  • 學位論文


The economic globalization strategy for Mainland China

指導教授 : 郭建中


自2012年11月中共總書記習近平上臺後,提出「經濟新常態」一詞,解釋當前中國大陸的經濟現象,更提出「供給側結構性改革」以面對中國大陸經濟持續發展的問題,更於2013年11月第十八屆中央委員會第三次全體會議上,成立「中央全面深化改革領導小組」,以面對國內經濟的「深化改革」。因為,此時期中國大陸的經濟轉型,已不再像過去三十多年只是經濟的對外「改革開放」,而是與美國、歐盟、日本等各大經濟體間的經濟關係的改變,並形成了經濟大國間的合縱與連橫。 現今的經濟全球化,是八大全球化(人才、資訊網路、製造、貿易、投資、市場、貨幣、文化)相互間產生一定程度融合後,所形成的世界經濟強權發展的模式。故為期能更為全面地客觀分析中國大陸經濟全球化的發展戰略,本論文綜合解析中國大陸如何透過「人才策略」、「互聯網+策略」、「十三五規劃」、「中國製造2025策略」、「自由貿易試驗區(FTZ)策略」、「國家新型城鎮化規劃策略」、「扶貧策略」、「一帶一路戰略」、「國際產能與裝備製造合作策略」、「自由貿易協定(FTA)策略」、「人民幣國際化策略」等,以形成其經濟全球化的戰略布局。這更是對中國大陸面對其兩個一百年的奮鬥目標,與中國大陸是否有機會挑戰美國經濟霸權,做一整體分析與論述。 美國川普總統「讓美國再次偉大」(Make America Great Again)使得世界各國對於美國,只顧自身國家利益的質疑不斷加深,已逐步影響美國的世界領導地位。中國大陸現階段經濟發展戰略,對內發展綜合國力,實現富民強國目標;對外持續提倡經濟全球化,以發展更強大的經濟影響力,期望達成中華民族偉大復興的理想。 為此,中國大陸已開展建立各行業及領域的標準化體系,企圖突破美國於二戰後所建立的經濟全球化頂層設計,以形成新一代中國大陸所主導的經濟全球化體系。更避免美國的干涉與掣肘,達成經濟領域獨立自主,如此以期盼於2049年逐步實踐偉大中國夢的第二個百年目標,以建成富強、民主、文明、和諧的社會主義現代化國家。


Since coming to power in November 2012, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, has proposed the term "new economic normal" to explain the current economic phenomenon in Mainland China, and has also proposed "supply-side structural reforms" to face the problem of sustained economic development. At the third plenary meeting of the 18th Central Committee in November 2013, the "Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Leading Group" was established to face the "deepening reform" of the domestic economy. This is because the economic transformation of Mainland China during this period is no longer just like the "reform and opening up" of the economy in the past three decades, but change to economic relations with major economies such as the United States, the European Union, and Japan. This has resulted in the integration and continuity of economic powers. Today's economic globalization is a model of the development of world economic powers formed after the eight major globalizations, including human resources, information networks, manufacturing, trade, investment, markets, currency, and culture, have been integrated to a certain extent.Therefore, in order to provide a more comprehensive and objective analysis of the development strategy of economic globalization in Mainland China, this paper comprehensively analyzes how Mainland China adopts the "talent strategy", "Internet + strategy", "13th Five-Year Plan", "Made in China 2025 Strategy" , "Free Trade Pilot Zone (FTZ) Strategy", "National New Urbanization Planning Strategy", "Poverty Alleviation Strategy", " The Belt and Road Initiative ", "International Capacity and Equipment Manufacturing Cooperation Strategy", "Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Strategy" , "RMB Internationalization Strategy", etc., to form its strategic layout of economic globalization. This is an overall analysis and discussion of China's two hundred-year goals and whether it has the opportunity to challenge the US economic hegemony. US President Trump's "Make America Great Again" has made countries around the world increasingly question the United States for its own national interests, which has gradually affected the United States' world leadership. The current economic development strategy of mainland China is to develop comprehensive national strength internally and achieve the goal of enriching the people and strengthening the country; externally, it continues to promote economic globalization to develop a stronger economic influence and hope to achieve the ideal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Recently, mainland China has begun to establish a standardization system for various industries and fields, in an attempt to break through the top-level design of economic globalization established by the United States after World War II, to form a new generation of economic globalization system dominated by mainland China. It also avoids the interference and constraints by the United States and achieves independence in the economic field. In this way, it is hoped that the second centenary goal of the great Chinese dream will be gradually implemented in 2049, so as to build a prosperous, democratic, civilized, and harmonious socialist modern country.


《2017-2018中國對外承包工程發展報告》(北京: 中華人民共和國商務部、中國對外承包工程商會,2018)。
《2017中國對外投資合作發展報告》(北京: 中華人民共和國商務部,2017)。
《2017中國對外投資發展報告》(北京: 中華人民共和國商務部,2017)。
