  • 學位論文


TV Box brand evaluation by using Chinese Opinion Mining System

指導教授 : 蔣璿東


網路科技日新月異漸漸地改變了民眾日常的生活習慣。例如:過去坐在電視機前面觀賞電視節目是民眾習以為常的休閒娛樂,近年來隨著電視盒產業及網路媒體娛樂迅速發展,民眾只需透過OTT電視盒加上一條網路線,甚至無需支付額外費用就能享受多樣化的平台服務,也不再需要電視機才能觀看節目或追劇。換言之,OTT的誕生改變了民眾觀賞頻道型態,無論在任何時間或任何地點,只要有網路的地方再加上電視機、手機、平板、電腦等平台設備或OTT電視盒,就能透過安裝APP來連結觀看。然而OTT電視盒品牌在市面上琳瑯滿目,為分析電視盒在消費性市場評價及口碑,選擇最合適的策略產品,行銷人員經常透過電話做行銷問卷調查收集意見或利用網路搜尋相關資訊。 由於論壇社群意見足以影響消費者的行為模式,甚至超越媒體,已有相當多單位也利用意見探勘系統來蒐集論壇文章,分析各面向的口碑及評價。本研究將針對各品牌的電視盒進行口碑分析,經由中文意見探勘系統搜尋和分析論壇中與電視盒相關的文章及產生各品牌電視盒正負評論的完整句,再經由報表呈現同一期間內不同品牌電視盒被討論的文章數及有正負評價筆數,做為公司行銷人員分析各電視盒品牌的網路口碑,提供公司經營策略參考。


With the rapid development of the TV box industry and online media entertainment, the birth of OTT has changed the way people watch channels, regardless of the time or place, as long as there is a network, plus TV, mobile phone, tablet, computer, etc. Platform devices or OTT TV boxes can be viewed through the installation of the app. However, the OTT TV box brand is very popular in the market. Because the company currently has a small number of users, in order to analyze the evaluation and reputation of the TV box in the consumer market and select the most suitable strategy products, the marketing staff often conducts marketing questionnaires through the telephone to collect opinions or Use the web to find relevant information. This study will conduct a word-of-mouth analysis for TV boxes of various brands, search and analyze the articles related to TV boxes in the forum and the complete sentences that generate positive and negative comments of each brand TV box through the Chinese opinion mining system, and then present different brands in the same period through the report. The number of articles discussed in the TV box and the number of positive and negative evaluation articles, as the company's marketing staff to analyze the Internet word of mouth of each TV box brand, provide a reference for the company's business strategy.


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