varphi + \varepsilon )\pi }{2}\right) \ . $$

We thus have:

$$ \left| f_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\left( I+\frac{\varphi +\varepsilon }{2}\right) - \varphi \right| =\sin ^2 \left( \frac{\varepsilon \pi }{2} \right) \ , $$

where, for \(\varphi =1\), we use the identities \(\sin (\pi /2+x) = \cos x\) and \(\cos ^2 (x) + \sin ^2 (x) =1\) which hold for all \(x \in \mathbb {R}\). The proof can be completed by using the inequality \(|\sin (x)| \le |x|\), which also holds for all \(x \in \mathbb {R}\).    \(\square \)

We are now ready to state our main theorem on binary bootstrapping.

Theorem 1

(Binary bootstrapping). Consider an execution of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (as defined in Algorithm 2). Take an input ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}= \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}(\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon })\) with \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }\in \{0, 1\}^{N/2}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) such that \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty \le B\) for some B. Assume that:

  1. 1.

    there exist \(B_2\) and \(B_\textbf{I}\) such that \(\textsf{ct}'' = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2)/2 + \textbf{I})\) for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2 \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) and \(\textbf{I} \in \mathbb {Z}^{N/2}\) with \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2\Vert _\infty \le B_2\) and \(\Vert \textbf{I}\Vert _\infty \le B_\textbf{I}\);

  2. 2.

    there exist \(B_3\) and \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}\in \mathbb {R}[x]\) such that \(\textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}(P_\textsf{BinBoot}^\odot ((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2)/2+ \textbf{I})+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3)\) for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3 \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) with \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty \le B_3\) (recall that \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}^\odot \) refers to the component-wise evaluation of \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}\));

  3. 3.

    there exists \(B_{\textsf{appr}}\) such that for all x with \(\min (|x|,|x-1/2|) \le (B+B_2)/2\) and all integer I with \(|I| \le B_\textbf{I}\), we have \(|P_\textsf{BinBoot}(x+ I) - f_\textsf{BinBoot}(x+ I)| \le B_{\textsf{appr}}\).

Then we have:

$$ \textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}\left( \boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}} \right) \ \text { with } \ \Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}}\Vert _\infty \ \le \frac{\pi ^2}{4} \left( \Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty + B_2 \right) ^2 + B_3+ B_\textsf{appr}. $$


By using the assumptions, we obtain that:

$$ \textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}} \left( f_\textsf{BinBoot}^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2}{2} + \textbf{I} \right) + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3 + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{appr} \right) \ , $$

for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2,\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3,\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{appr}}\) and \(\textbf{I}\) satisfying \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2\Vert _\infty \le B_2\), \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty \le B_3\), \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{appr}}\Vert _\infty \le B_{\textsf{appr}}\) and \(\Vert \textbf{I}\Vert _\infty \le B_\textbf{I}\). Now, Lemma 1 gives that

$$ \left\| f_\textsf{BinBoot}^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2}{2} + \textbf{I} \right) - \boldsymbol{\varphi }\right\| _\infty \le \frac{\pi ^2}{4} (\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2)^2 \ . $$

To complete the proof, it suffices to define:

$$ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{out} = \left( f_\textsf{BinBoot}^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2}{2} + \textbf{I} \right) - \boldsymbol{\varphi }\right) + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3 + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{appr} \ . $$

   \(\square \)

The assumptions may seem cumbersome at first sight, but they merely mean that every usual step of CKKS bootstrapping behaves as expected. Item 1 states that \(\textsf{StC}\), \(\textsf{ModRaise}\), \(\textsf{CtS}\) and the homomorphic real part extraction lead to a ciphertext for a plaintext to which an unknown integer vector \(\textbf{I}\) is added as well as a homomorphic computing error \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2\). Note that the size of \(\textbf{I}\) is driven by the size of \(\textsf{sk}\), which is typically chosen ternary (and most often sparse as well). Items 2 and 3 state that the evaluation of \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}\) is performed by means of the evaluation of a polynomial \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}\). Item 2 states that the homomorphic evaluation of \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}\) induces a small error term \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\). Item 3 states that \(P_\textsf{BinBoot}\) is an accurate approximation of \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}\) on the relevant domain. We refer the reader to [CHK+18a] for more details.

By carefully crafting the CKKS moduli chain, it can be arranged that the bootstrapping error bounds \(B_2\), \(B_3\) and \(B_\textsf{appr}\) are all small compared to the maximum allowed value of \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty \).

