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Bank Efficiency in Transitional Countries: Sensitivity to Stochastic Frontier Design

  • Transition Finance and Banking Research
  • Published:
Transition Studies Review


This article provides an empirical insight on the heterogeneity in the estimates of banking efficiency produced by the stochastic frontier approach. Using data from five countries of Central and Eastern Europe, we study the sensitivity of the efficiency score and the efficiency ranking to a change in the design of the frontier. We found that the average scores are significantly smaller when the transcendental logarithmic functional form is used in the profit efficiency measurement and when the scaling effect is neglected in the cost efficiency measurement. The implied bank ranking is robust to changes in the stochastic frontier definition for cost efficiency, but not for profit efficiency.

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  1. i denotes the cross-sectional dimension, t stands for the dimension of time. These indices are different from the i and t in the equations from Definition 3.2 in the next section.

  2. For −ln ξ it  = u it and u it  ≥ 0 (stemming from u it subtracted from ln Q it ), ξ it  ∈ (0, 1〉.

  3. Note that due to software limitations, only truncated normal distribution will be used for the panel estimates.

  4. The choice of normalizing the prices and C it has some practical reasons as well; it is problematic to assure the price homogeneity for the trigonometric terms of the Fourier-flexible form, which we intend to use in this study. This is not the only kind of normalization to be performed, the cost/profit and output quantities are also going to be normalized by the equity capital to control for a potential heteroscedasticity.

  5. Since the Bankscope database does not provide an information on the number of employees, we follow the Hasan and Marton (2003) approach and define the price of labor as an approximation using total asstets instead of the number of employees.

  6. 2 input prices w 1 and w 2 normalized by the price of the 3rd input.

  7. Some authors first scale data by dividing each price and output by its sample mean (Mitchell and Onvural 1996). Scaling helps with heteroscedasticity and transforms the variables so that the magnitudes of parameters are closer to each other. For our dataset, an improvement in results by this kind of scaling was not achieved.

  8. Note that the indices denoting cross-sectional and time dimension are not listed; however, we take them as present.

  9. To specify this transformation due to the eligibility of trigonometric terms usage: \(\hbox{ln} y_{1} \rightarrow q_{1}, \ldots, \hbox{ln} \frac{w_{2}}{w_{3}} \rightarrow q_{5},\) where \(q_{i} = 0.2\pi - \mu a + \mu \hbox{ln} y_{i} (\hbox{ln} \frac{w_{i}}{w_{3}}), \mu = \left(0.9*2\pi - 0.1*2\pi\right) / \left(b-a\right),\) and 〈ab〉 is the range of ln y i or \(\hbox{ln} \frac{w_{i}}{w_{3}}\) for i = 1, …, 5.

  10. Other distributions have been used as well; for example, the normal-truncated normal distribution in Berger and DeYoung(1997), the normal-exponential distribution in Mester (1996), or the normal-gamma by Greene (1990).


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We thank Oldrich Dedek, Petr Jakubik, Michal Mejstrik, and seminar participants at Charles University for helpful comments. We acknowledge financial support of the Grant Agency of Charles University (grant 89910), the Czech Science Foundation (grant P402/11/0948), and research project MSM0021620841. The views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of their institutions.

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Correspondence to Zuzana Irsova.



According to Battese and Corra (1997) parametrization, the inefficiency and the noise variances σ 2 u and σ 2 v are replaced by σ2 = σ 2 u  + σ 2 u , the variance of composed error ɛ it . A new variable γ = σ 2 u /(σ 2 v  + σ 2 u ) is defined, so that γ ∈ (0,1) in ML procedure. For the time-varying model, the log-likelihood function has the form of:

$$ \begin{aligned} \hbox{ln} L &= -\frac{1}{2}\left(\hbox{ln} 2\pi + \hbox{ln} \sigma^{2}\right) \sum_{i=0}^{N} T_i - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=0}^{N} \left(T_i - 1\right)\hbox{ln} \left(1 - \gamma\right)\\ &\quad-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=0}^{N} \hbox{ln} \left\{1 + \left(\sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}^{2} - 1\right)\gamma\right\} - N \hbox{ln} \left\{1-\phi(-\tilde{z})\right\} - \frac{1}{2} N \tilde{z}^2 \nonumber \\ &\quad+ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \hbox{ln} \left\{1 - \phi (- z_i^*) \right\} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{N}z_i^{*2} - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{t=1}^{T_i} \frac{\varepsilon_{it}^2}{\left(1 - \gamma \sigma^2\right)} \end{aligned} $$

