  • 學位論文


The Strategic Implications of China's Maritime Silk Road on the Strait of Malacca

指導教授 : 黃介正


2013年9、10月,中國國家主席習近平在出訪中亞和東南亞國家期間,先後提出共建「絲綢之路經濟帶」和「21世紀海上絲綢之路」(以下簡稱「一帶一路」)的重大倡議,中國國務院總理李克強參加2013年中國-東盟博覽會時強調,鋪就面向東盟的海上絲綢之路,打造帶動腹地發展的戰略支點。 美國亞洲研究所高級研究員納德吉利·羅蘭說:中國的「一帶一路」不僅僅是基礎設施建設,而是一個大戰略,終極目的是實現中國的「復興」,「一帶一路」既是一種願景,也是實現這種願景的手段方式,包括在經濟上幫助國有企業找到新的市場、輸出過剩產能、實現人民幣國際化,讓中國不必通過改革就能保持經濟的持續增長。其中更值得關注的是這個戰略的政治和地緣政治意圖,也就是通過經濟利益來吸引他國,讓中國獲得更大的地區影響力,使中國在經濟和文化上佔據主導地位,讓其他國家圍繞著中國。 經濟全球化的發展,海洋成為各國經濟流通的重要管道之一,同時也是重要能源運輸方式,馬六甲海峽因獨特地理位置關係,至今扮演者連接太平洋與印度洋的海上交通要衝,中國學者張宇指出:『毫不誇張地說,誰控制了馬六甲海峽,誰就扼制住了中國的能源通道。』 ,這顯現出馬六甲海峽對中國的重要性,同時牽動著中國海上絲綢之路的發展,這其中隱藏著美、中及周邊國家經濟、外交、軍事戰略的較勁.也影響亞太區域經濟安全。


During his visits to central and Southeast Asian countries in September and October 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping successively proposed major initiatives to jointly build the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st century Maritime Silk Road" (hereinafter referred to as the "belt and road"). Premier Li Keqiang, when participating in the 2013 China ASEAN Expo, stressed that we should lay out a maritime Silk Road for ASEAN and fight for it Build a strategic fulcrum to drive the development of hinterland. "The belt and road" in China is not only an infrastructure construction, but also a major strategy. The ultimate goal is to realize China's "rejuvenation". The belt and road "is not only a vision, but also a means to achieve this vision, including helping state-owned enterprises find new markets and export excess capacity economically," said nadjilly Roland, a senior researcher at the American Institute for Asian studies To realize the internationalization of RMB, so that China can maintain sustained economic growth without reform. What is more noteworthy is the political and geopolitical intention of this strategy, that is, to attract other countries through economic interests, so that China can gain greater regional influence, so that China will occupy a dominant position in economy and culture, and other countries will focus on China. With the development of economic globalization, the sea has become one of the important channels for economic circulation of all countries, and also an important means of energy transportation. Due to its unique geographical location, the Strait of Malacca has played a key role in connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Zhang Yu, a Chinese scholar, points out that "it is no exaggeration to say that whoever controls the Strait of Malacca controls China's energy transportation Avenue. This shows the importance of the Straits of Malacca to China, and at the same time affects the development of China's Maritime Silk Road, which hides the rivalry of the economic, diplomatic and military strategies of the United States, China and neighboring countries, as well as the economic security of the Asia Pacific region.


壹、 中文文獻
1. Peter Navarro、鍾友綸譯,《美中開戰的起點》,(新北市:光現出版,2017年5月10日)。
2. Ranjit Kumar著,黃國光譯,研究方法入門與實務(Research Methodology:a step-by-step guide for beginners)。
3. ROBERT HADDICK,《海上交鋒中共、美國與太平洋的未來1防部政務辦公室》,(臺北市:防部政務辦公室,2017年2月)。