3.3 Modulus Engineering for \(\textsf{BinBoot}\)

Recall that in the usual \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) step of CKKS bootstrapping, the mod-\(q_0\) reduction is approximated by a polynomial near integer points only. This is because any polynomial is continuous but modular reduction is not. This leads to setting a gap between the base modulus \(q_0\) and the base scaling factor \(\varDelta _0\) so that \(\varDelta _0 = \epsilon \cdot q_0\) for a small \(\epsilon > 0\). The typical choice of \(\epsilon \) is around \(2^{-10}\), leading to 10 extra bits of modulus consumption per level during the \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) steps compared to multiplications outside bootstrapping.

\(\textsf{BinBoot}\) uses a much smaller gap between \(q_0\) and \(\varDelta _0\), which means less modulus consumption during \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\). Keeping \(\varDelta _0\) and reducing the size of \(q_0\) leads to a reduction in modulus consumption, while maintaining the multiplication precision the same as before. Since \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) are responsible for most of the modulus consumption in bootstrapping, this saves a significant amount of modulus. For example, given a conventional bootstrapping which requires 10 depths in \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) and has 10-bit gap between \(q_0\) and \(\varDelta _0\), using \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) allows to save \((10-1) \times 10 = 90\) bits of modulus. This estimate is conservative (to a lesser or larger extent) compared to the data in [BMTPH21, Table 5] and [BCC+22, Tables 6  & 7].

Further, as opposed to a typical CKKS scenario where one aims at real or complex arithmetic with a significant precision of more than 20 bits, here we deal with binary data, i.e., with a single relevant bit. The binary data comes with a noise, inherited from the inaccuracy of the initial encoding and the homomorphic computations. This noise keeps growing during the computations, but it can be reduced with \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (see Theorem 1) or an application of the \(h_1\) cleaning map as explained in [DMPS24]. Overall, in terms of precision, we need 1 bit for the binary data, and a few more bits to separate the binary data from the noise. The precision is driven by the default and base scaling factors \(\varDelta \) and \(\varDelta _0\), so we may set them smaller than usually done for CKKS. To concretely set \(\varDelta \) and \(\varDelta _0\), one should consider the precision loss in each operation and the amount of precision recovery during cleaning. For example, if there are 5 remaining multiplicative depths after bootstrapping, and there is a loss of 1 bit of precision after each binary gate, and if we rely on \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) only for cleaning, about 10 bits of precision after bootstrapping could suffice. As a binary gate consumes a single multiplicative depth, there would remain a 5-bit margin between data and noise after the 5 multiplicative levels are exhausted, and this margin would be essentially doubled back to 10 bits thanks to the quadratic noise reduction of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\). A typical choice of \(\varDelta \) in CKKS is around 40 bits (see, e.g., [BMTPH21, BCC+22]) achieving a bit more than 20 bits of precision. With the 10-bit precision toy example above, it means we can decrease the typical choice of \(\varDelta \) by 10 bits for binary computations. This saving is multiplied by the total number of levels. We note that this improvement is independent from \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and could be applied to [DMPS24] as well.

The parameters we propose in Sect. 5 exploit the two improvements described above.

3.4 Comparison with BLEACH

The experiments from [DMPS24], relied on conventional CKKS bootstrapping from the HEaaN library [Cry22, version 3.1.4]. In the latter, the most relevant parameters for our discussion are set as \(\varDelta = 2^{42}\), \(\varDelta _0 = 2^{45}\) and \(q_0 \approx 2^{58}\). This corresponds to the first parameter set of Table 3. Note that \(\varDelta \) and \(\varDelta _0\) differ, as Algorithm 1 is used for \(c > 1\). We now analyze the effects of both improvements described in Sect. 3.3.

In the second parameter set of Table 3, we consider keeping the same precision for computations (i.e., keeping the scaling factors \(\varDelta = 2^{42}\) and \(\varDelta _0\)) but reducing \(q_0/\varDelta _0\) from \(2^{13}\) down to 2. This leads to setting \(q_0 \approx 2 \varDelta _0 = 2^{46}\) instead of \(2^{58}\), saving 12 bits of modulus for all levels corresponding to \(\textsf{CtS}\) and \(\textsf{EvalMod}\) (additionally to the bottom level). While keeping the maximum key switching modulus to be roughly the same, we can increase the available multiplication levels by converting the modulus gain into extra multiplication levels. The new parameter set leads to 13 levels for non-bootstrapping computations compared to 9 levels in the parameter set used in [DMPS24]. Note that our bootstrapping has inherent cleaning functionality but the one in [DMPS24] does not. The cleaning functionality of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) is quadratic, which is equivalent to the one of the \(h_1\) map, whose evaluation consumes two multiplicative levels. Assuming that we need exactly one cleaning between two consecutive bootstraps (which is enabled by the high precision provided by large scaling factors), the multiplication depth available for actual computations in a bootstrapping cycle is 7 for [DMPS24] and 13 in our case, i.e., a gain of almost a factor 2. Since the gadget rank dnum is fixed and the numbers of moduli are similar in both parameter sets, the bootstrapping performance should be very similar.

