  • 學位論文


The meaning and influence of allowing Mainland China Investors to invest in Taiwan (2009~2017)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮(Chan-Li Kuo)


自2009年我國開放陸資來臺投資後,其所產生的效益,不論是在投資金額、企業合作模式及創造本地就業上,皆已達到一定成果。對臺灣而言,開放陸資除了具有提供本地就業機會、引入資金或技術、強化兩岸產業分工、擴大產值與稅收,以及拓展中國大陸市場等目的;更重要的是,有助於維持兩岸經貿正常化,並有助於臺灣就業,帶動臺灣經濟成長及出口動能,亦有利兩岸的區域穩定,進一步提升臺灣整體競爭力。 由於目前臺灣社會對於陸資企業來臺投資,仍有不同的意見,但可確定的是,隨著中國經濟崛起與對外投資的擴大,臺灣越來越難迴避中國因素的影響。然而自我政府對陸資開放以來,兩岸已改變過去「單向投資」局面,轉為「雙向投資」,使得臺資企業不用遠赴中國大陸,透過陸資來臺在臺合作,一方面根留臺灣厚植臺灣產業實力,另一面共同把市場做大,達到互利雙贏。 自2016年政黨再次輪替,蔡英文總統多次強調政府在兩岸關係將「維持現狀」,並依據中華民國憲法、兩岸人民關係條例及其相關法律處理兩岸事務;截至目前(2019年)兩岸官方協商機制仍然中斷,同時因服貿協議基於兩岸監督條例尚未通過而未果,且自由經濟示範區條例遭致擱置,導致許多陸資企業認為我方情勢傾向限縮陸資來臺,現階段仍非投資臺灣之適當時機。但對臺灣而言,外來資金直接投資,最能產生最直接且正面的效應,不但可為臺灣市場注入活水,也能提升就業機會及市場成長動能,甚至帶動外銷的出口訂單成長;開放陸資企業來臺,更有助於奠定兩岸關係朝向正常化。 臺灣要引進陸資,要思考的是「要如何促成兩岸產業合作」,在讓中國大陸企業更瞭解臺灣的同時,深化兩岸產業合作。因為過去兩岸產業合作都是單向的,都是臺商在中國大陸發展,但如何創造兩岸有序合作、優勢互補,為臺灣創造最大利基,這才是開放陸資來台政策的最終目標。




Since China opened up land investment to Taiwan in 2009, its benefits, whether in the amount of investment, the mode of enterprise cooperation and the creation of local employment, have achieved certain results. For Taiwan, opening up the mainland capital not only has the purpose of providing local employment opportunities, introducing capital or technology, strengthening the industrial division between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, expanding output value and tax revenue, and expanding the mainland market, but also helps to maintain the normalization of cross-strait economic and trade, help Taiwan to obtain employment and promote Taiwan's economic growth. Export momentum is also conducive to regional stability across the Straits and further enhance Taiwan's overall competitiveness. At present, Taiwan society still has different opinions on the investment of Chinese funds enterprises in Taiwan, but it is certain that with the rise of China's economy and the expansion of foreign investment, Taiwan is more and more difficult to avoid the influence of Chinese factors. However, since the opening-up of the government to the mainland, the two sides have changed the situation of "one-way investment" to "two-way investment", making Taiwan-funded enterprises do not have to go to mainland China to cooperate with Taiwan through the mainland investment. On the one hand, Taiwan's industrial strength is rooted, on the other hand, Taiwan's market is enlarged to achieve mutual benefit and win-win. Since the re-rotation of political parties in 2016, President Cai has repeatedly stressed that the government will "maintain the status quo" in cross-strait relations and handle cross-strait affairs in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of China, the Regulations on People's Relations across the Straits and related laws; up to now, the official consultation mechanism between the two sides has been interrupted, while the service and trade agreement has not yet been adopted on the basis of cross-strait supervision regulations. However, the failure and the shelving of the regulations of the Free Economic Demonstration Zone have led many land-funded enterprises to believe that our situation tends to limit the amount of land-funded investment in Taiwan, which is still not the right time to invest in Taiwan at this stage. But for Taiwan, foreign direct investment has the most direct and positive effect. It can not only inject fresh water into Taiwan's market, but also enhance employment opportunities and market growth momentum, and even promote export order growth. Opening up land-funded enterprises to Taiwan will help to establish cross-strait relations towards normalization. In order to introduce Chinese funds, Taiwan should think about "how to promote cross-strait industrial cooperation" and deepen cross-strait industrial cooperation while letting Chinese enterprises know Taiwan better. Because in the past, cross-strait industrial cooperation was one-way, and Taiwanese businessmen developed in mainland China. However, how to create orderly cross-strait cooperation, complementary advantages and create the greatest niche for Taiwan is the ultimate goal of the policy of opening up Chinese funds to Taiwan.


