  • 學位論文


The Hong Kong political crisis: a wall on China’s political rise?

指導教授 : 宮國威


自從1997年香港主權由英國移交中華人民共和國以來,儘管這不是第一次香港宣稱自治權受到侵犯的大規模抗議活動,2019年的自治運動卻是一場極具歷史性的示威,儘管對於未來還充滿著不確定性。 在「反送中」示威者及香港政府對於《逃犯條例》修訂內容的意見分歧之下,抗議者要求讓民主成為擺脫政治危機的唯一出路。「反送中」風暴改變了香港社會及其政治生態,也打擊了與中國之間的脆弱關係。再者,對北京一直以「一國兩制」為原則來將其對香港和對台政策合法化的可行性提出質疑。 本研究透過香港、北京和台灣的歷史和政治背景,對此次政治危機及其對該地區的影響進行了分析。


香港 台灣 中國 政治危機 選舉 主權 民主 獨立 一國兩制


Despite not being the first mass protests that claim Hong Kong's autonomy since the handover from British rule back to China in 1997, the 2019 protests has taken a historical character. However, the future remains uncertain. The protestor’s claims that started by asking to meet some commitments are now about claim for democracy transition as the only way out. The political crisis in Hong Kong has affected the fragile relationship with China and also confirms that the "one country, two systems" principle is in deep crisis with potential repercussions in Taiwan. This paper presents an analysis of the political crisis and its impact on the region through the historical and political context of Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan.


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