Table 3. Comparison with BLEACH [DMPS24] using concrete parameters. The ring degree is denoted N, the largest considered modulus is \(\log _2(PQ)\), the total depth is L, the number of levels for actual computations (outside of bootstrapping and cleaning) is denoted by depth, the key switching gadget rank is denoted by dnum (see, e.g., [HK20]) and \(\varDelta \), \(\varDelta _0\) and \(q_0\) are as in the text. The parameters rely on a ternary secret with Hamming weight 192, and are almost 128 bit secure according to the lattice estimator [APS15]. The ‘Proposed - naive’ parameter set keeps the same scaling factors as in [DMPS24], whereas the ‘Proposed - optimized’ parameter set also decreases the precision. In the second table, the ‘\(\log _2(q)\)’ columns contain the list of bit-sizes of the primes in the moduli chain, split according to their use. \(\textsf{Mult}\) corresponds to the non-bootstrapping levels. The ‘\(\log _2(p)\)’ column contains the list of primes’ bit-sizes for the auxiliary moduli used in key switching. The format \(X \times Y\) in an entry means that there are X primes of Y bits each.

When we further optimize the moduli chain by reducing \(\varDelta \), aiming at 10 bits of precision, we have 29 available multiplication levels outside of bootstrapping. Although we would need more frequent use of cleaning functions, it is still more efficient than the naive approach. For instance, one may clean after every five multiplications, leading to using four \(h_1(x) = 3x^2-2x^3\) cleaning and 21 remaining levels for binary gate evaluations.

4 \(\textsf{GateBoot}\): Combined Bootstrapping and Binary Gate

In this section, we propose an alternative bootstrapping algorithm for binary data that evaluates a binary gate at the same time as it bootstraps.

4.1 Description of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\)

Suppose we have two ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}_1\) and \(\textsf{ct}_2\) that encode binary data \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1, \boldsymbol{\varphi }_2 \in \{0,1\}^{N/2}\), and that we want to evaluate a symmetric binary gate G (e.g., \(\textsf{NAND}\)) in a SIMD manner on \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2\). Assume that \(\textsf{ct}_1\) and \(\textsf{ct}_2\) are at the last level before bootstrapping, i.e., they are defined modulo q. We could be using \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) on both and then evaluate gate G with a degree-1 polynomial in each variable as proposed in [DMPS24].

\(\textsf{GateBoot}\) (Algorithm 3) follows a different blueprint. It first adds the two ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}_1\) and \(\textsf{ct}_2\) before bootstrapping, so that the resulting ciphertext \(\textsf{ct}_{\textsf{add}}\) decrypts to \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1 + \boldsymbol{\varphi }_2 \in \{0,1,2\}^{N/2}\). It is important that the addition on the plaintexts is performed over the integers rather than modulo 2 not to lose information. The rationale behind this step is the same as in DM/CGGI: the output of G on \(x_1,x_2 \in \{0,1\}\) can be expressed as a function of \(x_1+x_2 \in \{0,1,2\}\), since G is symmetric. As we are considering only ternary vectors at the bottom level, we may set \(q_0 = 3 \varDelta _0\). Note that DM/CGGI usually relies on a power-of-2 ratio rather than a ratio set to 3. We prefer the factor 3 as it provides equally spaced relevant real numbers modulo 1 (namely 0, 1/3 and 2/3), hence allowing to tolerate a slightly higher amount of noise.

Steps 2 and 3 of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) are identical to Steps 1 and 2 of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\). They consist in running \(\textsf{StC}\), \(\textsf{ModRaise}\), \(\textsf{CtS}\) and extracting the real parts of the slots. This results in \(\textsf{ct}''\) that contains \((\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1+\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2 + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon })/3 + \textbf{I}\) in its slots, for some small-magnitude \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) and some small-magnitude integer vector \(\textbf{I} \in \mathbb {Z}^{N/2}\). Step 4 consists in homomorphically evaluating a trigonometric function \(f_G\) that removes \(\textbf{I}\) and sends \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1+\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2\) to \(G^\odot (\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1,\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2)\). As in conventional CKKS bootstrapping and in \(\textsf{BinBoot}\), it is in fact a polynomial \(P_G\) that is being homomorphically evaluated, where \(P_G\) is an approximation of the trigonometric function \(f_G\). The approximation is required to be accurate for the values of interest, i.e., near \(x + I\) for x close to 0, 1/3 or 2/3 and I small. In short, Step 4 clears the period and evaluates the (rest of the) gate simultaneously.

