  • 學位論文


Landlord's Estate and Rural Community in Imperial Russia (18-19 centuries)

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


18世紀至19世紀是俄羅斯貴族地主莊園與農村公社發展最為繁盛的歷史時期。雖然彼得大帝所推行的改革是針對俄羅斯進行現代化,但此次改革社會成果之一,是使地主莊園與農奴制度得到加強。顯然,這與西方現代化的基本原理相互矛盾。凱薩琳二世統治時期,其特點為透過國家政府制定許多法律規範,給予俄羅斯貴族許多特權與利益來取得貴族的支持。然而,俄羅斯農民卻受到農奴制度的束縛,不斷的被國家政府與貴族奴役。 本文的研究目的是了解貴族地主莊園與其組成部分—農村公社之基本組織原則。由於農村公社與貴族地主莊園是整個俄羅斯帝國社會制度中,最為重要的經濟、社會、政治基礎。此一研究結果,可以幫助讀者更深入了解西方與俄羅斯的傳統社會類型之異同,以及俄羅斯半現代化的獨特現象。


18-19th centuries became the historical period when the Russian landlord estate and rural community reached the point of their most accomplished development. Though the reform of Peter the Great were aimed at bringing modernization to Russia, one of their social results was strengthening of the landlord’s estate and serfdom systems. Obviously, it contradicted with the fundamental principles of the Western modernization. The period of rule of Catherine the Second was marked by the intention to win the sympathies of Russian aristocracy by granting certain new right visa-vie the state institution, however Russian peasantry continued suffering from serfdom imposed by the state and nobility. The purpose of this thesis is to study the basic principles of organization of the landlord’s estate and its integral part-the peasant community. As the rural community and the landlord estate were the most important economic, social and political foundations of the entire social system of the Russian Empire, the results of this research can be helpful in terms of deeper understanding the similarities and differences between Western and Russian types of traditional societies and the peculiar pattern of modernization of semi-traditional Russian.


Anderson, P. (1996), Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism, London: NLB.
Anisimov, E. V. (1993), The Reforms of Peter the Great: Progress through Coercion in Russia, (Alexander, T. J. Trans.). Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe.
