The John Innes Centre is an independent, international centre of excellence in plant science and microbiology. Its mission is to generate knowledge of plants and microbes through innovative research; to apply our knowledge of nature’s diversity to benefit agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being; to train scientists for the future; and to engage with policy makers and the public.

JIC International Scholarship Scheme (JICISS) for Research Program

Subjects: All subjects.

Purpose: The aim of the award is to attract high-quality international students to JIC to undertake research.

Eligibility: Candidates must be liable to pay the Overseas University of East Anglia lab-based Postgraduate Research Tuition Fee (i.e. be assessed as ‘Overseas’ for Fee Status purposes); have a high upper-second-class undergraduate honours degree from a U.K. Higher Education Institution, or an equivalent from an Overseas Institution; be based at the John Innes Centre with a primary supervisor who is a Group Leader at the John Innes Centre; have met all their outstanding conditions for admission to the University.

Level of Study: Doctorate, Postgraduate

Type: Scholarship

Value: The award will underwrite the cost of fees to cover the difference between the Overseas and U.K./EU lab-based postgraduate research tuition fees

Length of Study: Awards are tenable for years 1, 2, and 3 of a full-time PhD degree programme, subject to annual review and renewal

Frequency: Annual

Country of Study: United Kingdom

No. of awards offered: 1

Application Procedure: In order to be eligible for a JICISS award commencing in the next academic year, you must have applied online for admission as a PhD student registered with the University of East Anglia and based at the John Innes Centre by December 31st. Please visit website to complete applications procedure.

Closing Date: December 31st

Additional Information: For further information, please visit