figure c

It remains to find trigonometric functions \(f_G\) with period 1 such that \(f_G((x_1+x_2)/3) = G(x_1,x_2)\) for all \(x_1,x_2 \in \{0,1,2\}\) and all symmetric binary gates G. Functions for the six nontrivial symmetric binary gates are given in Table 4. For example, consider the \(\textsf{NAND}\) gate:

$$\begin{aligned} &\text {if } x_0=x_1=0, \text { then } x_0+x_1 = 0 \text { and } f_\textsf{NAND} (0) = 1 = \textsf{NAND}(0,0); \\ &\text {if } x_0=1, x_1=0, \text { then } x_0+x_1 = 1 \text { and } f_\textsf{NAND} (1/3) = 1 = \textsf{NAND}(1,0); \\ &\text {if } x_0=x_1=1, \text { then } x_0+x_1 = 2 \text { and } f_\textsf{NAND} (2/3) = 0 = \textsf{NAND}(1,1). \end{aligned}$$

The graphs of these functions are plotted in Fig. 3.

Table 4. The trigonometric functions used for the nontrivial symmetric binary gates.
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Graphs of \(f_{\textsf{AND}}\), \(f_{\textsf{OR}}\), \(f_{\textsf{XOR}}\), \(f_{\textsf{NAND}}\), \(f_{\textsf{NOR}}\) and \(f_{\textsf{XNOR}}\) used in \(\textsf{GateBoot}\).

4.2 Correctness of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\)

Unfortunately, the functions from Table 4 do not have a noise cleaning functionality like \(f_\textsf{BinBoot}\) (see Lemma 1). Each function evaluates only one relevant input (out of three) in a local extremum. If gates are being evaluated on random inputs, then some cleaning occurs in statistical sense, but this property is not easy to exploit. To clean the noise, one may additionally evaluate a noise cleaning function such as \(h_1\). Alternatively, we could have chosen period-1 trigonometric functions \(f_G\) that have local extrema in 0, 1/3 and 2/3. However, they become more complex and lead to deeper evaluation circuits, and we could not find any advantage of this approach compared to applying \(h_1\) after evaluating the functions from Table 4. In the lemma below, we analyze the noise growth incurred by evaluating the functions from Table 4.

Lemma 2

Let G be any nontrivial symmetric binary gate and \(f_G: \mathbb {R} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) as in Table 4. Let \(\varepsilon \) be a real number satisfying \(|\varepsilon |\le 1\), \(\varphi _1, \varphi _2 \in \{0, 1\}\) and \(I \in \mathbb {Z}\). Then, we have:

$$ \left| f_G\left( \frac{\varphi _1 + \varphi _2 + \varepsilon }{3} +I \right) - G(\varphi _1, \varphi _2) \right| \ \le \ \frac{2 \sqrt{3} \pi }{9} |\varepsilon | + \frac{2 \pi ^2}{27} |\varepsilon |^2 \ . $$


By symmetry of the \(f_G\)’s, it suffices to prove the result for a single nontrivial symmetric binary gate. We choose \(G = \textsf{NAND}\). Let \(\varphi = \varphi _1 + \varphi _2\). Since the \(\varphi = 0\) and \(\varphi = 1\) cases are symmetric, we only consider the \(\varphi = 0\) and \(\varphi = 2\) cases.

\(\circ \):

Assume that \(\varphi = 0\). We must have \(\varphi _1= \varphi _2 = 0\) and \(\textsf{NAND}(\varphi _1, \varphi _2) = 1\). Hence, we have, using the triangle inequality and the fact that the inequality \(|\sin (x)| \le |x|\) holds for all \(x \in \mathbb {R}\):

$$\begin{aligned} &\left| f_\textsf{NAND}\left( \frac{\varphi _1 + \varphi _2 + \varepsilon }{3} +I \right) - \textsf{NAND}(\varphi _1, \varphi _2)\right| \\ &= \frac{1}{3} \left| 2\sin \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3} + \frac{\pi }{6}\right) - 1\right| \\ & = \frac{1}{3} \left| \sqrt{3} \sin \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) + \cos \left( \frac{2 \pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) -1\right| \\ &= \frac{1}{3} \left| \sqrt{3} \sin \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) - 2 \sin ^2\left( \frac{\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) \right| \\ & \le \frac{\sqrt{3}}{3} \left| \sin \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) \right| + \frac{2}{3} \sin ^2\left( \frac{\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) \\ &\le \frac{2\sqrt{3}\pi }{9}|\varepsilon | + \frac{2\pi ^2}{27}|\varepsilon |^2. \end{aligned}$$
\(\circ \):

