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Reconstructing the original of the Povest’ vremennyx let: a contribution to the debate

К реконструкции оригинала Повести временных лет: продолжение дискуссии

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Russian Linguistics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The reconstructions of the Povest’ vremmenyx let made by L. Müller and D. Ostrowski have prompted discussion of issues related to textual criticism. I begin the article by summarizing the state of the debate and then, responding to Ostrowski’s defense of his position, I present additional evidence to support my claims that the version of the Povest’ vremennyx let in the Novgorod First Chronicle is independent of the archetype of its six full copies and that the Hypatian branch of the Povest’ vremennyx let is linked to the Radziwiłł branch by contamination. Questions concerning the nature of the contamination are also discussed: what direction it operated in and which representatives of the two branches of the tradition were involved in it.


Статья является продолжением дискуссии по вопросам критики текста Повести временных лет, развернувшейся после выхода в свет немецкого перевода Л. Мюллера и издания Д. Островского. Полемизируя с Островским, автор приводит новые доводы в пользу независимости текста Новгородской 1 летописи младшего извода от архетипа полных списков Повести временных лет и наличия контаминации, связывающей ипатьевскую ветвь рукописной традиции с радзивиловской. Уточняются параметры контаминации: ее направление и то, какие из представителей двух ветвей были в нее вовлечены.

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Fig. 1
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  1. A complete list of the abbreviations is provided at the end of the present paper.

  2. See also Krivko (2005) and Ostrowski (2006), where the genealogy of witnesses is discussed in passing.

  3. On ЛТ, however, see part 4 of this article for discussion of Mixeev (2011), where the existence of such an archetype is denied.

  4. The archetype of ЛТРА is usually held to be a Vladimir compilation of the late twelfth century (1185?) which goes back—probably via the mid-twelfth century Compilation of Andrej Bogoljubskij—to hegumen Sil’vestr’s 1116 manuscript of the PVL of (S). The archetype of РА is taken to be a Vladimir compilation of the early thirteenth century. In addition to this compilation (РА1), Р and А certainly had a later archetype (РА2), which was created in the western Rus’ lands after the Mongol invasion (as is shown by shared lexical variants characteristic of western texts—see Lunt 1994, p. 13—, and the famous replacement of ‘Polovcians’ by ‘Tartars’ in the entry for 1154). In the southern branch, И and Х are supposed to have had at least two archetypes: the Kievan compilation of 1198 (ИХ1) and a southern Rus’ian compilation of the end of the thirteenth century (ИХ2) in which the text of the Kievan Chronicle was combined with the text of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle. According to Šaxmatov, the earliest stage in the development of the ИХ-branch was the ‘third redaction’ of the PVL created in 1117–1118; here I denote this stage as ИХ.

  5. This work referred to the stemma in Ostrowski (1999).

  6. I confess that by not participating in that discussion I have broken a friendly agreement made with Ostrowski on 21 November 2006 in the lobby of the Hotel Alberto Aguilera in Madrid in the presence of David Birnbaum, Ines Garcia della Puente, Jos Schaeken and Susana Torres Prieto-Hay (cf. Ostrowski 2007, p. 306, footnote 2).

  7. Strictly speaking, Vilkul does not even claim that Н1 is independent of ЛТРАИХ; rather, she is inclined to consider it a third branch of the manuscript tradition, parallel to those represented by ЛТРА and ИХ (Vilkul 2003, p. 209).

  8. Vilkul (2013), giving primacy to the reading of N1, considers it a ‘micro-borrowing’ from the Xronika Georgija Amartola. That explanation does not seem appropriate, for we are dealing with an etiquette formula which is well attested outside the PVL (e.g., in the annal for 6664 in the Kievskaja letopis’: добр приде, брате сну Нифонте (PSRL 2, p. 483)).

  9. The page and line references are to Ostrowski (2003). The Л = Н1 variants are cited from Л, the РА = ИХ variants from И.

  10. Л: .

  11. Л not present.

  12. Л: .

