  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Sino-Russian (Soviet) border disputes- Focusing 1960s on Zhenbao Island incident in 1969.

指導教授 : 許菁芸


1969年3月爆發珍寶島事件,表面上是一場軍事衝突,但實際在深層層面上,其軍事衝突事件牽扯著中共、蘇聯內部的政局發展。因此本研究結合歷史文獻分析、新古典現實主義和地緣政治理論作為研究途徑,來探討中俄(蘇)邊界條約及中共、蘇聯的國內外因素如何影響1960年代中蘇關係和導致1969年珍寶島事件的發生。 本文先從清代作為研究起點,了解當時清國與西方列強簽訂之條約及領土變更,而後接著從1960年代的中蘇關係的變化開始進行探討,最後以中介變項探討珍寶島事件的發生。由此可了解其中蘇邊界衝突的歷史脈絡。 因此本論文首先分析中俄(蘇)邊界衝突之遠因,即自清代以來所簽訂之條約,對於中國政權而言,這些與西方列強(包含沙俄)簽訂之條約是在不對等的國力情況下,被逼迫簽定的「不平等條約」,因而歷史問題一直延續至20世紀。 其次,1960年代是中蘇(俄)關係的轉捩點,在1960年代因在「意識形態」國際共產主導權之爭或是在「地緣政治」的影響力角逐等事件,雙方關係開始轉變,而中共將此歷史爭議問題又再次浮出檯面,要求蘇聯針對邊界領土劃定問題進行談判,本研究發現,中蘇雙方在衡量當時的國際與國內情勢下,「領導人意向」和「戰略文化」的迥異(新古典現實主義的中介變項)引導了雙方在邊界的衝突的不斷發生,最終雙方於1969年3月爆發了珍寶島軍事衝突。


The Zhenbao Island incident broke out in March 1969. Seemingly, it was a military conflict, but in fact, and on the deep level, the military quarrel involved the political development of the CPC and the Soviet Union. By analysis of historical documents, Neoclassical Realism and geopolitical theory as research approaches, this thesis explores how the Sino-Russian border treaty, the domestic and foreign factors of the CPC and the USSR affected Sino Soviet relations in the 1960s, leading to the occurrence of the Zhenbao Island incident in 1969. This thesis begins with Qing Dynasty as starting point to understand the treaties and territorial changes, signed by China and Western powers. Then, it discusses the changes of Sino-Soviet relations in the 1960s and, finally, the case of Zhenbao Island with the intermediary variability. This way, we can understand the historical context of the border conflict between China and the Soviet Russia. Also, this thesis analyzes the remote causes regarding the border conflict between China and Soviet Russia—the treaties signed since the Qing Dynasty. As for China, these “unfair treaties” were agreed under an unequal condition of national strengths. That is why, the historical problems had occurred and lasted until the 20th century. Additionally, 1960s was considered a turning point of Sino-Soviet (Russian) relations. In 1960s, both their relationships began to change due to the dispute over the international communist dominance of "ideology" or the influence competition of "geopolitics". The CPC once again raised the issue of historical controversy and asked the Soviet to negotiate on the delimitation of border territory. This research found out the difference between “leaders intention” and “strategic culture ” in measuring the international and the domestic situations at that time. Furthermore, the variation (the intermediary variable of Neoclassical Realism) brought about the following occurrence of border clashes between two sides. In the event, their military battle broke out on Zhenbao Island in March 1969.


1.寶鋆等修 (1971),籌辦夷務始末,臺北縣:文海出版社。
3.「中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館」,『莫勒密耶字界碑應仍會移原處由』, 『02-10-029-01-027』。
