  • 學位論文


Correlation between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance:A Case of the Police Officers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃一峯


現今人力資源的開發與利用隨著社會時代一起快速變遷,不僅在一般企業上有激烈競爭且具多元化挑戰的經營環境,對於任職公務機關、學校行政或研究人員職務者也充滿挑戰與危機。在這環境裡,警察人員工作內容屬性特殊,異於一般公務人員相對業務量大且繁重,工作時數也偏長,加上民眾對於警察認知為人民保姆使得警察人員所面臨的工作量負荷大,而人力調度不足的窘境,因此為瞭解警察同仁在工作滿足感與工作績效的個人屬性差異情形和相關性為本研究之探討。 本研究主要目的在進行警察人員工作滿足感對工作績效之相關性研究,採用量化分析並結合文獻探討來設計研究問卷,針對中央警察大學108年第39期警佐訓練班四類第二梯B班學員和交通部民用航空局警察同仁為研究對象進行網路問卷調查,共計回收有效問卷180份,分別分析警察人員不同個人屬性背景資料部分(包含性別、年齡、年資、教育程度、職務類型、官階)與工作滿足感和工作績效之間是否具有顯著差異性及相關性,並依據spss25.0統計分析所收集之問卷調查資料,進行 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)與相關分析(Correlation Analysis)。 研究發現,整體而言警察人員工作滿足感屬於中高程度,而高低差異除性別、教育程度、官階無顯著差異外,受到不同年齡、年資、職務類型與婚姻狀況等因素影響,在工作滿足感各構面中,「內在滿足感」與「任務績效」相關性為最高。而工作績效整體平均分數呈現中度偏高,工作績效的高低差異受到不同年資的因素影響,工作績效構面中,以「任務績效」在工作滿足感題組相關性最高,另外在工作滿足感與工作績效間各構面均達顯著正相關,即工作滿足感越高,工作績效越高。


Development and utilization of human resource have been changing rapidly as time and society changes. Not only do companies confront the business environment that is highly competitive and multicultural, employers of government agencies, administrator of schools and researchers are also facing challenges and crisis. In such circumstances, the job content of police officers seems unusual, as police have a heavier workload and longer working hour comparing to other civil servants. To top of that, the acknowledge of people considering polices as "caregiver of the Civil's" has also further increased the workload of police, leading to the difficulty of manpower shortage. Thus, in this research, we'll investigate the personal difference and correlation of police officers' working satisfaction and performance. This research aims to investigate the correlation of how polices' sense of satisfaction relates to their work performance. Conduct an online survey of the student of Central Police University’s 2019 Academic Year police the fourth category, second batch, class B training course and the police of Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC. We collect one hundred and eighty valid questionnaires. We designed a questionnaire by binding quantitative analysis and documentary investigation, analyzing whether the difference of police officers' backgrounds ( including sex ,age, seniority, educational background, position, official rank) has significant influence on sense of satisfaction and work performance, and further operate statistical analysis to the questionnaire according to spss 25.0, via t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Correlation Analysis. The research finds out that, on average, the sense of satisfaction at work ranks at medium to high level, there is no significant difference in gender, educational background and official rank; while factors like age, seniority, position and marriage, are mostly related to "inside-satisfaction" and "mission performance" among all aspects of working satisfaction. The average score of work performance is at the middle-high level, the high and lows are affected by seniority. Among all aspects of work performance, "mission performance" mostly relates to working satisfaction. Moreover, data shows a positive correlation to working satisfaction and working performance, thus we assume that the more one is satisfied, the better he/she performs.


吳明隆(2013)。SPSS 統計應用學習實務:問卷分析與應用統計。臺北市:易習圖書。