where \(\eta_{it} = \hbox{exp}\left\{-\eta\left(t-T_i\right)\right\}, \tilde{z} = \mu / \left(\gamma\sigma^2\right)^{1/2},\) and ϕ(·) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution, a is the parameter differentiating between the production and the cost functions from (3), and

$$ z_i^{*} = \frac{\mu\left(1 - \gamma\right) - a \gamma \sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}\varepsilon_{it}}{\left[\gamma\left( 1 - \gamma\right) \sigma^2 \left\{1 + \left(\sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}^{2} -1 \right) \gamma \right\}\right]^{1/2}}. $$

The estimates of technical efficiency term from (3) are obtained via:

$$ E\left\{\hbox{exp}(-au_{it})|\varepsilon_{it}\right\} = \left[\frac{1-\phi\left\{a\eta_{it}\tilde{\sigma}_i- \left(\tilde{\mu}_i/\tilde{\sigma}_i\right)\right\}} {1-\phi\left(-\tilde{\mu}_i/\tilde{\sigma}_i\right)}\right] \hbox{exp}\left(-a\eta_{it}\tilde{\mu}_i+\frac{1}{2} \eta_{it}^2\tilde{\sigma}_i^2\right), $$


$$ \tilde{\mu}_i = \frac{\mu\sigma_v^2-a\sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}\varepsilon_{it} \sigma_u^2}{\sigma_v^2+\sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}^2\sigma_u^2}\,\hbox{and}\, \tilde{\sigma}_i^2 = \frac{\sigma_v^2\sigma_u^2}{\sigma_v^2+\sum_{t=1}^{T_i}\eta_{it}^{2} \sigma_u^{2}}. $$

Replacing η it  = 1 and η = 0 changes the time decay model into the time-invariant model, so that the estimated efficiencies differ only on the cross-sectional level (for banks), not in the time dimension (through years) and u it  = u i .

Table 6 Descriptive statistics on variables (in ths. USD)
Fig. 2
figure 2

(A, B) Development of profit scores for different panels

Fig. 3
figure 3

(A, B) Kernel profit density 1995–2006 (epanechnikov, bandwidth 0.0148 & 0.0128)

Fig. 4
figure 4

(A, B) Development of profit scores by countries

Fig. 5
figure 5

(A, B) Development of cost scores by countries

Fig. 6
figure 6

(A, B) Development of profit scores by countries

Fig. 7
figure 7

(A, B) Kernel cost density (epanechnikov, bandw. 0.023)

Fig. 8
figure 8

(A, B) Kernel profit density (epanechnikov, bandw. 0.023)

Table 7 (A) Profit efficiency scores for 1995–2006
Table 8 (A, B) Stochastic panel cost frontier by years
Table 9 (A) Stochastic panel profit frontier by years
Table 10 (B) Stochastic panel profit frontier by years
Table 11 (A) Efficiency scores for 2003–2006
Table 12 (A) Rank order correlations across models of 2003–2006
Table 13 (B) Cost efficiency by models (2003–2006)
Table 14 (B) Profit efficiency by models (2003–2006)
Table 15 (B) Spearman correlations, the Czech Republic in 2003-06
Table 16 (B) Spearman correlations, Hungary in 2003–2006
Table 17 (B) Spearman correlations, Poland in 2003–2006
Table 18 (B) Spearman correlations, Slovenia in 2003–2006
Table 19 (B) Spearman correlations, Slovakia in 2003–2006
Table 20 (B) Kendall correlations, the Czech Republic in 2003–2006
Table 21 (B) Kendall correlations, Hungary in 2003–2006
Table 22 (B) Kendall correlations, Poland in 2003–2006
Table 23 (B) Kendall correlations, Slovenia in 2003–2006
Table 24 (B) Kendall correlations, Slovakia in 2003–2006

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Irsova, Z., Havranek, T. Bank Efficiency in Transitional Countries: Sensitivity to Stochastic Frontier Design. Transit Stud Rev 18, 230–270 (2011).

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