Assume that \(\varphi = 2\). We must have \(\varphi _1 = \varphi _2 = 1\) and \(\textsf{NAND}(\varphi _1, \varphi _2) = 0\). Hence, we have

$$\begin{aligned} &\left| f_\textsf{NAND} \left( \frac{\varphi _1 + \varphi _2 + \varepsilon }{3} +I \right) - \textsf{NAND}(\varphi _1, \varphi _2)\right| \\ & = \frac{2}{3} \left| 1+\sin \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3}-\frac{\pi }{2}\right) \right| \\ & = \frac{2}{3} \left| 1 - \cos \left( \frac{2\pi \varepsilon }{3} \right) \right| \\ & = \frac{4}{3} \sin ^2 \left( \frac{\pi \varepsilon }{3}\right) \\ &\le \frac{4 \pi ^2}{27}|\varepsilon |^2 \le \frac{2 \sqrt{3} \pi }{9} |\varepsilon | + \frac{2 \pi ^2}{27} |\varepsilon |^2. \end{aligned}$$

In the last inequality, we used the assumption that \(|\varepsilon |\le 1\).

This completes the proof.    \(\square \)

Using Lemma 2, we can proceed to the main result on \(\textsf{GateBoot}\).

Theorem 2

(Gate bootstrapping). Consider an execution of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) (as defined in Algorithm 3) for a nontrivial symmetric binary gate G. Take two input ciphertexts \(\textsf{ct}_i = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_i + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_i)\) with \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_i \in \{0, 1\}^{N/2}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_i \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) such that \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_i\Vert _\infty \le B\) for \(i\in \{1,2\}\) and some B. Let \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }= \boldsymbol{\varphi }_1+\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2 \in \{0,1,2\}^{N/2}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }= \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_1+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2 \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\). Assume that:

  1. 1.

    there exist \(B_3\) and \(B_\textbf{I}\) such that \(\textsf{ct}'' = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3)/3 + \textbf{I})\) for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3 \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) and \(\textbf{I} \in \mathbb {Z}^{N/2}\) with \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty \le B_3\) and \(\Vert \textbf{I}\Vert _\infty \le B_\textbf{I}\);

  2. 2.

    there exist \(B_4\) and \(P_G \in \mathbb {R}[x]\) such that \(\textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}(P_G^\odot ((\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3)/3+ \textbf{I})+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4)\) for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4 \in \mathbb {R}^{N/2}\) with \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4\Vert _\infty \le B_4\);

  3. 3.

    there exists \(B_{\textsf{appr}}\) such that for all x with \(\min (|x|,|x-1/3|,|x-2/3| ) \le (2B+B_3)/3\) and all integer I with \(|I| \le B_\textbf{I}\), we have \(|P_G(x+ I) - f_G(x+ I)| \le B_{\textsf{appr}}\).

Then we have \(\textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_\textsf{sk}( G^\odot (\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1,\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2)+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}})\) with

$$ \Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{out}}\Vert _\infty \ \le \frac{2\sqrt{3}\pi }{9} \left( 2\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty + B_3 \right) + \frac{2\pi ^2}{27} \left( 2\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty + B_3 \right) ^2 + B_4+ B_\textsf{appr}. $$


By using the assumptions, we obtain that:

$$ \textsf{ct}_{\textsf{out}} = \textsf{Enc}_{\textsf{sk}} \left( f_G^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3}{3} + \textbf{I} \right) + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4 + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{appr} \right) \ , $$

for some \(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3,\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4,\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{appr}}\) and \(\textbf{I}\) satisfying \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty \le B_2\), \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4\Vert _\infty \le B_3\), \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_{\textsf{appr}}\Vert _\infty \le B_{\textsf{appr}}\) and \(\Vert \textbf{I}\Vert _\infty \le B_\textbf{I}\). Now, Lemma 2 gives that

$$ \left\| f_G^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_2}{3} + \textbf{I} \right) - G^\odot (\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1,\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2) \right\| _\infty \le \frac{2 \sqrt{3} \pi }{9} \Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty + \frac{2 \pi ^2}{27} \Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3\Vert _\infty ^2 \ . $$

To complete the proof, it suffices to define:

$$ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{out} = \left( f_G^\odot \left( \frac{\boldsymbol{\varphi }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }+ \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_3}{3} + \textbf{I} \right) - G^\odot (\boldsymbol{\varphi }_1,\boldsymbol{\varphi }_2) \right) + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_4 + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }_\textsf{appr} \ . $$

   \(\square \)

As in Theorem 1, the bootstrapping error bounds \(B_3\), \(B_4\) and \(B_\textsf{appr}\) can all be made small compared to the maximum allowed value B of \(\Vert \boldsymbol{\varepsilon }\Vert _\infty \).

