  • 學位論文

21世紀海運業發展中 公私合作夥伴關係對巴西桑托斯港轉型影響

The development of the maritime industry in the 21st century - Impact of Public-Private Partnership on Santos Port in Brazil

指導教授 : 黃富娟


全球貿易中有超過九成貨物都是由海運承攬,其中以貨櫃運輸為大宗。然而邁入21 世紀後海運業有許多因應趨勢的轉變,港口是海洋運輸中最重要的角色,在面對種種改變與衝擊,港口勢必轉型成海運業所需的現代化港口。 因環保意識抬頭,海運公司以大型船舶航運以減少成本,許多國際條款及公約的產生,促使海運公司必須以定期航運甚至是海運策略聯盟等方式以達到利益最大化,為了更有效的處理大量貨櫃並且符合國際法規,各家海運公司使用物聯網、大數據等科技管理策略,使作業自動化以節省貨物在港口交接時所需的時間,因此現代化的智慧港口也一直被提倡為未來港口趨勢,唯有轉型才能解決所有貨櫃運輸改革對港口帶來的負面影響。 本研究以桑托斯港作為個案分析,探討巴西政府如何透過公私合作夥伴關係引入私部門資金及技術,使桑托斯港更具國際競爭力,透過2013 年頒布的《新港口法》取代1993 年《港口法》,桑托斯港借助私部門管理與資源成功轉型,增加其貨櫃吞吐量、物流與港口腹地間便捷度等等,並在2018年佔近四成巴西貨櫃吞吐量,為南美洲最大貨櫃樞紐港。 最後將以港口競爭力指標,如歷年貨櫃吞吐量及海運運輸連結性指數,檢視2013 年前後桑托斯港的競爭力變化。透過全球競爭力報告及物流績效指數,檢視桑托斯港的轉型對巴西國家競爭力的影響。


More than 90% of the world's goods are transported by sea, and container shipping plays the largest part of it. However, the maritime industry has undergone many changes in the 20th century. Ports play the most important role in maritime transportation. Faced with various changes and impacts, ports are bound to transform into smart ports in response to global trend. Due to the rising awareness of environmental protection, shipping companies use larger vessels to reduce costs. Enaction of international laws and conventions has prompted shipping companies to use Liner Shipping or even Shipping Alliance to maximize their profits, in order to more effectively handle a large number of containers. In compliance with international regulations, various shipping companies use technology management strategies such as the Internet of Things and big data to automate operations and save the time required for cargo delivery at the port. Therefore, smart ports have always been advocated as future port trends. Only with transformation can the negative impact of all container transportation reforms on ports be resolved. This research uses the Santos Port as a case study to explore how the Brazilian government can introduce private sector funds and technology through Public-Private Partnerships to make the Port of Santos more competitive. The New Port Law enacted in 2013 replaced the 1993 Port Law. With the participation of private sector management and resources, the Santos Port has successfully transformed itself by increasing its container throughput, logistics and convenience between the port hinterland, etc. Furthermore, it accounted for nearly 40% of Brazil's container throughput in 2018, making it the largest container hub port in South America. This paper will review the competitiveness of the Santos Port before and after 2013 by using port competitiveness indicators, such as the container annual port throughput and Liner Shipping Connectivity Index by UNCTAD. Through the Global Competitiveness Report and Logistics Performance Index, we examine the impact of the transformation of the Port of Santos on Brazil's national competitiveness.


一、 中文資料
高希均、石滋宜 (1996)。競爭力手册。臺北:天下文化。
盧世勳 (2002)。《近來南美洲債務危機的發展及其經濟展望》。國際金
融參考資料。第48 輯。中華民國中央銀行。檢自︰