  13. Ostrowski does not consider the possibility that the text could have been composed in this way. On just one occasion he remarks (2007, p. 279): “Müller seems to be saying that the scribe of РА followed one exemplar and then the other randomly, abandoning correct readings when he depends on the protograph of ИХ.” It is puzzling that he expresses the position so tentatively when it was formulated explicitly in Gippius (2002) and taken up from there by Müller.

  14. РА: ().


  16. On the authenticity of the name Kunui see Xrapačevskij (2013, p. 20).

  17. The passage was commented on briefly in Gippius (2002, pp. 88–89).

  18. 11,4 НК = Т: в Руси словньскии языкъ / ЛРАИХ словнескъ языкъ в Руси, 11,11 НК = Т: морава / Л: норова / РАИХ: нерома (the secondary reading in ЛТРА was obviously норова), 13,2 НК = Т: лутичи / ЛРАИХ улучи (уличи), 22,18 НК = Т: умре Рюрикъ / умершю Рюрикови, 23,10 НК = Т: глаголя сице / ЛРАИХ: глаголя, 23,11 НК = Т: от Ольга князя / ЛРАИХ: от Олга. Note that the last two variants occur within a single phrase, which makes it highly improbable that they are independent changes in НК and Т.

  19. 26, 1 НК = И: положены книги / ЛРА: преложены книги, 26,13: НК = И: книжнаго разума / ЛРА: книжнаго образа, 26,24: НК = И: рече има ц(с)рь / ЛРА: рече има, 26,26: НК = И: истолковати / ЛРА: протолковати, 27,16: НК = И: языки различными / Л: языки (Р: языкъ, А: -), 27,21: НК = И: от плодъ познати / ЛРА: от плода знати, 28, 5: НК = И: велми / ЛРА: зло.

  20. НК = ЛТ ≠ А = ИХ: 0,1: - / черноризца Феодосьева монастыря Печерьскаго, 0,3: поча (нача) / почалъ, 1,9: Колии (Колия) / Кулии, 2,2: текущи / текущия, 3,1: Афету / Афетови, 3,1: яшася полунощныя страны / (яся) полунощная страна, 3,7: наречеся / наречется, 3,10: Вретанию (Вротанию) / Вританию, 3, 13: всячьския / всякоя, 3,17: Днстръ (Т- Днпръ) / Днпръ, 4,2: яже / иже, 4,3: сдять / cдить, 4, 15: к полунощию / к полуденью; НК = РА = ИХ ≠ ЛТ: 0,1: - / се, 1,9: Елимаисъ / Алмаисъ, 2,5: противу сущи / противущи, 2,10: пакы / нки, 3,9: Андриакия / Анъдриокия, 3,11: Евию(съ) / Авию (Явию), 3,12: Закинфа / Вакунофа, 4,12: агляне / агняне (нг). Underlined are the secondary readings of НК.

  21. As Mixeev (2011, pp. 22–23) rightly notes, though they are usually associated with the Svod 1307 g., shared secondary readings of the form Л = Т can be explained differently. Since, according to Gippius (2002), the opening section of the PVL in РА goes back to a protograph of the Hypatian type, and НК goes back to the Svod Andreja Bogoljubskogo, there is no reason why secondary readings of the type Л = Т cannot be linked independently with the Svod 1185 g. Moreover, the editing of the Vladimir chronicle in the thirteenth century, the results of which are reflected identically in Л and Т, does not presuppose that the opening part of the Svod 1185 g. was copied.

  22. See the following examples in particular: 1,9 Т = НК = Х: комагини (omitted in Л, but certainly goes back to ЛТРА, supported by ХГА) / РА = И: колгини; 7,11 ЛХ: оковьскаго, оковского / РАИ: волковского, воковьскаго, воковьского; 28,5 ЛТ = Х: скорописца (supported by the Life of Methodius) / РАИ: борзописца; 135, 12b Л = Х = Н1: тщася / РА = И: тщиться; 142, 16–17 (see example (21); despite Ostrowski’s views (2005, 60–61), haplography in РАИ seems to be the most probable explanation).


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This study was carried out within the Program for Fundamental Research OIFN RAN ‘Language and Literature in the context of Cultural Dynamics’.

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Gippius, A.A. Reconstructing the original of the Povest’ vremennyx let: a contribution to the debate. Russ Linguist 38, 341–366 (2014).

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