4.3 Comparing \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) and \(\textsf{BinBoot}\)

Since they rely on similar period-1 trigonometric functions, \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) and \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) consume approximately the same amount of modulus during bootstrapping. On the one hand, \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) evaluates a gate at the same time as it bootstraps, whereas \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) does not and would require one extra level to evaluate the gate. On the other hand, \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) has an inherent cleaning functionality which is worth two multiplicative depths: for the same cleaning functionality, the \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) approach would proceed by evaluating \(h_1\), which consumes two levels. Since at least one cleaning is typically required between any two bootstraps, the \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) approach may be considered to outperform the \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) approach by a multiplicative depth of \(2 - 1 = 1\). In the full version of this work, we introduce a variant of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) with cleaning functionality, and provide a detailed comparison between this variant, \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) and \(\textsf{BinBoot}\).

Oppositely, when the homomorphic parameters are set small to lower latency, then \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) may be over-cleaning compared to the number of gates performed between two consecutive bootstraps. In the \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) approach, one would perform cleaning only for a fraction of the bootstrapping cycles. Another context favorable to \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) is if we start from LWE-format ciphertexts at the lowest level, as in [BCK+23]. The latter reference contains several motivating applications for storing data in such encryption format. Since \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) starts by adding two ciphertexts, it requires only one bootstrap, while the \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) approach would require two.

5 Experiments

We now present experimental results that showcase the efficiency of the bootstrapping methods proposed in Sects. 3 and 4.

When constructing parameters for BGV, BFV and CKKS, a possibility is to choose the smallest ring degree possible to minimize the latency, and another one is to choose a proper ring degree to maximize the throughput. As a certain amount of modulus is necessary for bootstrapping regardless of the ring degree and this amount does not grow very fast with the ring degree, the ring degree for optimizing latency is typically quite suboptimal for throughput. Section 5.1 focuses on low degree to achieve low latency, whereas Sect. 5.2 uses a larger degree to increase throughput.

Note that even in the case of low latency, we still consider full-slot (real-valued) bootstrapping. One may use a sparsely packed approach [CHK+18a] for minimizing latency and ring degree even more, but we stick to full SIMD computations in order to retain the main advantage of the RLWE-format fully homomorphic encryption schemes. As far as we are aware of, our parameters from Sect. 5.1 are the first to allow full-slot bootstrapping with ring degree \(N=2^{14}\).

Our implementations are built upon the C++ HEaaN library [Cry22]. The experiments have been conducted single-threaded on an Intel Xeon Gold 6242 at 2.8GHz with 503GiB of RAM running Linux. All the parameters achieve around 128 bits of security according to the lattice estimator [APS15]. We stress that our code is not optimized: its purpose is to highlight the performance of \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\).

The precision is defined as \(-\log _2 \Vert \textbf{e}\Vert _{\infty }\) where \(\textbf{e} \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) is a bootstrapping error vector. More concretely, if \(\textsf{ct}\in \mathcal {R}_{Q,N}^2\) is the ciphertext after bootstrapping, \(\textsf{sk}\) is the secret key and \(\textbf{b}\) is the corresponding plaintext vector of bits, then \(\textbf{e} = \textsf{Dcd}(\textsf{ct}\cdot \textsf{sk}) - \textbf{b}\). When it is computed for a given experiment, we consider the maximum over 100 samples.

5.1 Low Latency

Thanks to the reduced modulus consumption, our low latency parameters are for ring degree \(N=2^{14}\). Table 5 outlines the proposed parameter set and its performance. It takes 1.36 s and 1.39 s for \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\), respectively, for a real full-slot ciphertext (i.e., with \(2^{13}\) slots). Bootstrapping precision is 9.6 bits and 7.7 bits for \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\), respectively. We note that the parameter set provides 2 multiplicative depths after bootstrapping.

Table 5. Description and performance of the small parameter set \(\textsf{Param14}\), designed to lower latency. Here h and \(\tilde{h}\) respectively denote the dense and sparse Hamming weights [BTPH22], and \(T_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) and \(P_{\textsf{BinBoot}}\) (resp. \(T_{\textsf{GateBoot}}\) and \(P_{\textsf{GateBoot}}\)) denote the run-time and output precision for \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (resp. \(\textsf{GateBoot}\)). The other columns are as in Table 3.

We compare our results with the state-of-the-art CGGI gate bootstrapping [LMSS23, CGGI16b] to see at which number of LWE ciphertexts our method starts to perform better than CGGI. We borrowed the bootstrapping time results from [LMSS23, Table 5] which used Intel(R) i5-12400 at 2.5GHz CPU and 8GB of RAM to measure time. Note that [LMSS23] is based on a novel security assumption, namely LWE with a block binary secret, whereas [CGGI16b] relies on LWE with binary secrets. As shown in Table 6, the fastest CGGI-like implementation takes 6.49ms for a single gate bootstrapping which is 214 times faster than our full slot bootstrapping. In other words, when evaluating at least 214 gates in parallel, our method becomes preferable.

