  • 學位論文


A Study on the Impact of Price War on the Marketing Mix Strategy of Telecom Industry:The Case of Taiwan Mobile Company

指導教授 : 曾義明


2018年5月中華電信推出月租費499元上網吃到飽的母親節促銷方案,開啟了電信價格戰,三大電信業者手機上網吃到飽費率皆調降到月租費499元的低價,造成消費者排隊人潮,消費者紛紛計算既有業者的違約金及資費,期望找出最划算的電信方案,以進行申辦。 當年電信價格戰改變了消費者行為,月租費499元的優惠方案深刻植入消費者的腦海裡,價格戰影響消費者對電信資費的內在參考價值以及再購意願,至今2020年,當初申辦月租費499元優惠方案的消費者,合約即將到期,以及5G即將開台,故電信業者面臨到該如何有效提升用戶數的局面。 為求能更加完整地了解現行電信業的生態,故本研究藉由採用專家訪談,期望從受訪者所擁有的豐富經驗中,全面地了解電信業的現況,訪談對象電信年資皆達5年以上,除業務人員外,也與規畫行動產品之行銷管理師進行訪談,訪談內容針對購買意願、客戶滿意度、企業品牌及形象等不同構面進行探討及分析,期望能作為電信業者未來規劃行銷方案之參考。經由訪談得知,電信業者降價促銷不但無法增加消費者的申辦量,更容易造成日後規劃定價的困難,為了與競爭業者的品牌做出區別,並強化市場地位,本研究做出三點結論: 1.業者可規劃異業結合,讓產品具有差異化。 2.業者朝多元宣傳方式發展,做出品牌差異化。 3.業者需視銷售管道的屬性,搭配合適的促銷商品及方案。 建議後續之學術研究,除增加研究構面外,亦可增加研究個案數以及訪 談樣本數,以達深入分析以及研究完整性之目的。


In May 2018, Chunghwa Telecom launched the Mother's Day promotion plan with a monthly fee of NT499 for full Internet access, which started the telecommunications price war. This price strategy caused consumers to queue up for signing up for the new program, customers also calculated the liquidated damages and tariffs of existing operators, hoping to find the most cost-effective telecommunications solution for the bid. The telecommunications price war changed consumer behavior, and the preferential scheme with a monthly fee of NT499 had deeply embedded in consumers 'minds. The price war affects consumers' reference prices and repurchase intentions for telecommunications tariffs. It is now 2020, the contract is about to expire for thee consumers who has applied for the monthly fee of NT499 concession plan. And 5G is about to launch, so the telecommunications industry is now facing the task of how to increase the number of users efficiently. Interview experts is the methodology using for this study in order to understand more clear of the current telecommunications industry. The experience with telecommunications field of interviewees are at least 5 years. Not only sales department, interviews are also conducted with marketing managers who plan mobile products. The interviews are aimed at consumer behavior, purchase intention, customer satisfaction, brand image. and other different aspects for discussion and analysis, hoping to provide as a reference for telecom operators' future marketing plans. According to the interviews, the strategy of pricing reduction for telecom operators are likely to cause difficulties for pricing in the future. Therefore, the following three points are recommended for the operators to make a distinction between the brands and market positions of competitors. 1.Recommending that the operators to plan the integration of different industries in order to make the product differentiate. 2.Recommending the operators to develop towards diversified publicity in order to make brand differentiation. 3.Recommending operators seek for appropriate promotional products and solutions depends on the attributes of the sales channel. It is recommended that in the subsequent academic research, in addition to increasing the research facet, the number of research cases and the number of interview samples can also be increased for the purpose of in-depth analysis and research integrity.


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