  • 學位論文


Parent-Teacher Communication in a Primary School-A Study of the Application of the LINE App

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


隨著科技的發展與網際網路的普及,即時通訊軟體的使用已成為現代人際互動的主要管道之一,而即時通訊軟體LINE也常被親師應用在教育現場中,雖然它帶來了許多的便利,卻也帶來了不少困擾,因此如何善用LINE來進行溝通便是現代親師需要學習的課題。 本研究旨在探討國小導師使用即時通訊軟體LINE進行親師溝通的情形,研究方法採個案研究,以桃園市某公立國小為研究場域,運用便利抽樣方式,分別從低、中、高年級各找一位導師與家長進行質性訪談。訪談大綱採半結構式,訪談大綱結合了SWOT分析進行提問,從中了解使用LINE溝通的優勢、機會、劣勢與威脅。 本研究結果如下: 一、國小階段,親師使用LINE功能上以傳送文字訊息及照片為主 二、談論內容多以孩子日常生活表現、個別突發狀居多 三、親師可接受的聯絡時間為上學時間到晚上十點前 四、親師會因事情的急迫性、重要性及私密性用下班時間來做溝通 五、親師選用LINE溝通的主因是方便即時、使用人口多及免付費 六、親師會根據事情的急迫性、重要性使用不同的功能來溝通 七、LINE具備的優勢主要為省時省力、增進親師生互動 八、LINE具備的機會主要為分享教育相關網路資源 九、LINE面臨的劣勢主要為使用者無時間觀念 十、LINE面臨的威脅主要為擔心群組引發的爭執 最後,依據研究結果研究者提出相關建議,以提供國小教師與家長以及未來研究之參考。


With the development of technology and popularization of Internet, the use of instant messaging software has become one of the main pathway in interpersonal interactions. However, instant messaging software LINE is quite often applied in parent-teacher educational scene. Although it has brought many conveniences, it has also caused quite a few problems. Therefore, how to make the best of efforts in LINE APP for communication will be an essential issue for parents and teachers to learn. The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of elementary school homeroom teachers using instant messaging software LINE as a parent-teacher communication tool. Case study design was used. The participants in this study were chosen on a convenience sampling to use the qualitative interviews from each lower, intermediate, and higher grade teachers and parents in Taoyuan public elementary school. An interview outline conducted a semi-structured interview which combined SWOT analysis for asking questions in order to figure out the SWOT components in using LINE as a communication app. The results were listed as follows: 1.Sending text messages and pictures was the main function of using LINE APP in parent-teacher communication at elementary stage. 2.The message contents focused on the daily-life performances of children and individual emergency situations. 3.The acceptable contact time for parent-teacher communication was from school time to ten o’clock at night. 4.Parent-teacher communication happened after-hours due to the urgency, importance and privacy. 5.Convenient, prompt feedback, a large number of users, and free of charge were the primary reasons of using LINE APP for parent-teacher communication. 6.Various functions were used for parent-teacher communication which depended on the urgency or importance. 7.The main strengths of LINE APP were time and energy savings as well as interactions increased among parent-teacher-student. 8.The main opportunity of LINE APP was to share educational related websites resources. 9.The main weakness of LINE APP was the lack of concept of time from users. 10.The main threat of LINE APP was the disputes triggered by the group. Thus, the researcher offered some suggestions for reference according to the research findings to elementary teachers and parents for future research.


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