Table 6. Comparison with state-of-the-art CGGI gate bootstrapping. The column \(T_{\textsf{boot}}\) contains the bootstrapping times. The timings from the last two rows are borrowed from [LMSS23].

Recall that the full number of real slots in our parameter is \(2^{13} = 8192\) and we can evaluate two additional gates after bootstrapping using the remaining modulus budget. In addition, we may accelerate the bootstrapping algorithm when we use only a small number of slots by evaluating sparser matrices in \(\textsf{StC}\) and \(\textsf{CtS}\). To maintain some generality, we focused on full slots in the comparison although there is some room for optimization.

We may also compare our results with those of [DMPS24]. This work relied on the FGb parameter set of the HEaaN library [Cry22], which takes 9.1 s for single bootstrap of a real full-slot ciphertext (with our computing environment). When we directly compare the latency with ours, \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) is 6.55 times faster.

5.2 High Throughput

To optimize throughput, we consider ring degree \(N=2^{16}\). Since bootstrapping can be set to consume the same amount of modulus as for \(N=2^{14}\), the throughput improves as we increase the ring degree. However, larger ring degree leads to larger switching key size and we often want key size to remain sufficiently small. In addition, the throughput increase is no longer significant when we reach certain ring degrees. Our choice of ring degree \(N=2^{16}\) is determined after taking these aspects into account. The parameter set is given in Table 7. \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) show slightly worse precision (8.53 bits and 6.61 bits, respectively) than for \(\textsf{Param14}\). As opposed to Sect. 5.1, we considered complex full-slot ciphertexts (i.e., with \(2^{16}\) slots), to achieve higher throughput.

Table 7. Description and performance of the large parameter set \(\textsf{Param16}\), designed to increase throughput. The table columns are as in Tables 3 and 5.

We now consider the amortized time it takes to evaluate a single gate, by dividing the bootstrapping time with the available depth and the number of slots. Note that we need some cleaning between consecutive bootstrapping cycles in order to maintain precision. Concretely, we expect 1 cleaning step after every 4 (resp. 3) gate evaluations for \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (resp. \(\textsf{GateBoot}\)), so we count the number of available levels as \(28 - 4\cdot 2 = 20\) (resp. \(28+1 - 6\cdot 2 = 17\)). Overall, \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) (resp. \(\textsf{GateBoot}\)) evaluates a single gate in \(17.6\,\mu \)s (resp. \(20.9\,\mu \)s), in an amortized sense. Compared to [LMSS23] and [CGGI16b], \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) is 369x and 597x faster respectively, as shown in Table 1.Footnote 4

We now compare the performance with [DMPS24]. In the latter work, a cleaning step is performed after every gate, leading to only 3 gate evaluations per bootstrapping cycle. However, since the precision loss is small after each gate, one can reduce the number of cleaning steps greatly, down to only one per bootstrapping cycle. Further, one can use complex bootstrapping instead of real bootstrapping to increase throughput. We compare our results with both the naive and the improved versions of [DMPS24]. The naive (resp. the improved) version evaluates a single gate in \(92.6\,\mu \)s (resp. \(27.7\,\mu \)s), which is 5.26x (resp. 1.57x) slower than our \(\textsf{BinBoot}\). Note that the runtimes for [DMPS24] are measured using our computing environment, using the HEaaN library [Cry22].

5.3 Improving Performance Further

In principle, if we perform unit operations like Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) on different moduli chains with roughly the same overal bit-size (defined as the bit-size of the product of moduli in the moduli chain), then the run-time should be almost the same. Our new bootstrapping algorithms specific for binary data together with modulus engineering brings significant gain in terms of modulus consumption, which should be converted to performance improvement. For instance in the comparison with [DMPS24] in Sect. 5.2, the expected performance improvement is roughly by a factor 3 because we have approximately three times more multiplicative depths with moduli chains of similar overall bit-sizes. However, our improvement is by a factor 1.57. This is mainly because the modulus gain was not completely converted to a performance improvement. In current RNS implementations, all moduli in a modulus chain are viewed as a 64-bit word, as long as they have fewer than 64 bits. Our moduli are much smaller, but this gain is lost.

