  • 學位論文


Experimental studies on Ventilation Performance of Rooftop Ventilators

指導教授 : 陳增源


本研究為探討渦輪通風器以及兩種自行設計的改良型通風器通風特性之比較。改良型通風器分為兩種,第一種為低壓通風器,以渦輪通風器作為設計基礎,加裝了低壓通風裝置,目的是要增加通風器上方的通風管道,並藉由低壓通風裝置後方所產生的低壓區,提升吸力效應;第二種改良型通風器是旋風通風器,其設計是將旋風集風罩及內部轉子作為動力段,並結合了靜態通風器,藉由旋風集風罩拉高轉速的同時,增加離心效應,使吸風效果有所提升,而低轉速或是不轉動時,也能由靜態通風器本身的吸風機制,讓吸風持續進行。 實驗方式是利用多風扇所組成的開放式風洞,來模擬不同的外界風速環境,將一圓管放置在開放式風洞前方2公尺的位置,並將圓管固定在一個防止外部氣流影響的壓克力外罩內,上方放置通風器,而圓管側邊設有量測點,在量測點上架設熱線測速計,藉由量測的風速大小得知通風器之吸風效果,而除了測量正常轉動下的吸風效果外,也會透過讓通風器不轉動,來模擬轉軸損壞導致無法轉動時的吸風狀況。 實驗結果顯示,低壓通風器和渦輪型相較之下的確能藉由低壓通風裝置而使吸風效果得到提升,也能有效解決渦輪通風器在不轉動時吸風表現下降甚至是倒灌的現象,實驗中也透過改變低壓通風裝置的頂蓋尺寸、底座高度以及間距高度來探討這些變數對於吸風效果的影響。低壓通風器在台灣的風速環境下,轉動時最高能提升37%,而不轉動時最高也能稍微高出渦輪型轉動時2%的吸風效果。旋風通風器的部分,實驗結果說明了上方旋風集風罩確實能夠使增加四至五成的轉速,但是吸風效果卻沒有得到相對提升,因此在靜態通風器內部加裝葉片,並透過實驗探討葉片高度、加裝片數和吸風效果間的關係,經實驗量測後,得知旋風通風器在台灣的風速環境下,轉動時最高能夠提升66%,不轉動時同樣也能高出渦輪型66%的吸風效能。


This research investigated the ventilation performance of traditional turbine ventilator and two modified type ventilators. One of the modified type ventilators is the low-pressure type ventilator, , and the other one is the vortical ventilator. From the experimental results, we can find out when it is rotating, low-pressure type ventilator has one more tunnel to let air exhaust, so the ventilation performance is increasing by 37% compares to the turbine ventilators. On the contrary, when it is not rotating under low wind speed or it is out of order, being created by bigger low-pressure area on leeside let the ventilation performance of low-pressure type ventilation still has 102% of rotating turbine ventilator’s. Another modified ventilator is vortical type ventilator. From the experimental results, the ventilation performance of vortical type ventilator is 66% greater than turbine ventilator’s. It caused by the rotate effect with high rotate speed. When it is not rotating, it still has 66% better ventilation performance than rotating turbine ventilator. Because even ventilator is not rotating, static ventilator still has stable ventilation performance due to the pressure difference between inside and outside.


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