  • 學位論文


A System for Disguised Face Recognition with Convolution Neural Networks

指導教授 : 易志孝
共同指導教授 : 洪國銘


本文是以深度正規化卷積式神經網路(DNCNN)為基礎的偽裝人臉辨識系統,此系統需要訓練兩組DNCNN辨識網路,第一組辨識網路的功能為辨識輸入人臉圖像的偽裝分類,該網路將人臉偽裝輸入圖像區分為三類,分別是無偽裝、上半臉偽裝及下半臉偽裝,在辨認完成之後,系統會將圖像中有偽裝的上半臉或下半臉部分移除後,再將無偽裝的半張臉圖像輸入到第二組辨識網路,而第二組辨識網路的功能就是辨識該輸入圖像的人員身分。在執行上述兩組DNCNN辨識網路的訓練與辨識之前,需先將人像的原始圖像樣本進行前處理。前處理採用Viola-Jones 臉部偵測演算法,先將人臉位置的區塊尋找出來,再擷取全臉方形圖像並切割成半張人臉圖像當作訓練圖像資料樣本,然而為了減少因為訓練樣本不足,而造成的過度訓練的問題,此系統以人臉圖像中心旋轉方式,產生更多的人臉圖像來強化辨識網路的訓練。在前處理完成後,將不同人臉圖像分類、收集與切割後,即可開始進行訓練與測試網路。由本篇實驗結果顯示,本系統對於偽裝人臉圖像辨識,與參考文獻的辨識率結果相近。


In this paper, we propose a disguised face recognition system based on Deep Normalization and Convolution Neural Network (DNCNN), this system include two trained DNCNN identification Network. The function of first trained identification network is to identify the type of disguised of the input face image. This network classifies human face disguised input images into three categories, No disguised, Upper half face disguised and Lower half face disguised. After the classification is completed, the system will remove the upper half disguised or the lower half disguised of the face image, and remaining the non-disguised half face images, then input it into the second recognition network. The function of the second recognition network is to recognize the identification of the input half face image. To reduce the over-fitting caused by imbalanced and insufficient training samples. Before performing the training and identification of the above two DNCNN recognition networks, we need to perform the pre-process on the original image samples first. The image pre-process is used the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm. The algorithm first finds out the block of the face position of original images, then the pre-process rotates and captures the face block image or half face images for the training and testing of recognition networks. After the preprocessing is completed, we can perform the training and testing of DNCNN recognition networks. The experimental results show that the system achieved a similar recognition rates as the reference.


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