We suggest a strategy to overcome this issue, which combines several consecutive rescaling units into a single element in the moduli chain. Observe that NTT only requires the existence of primitive 2N-th root of unity and each element in the moduli chain needs not be a prime. Therefore, we may combine several consecutive rescaling units (usually primes) into a single modulus which acts as a running modulus for NTT and other modular operations. For example, since most of the primes in the parameter sets of Sects. 5.1 and 5.2 have under 32 bits, we may optimize them so that they can be batched by pairs to fit in 64-bit machine words and hence reduce the cost of modular operations by almost a factor 2.Footnote 5 The only major difficulty comes from defining a compatible rescaling operation. For this purpose, we may use a conversion from modulo \(qq'\) to modulo q (from modulo \(\prod _{0 \le i \le k} q_i\) to modulo \(\prod _{0 \le i < k} q_i\), in general) to solve the problem. We leave it as a future work.

6 Bootstrapping DM/CGGI Ciphertexts with CKKS

DM/CGGI is more convenient when performing independent operations on bits, and CKKS becomes interesting when there is sufficient parallelism thanks to its support of SIMD computations. For evaluating circuits with heterogeneous amounts of parallelism at different circuit locations, it can be interesting to efficiently switch from one format to the other.

6.1 Conversions

Ring packing enables to transform many LWE-format ciphertexts (e.g., DM/ CGGI ciphertexts) into a RLWE-format ciphertext. Our work is fully compatible with \(\textsf{HERMES}\) [BCK+23], the state-of-the-art ring packing method. First, \(\textsf{HERMES}\) performs ring packing at the very bottom of the moduli chain. Second, \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) have analogues of the \(\textsf{HalfBTS}\) procedure from [CHK+21] used in [BCK+23]. One may replace \(\textsf{HalfBTS}\) by \(\textsf{HalfBinBoot}\) (Algorithm 2 without \(\textsf{CtS}\) and starting at the bottom level) or \(\textsf{HalfGateBoot}\) (defined similarly). Third, \(\textsf{HalfBinBoot}\) and \(\textsf{HalfGateBoot}\) take as inputs ciphertexts that contain the plaintext binary data in their most significant bits. This compatibility provides an alternative bootstrapping approach for DM/CGGI ciphertexts, consisting in running \(\textsf{HERMES}\) and then either \(\textsf{HalfBinBoot}\) or \(\textsf{HalfGateBoot}\).

Going from RLWE-format to LWE-format is relatively simple. We may extract LWE ciphertexts from the bottom-level coefficients-encoded RLWE ciphertexts by selecting and reordering the coefficients, converting a degree-N RLWE ciphertext into N LWE ciphertexts. One may also use key switching and modulus switching to make the dimension and modulus compatible with the desired DM/CGGI format, respectively. If there is a noise bound requirement, then the noise-cleaning functionality in \(\textsf{BinBoot}\) or cleaning functions can be used to lower the noise sufficiently before conversion.

6.2 Experiments

To experimentally demonstrate this compatibility of formats, we gate-bootstrapped FHEW (i.e., DM) ciphertexts of the OpenFHE library [BBB+22] with \(\textsf{GateBoot}\), implemented with the HEaaN library [Cry22]. Since the FHEW ciphertexts have \(q_0 = \varDelta _0/4\) (as opposed to our default choice of \(q_0 = \varDelta _0/3\)), we used a slightly modified version of \(\textsf{GateBoot}\) whose underlying trigonometric function sends 0, 1/4 and 1/2 to 1, 1 and 0, respectively (we considered the \(\textsf{NAND}\) gate). Here 0, 1/4 and 1/2 refer to the data points of interest after adding pairs of FHEW ciphertexts. We then run \(\textsf{HERMES}\) and \(\textsf{HalfGateBoot}\) to complete the bootstrapping. For \(\textsf{HERMES}\), we used the simplest version from [BCK+23], relying on the column method [HS14] and ring switching [GHPS13].

In the experiment, we used the \(\textsf{Param14}\) parameter set from Table 6, with full-slot complex bootstrapping to evaluate \(2^{14}\) gates at once, and the STD128 parameter set for the OpenFHE side. Since we have \((q_0, \varDelta _0) = (2^{10}, 2^8)\) in STD128 and \((q_0, \varDelta _0) \approx (2^{32}, 2^{31})\) in \(\textsf{Param14}\), we modulus-switched by multiplying (resp. dividing and rounding) by a properly chosen integer to convert LWE ciphertexts from one side to the other. \(\textsf{HERMES}\) and \(\textsf{HalfGateBoot}\) respectively consume 157 ms and 1.54 s.

We compared this timing with state-of-the-art CGGI gate-bootstrapping approaches [LMSS23, CGGI16b], in Table 2. Our method becomes favorable compared to [LMSS23] (resp. [CGGI16b]) once the number of gates to be evaluated exceeds 262 (resp. 162).