  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Online Air Ticket Booking Websites

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈


在全球化與科技的持續發展浪潮下,人們搭乘飛機是愈來愈普遍的一件事,加上網際網路的蓬勃發展,消費者可以更快速且方便的使用線上機票訂購網站購買到機票,而為了因應消費者的多元需求和變動快速的消費模式,針對顧客的滿意度進行分析與瞭解已成為必要之舉,以能更精確的掌握消費者的需求與市場動向。因此,本研究將從線上機票訂購網站中的交易成本、科技接受度、產品屬性以及服務品質四項因素來探討其對 消費者滿意度的影響。 本研究透過相關文獻探討以及使用SPSS 22.0版本作為資料分析工具,經由研究數據發現,消費者使用線上機票訂購網站時,交易成本是影響滿意度的重要關鍵,其影響最為顯著且正向;科技接受度與服務品質兩項因素,皆對消費者滿意度有正向影響,但影響不顯著;而產品屬性較不被看重,其對消費者滿意度呈現負向影響。本研究期望藉由分析結果協助該產業發掘問題所在與做為行銷參考的依據,進而擬定可行的行銷策略以取得競爭優勢與提升顧客滿意度。


As the result of the continuous development of globalization and the technology, it becomes general for people to take a flight to go one place from another. In addition, the flourish development of the Internet allows people to book flight tickets easily on online flight ticket booking website. In order to satisfy the various need of consumers and rapid change of consumption pattern, a comprehensive understood and analysis of online customer satisfaction is an obvious necessity. By doing so, an industry can meet consumer need and market trend accurately. Hence, this research is trying to discuss the effect of transaction cost, technology acceptance, product attributes and service quality toward customer satisfaction on online flight ticket booking website. This research uses SPSS version 22.0 as a tool for data analysis. The result shows that the transaction cost is positively and significantly correlated with costumer satisfaction. Furthermore, the technology acceptance and service quality are also positively correlated with costumer satisfaction. However, product attribute, displaying a different pattern, is negatively correlated with costumer satisfaction. Hope this research helps related industries to figure out the operation in the market so as to make viable strategies and promote competitiveness.


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