  • 學位論文


The Influence of New Media Use on the Political Trust and Evaluation of Democracy

指導教授 : 蕭怡靖


本研究主旨乃探討新媒體的使用,對於政治信任以及民主評價產生的影響。台灣在2017年根據統計,全國地區寬頻上網人口推估達到1,879萬人。過去媒體在課本上被稱作是「第四權」,幫助大家了解公共問題,以及發表公共見解,擔任著可以監督政府制衡政府的一個重要角色。不過隨著網路使用率的上升,民眾獲取資訊的來源更加寬廣,每個人在網路上除了是閱讀者,也可以是新聞、資訊的提供者,更 可以對政治議題發表評論以及接受他人的評論,可以說網路媒體的出現提供了民眾更多參與政治的機會。 本文研究焦點在於,民眾是否會因為有偏重使用傳統媒體或新媒體的差異,而對於政治信任和民主評價有不同的評斷?民眾是否使用社群網站,對於政治信任以及民主評價評斷造成正面亦或是負面的影響?社群網站是新媒體的代表性產物,因為社群網站各項功能的使用,對於政治信任以及民主評價的判斷的影響狀況又將會是如何?筆者運用交叉分析、平均數檢定、二元勝算對數模型、線性回歸模型及相關統計圖表來分析2014年台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫面訪案。 研究結果發現,民眾的媒體使用偏好以及是否使用新媒體,對於政治信任及民主評價的影響不如本文預期,但在政黨認同上,不論是政治信任或是民主評價都有達到統計上具顯著之水準。簡言之,民眾在對於政治態度上的評斷,受到新媒體的影響可以說是微乎其微,最終還是回到政黨認同作為評判的依據。因此,筆者建議在未來相關研究中除了可以將政黨認同作為影響政治態度之自變項,同時在其中將新媒體的使用作為中介變項對於政治態度的影響。透過政黨認同的傾向,檢測新媒體是否有加強的效果,若能在統計上呈現具有顯著差異的結果,便能嘗試推論新媒體之影響力。


新媒體 Web2.0 政治信任 民主評價


The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the use of new media on political trust and democratic evaluation. According to statistics in 2017, Taiwan’s broadband Internet population has been estimated to reach 18.79 million. In the past, the media was called "the fourth power" in textbooks to help people understand public issues and public opinions, and to play an important role in monitoring the government's checks and balances. However, with the increase in Internet usage, people have more access to information. Everyone on the Internet can be a reader of news, news, information, and can comment on political issues and accept comments from others. It can be said that the emergence of online media provides people with more opportunities to participate in politics. The focus of this paper is whether the public will have different judgments on political trust and democratic evaluation because of the preference for using traditional media or new media. Does the use of social networking sites have positive or negative effects on political trust and democratic evaluation? The social networking site is a representative product of new media. What is the impact of the use of social networking sites on political trust and judgment of democratic evaluation? The author uses cross-analysis, average number verification, binary odds logarithm model, linear regression model and related statistical charts to analyze the 2014 Taiwan Social Change Survey. The study found that people's media preferences and whether they use new media have less influence on political trust and democratic evaluation than expected in this article. However, in political party identification, both political trust and democratic evaluation have reached statistically significant levels. In short, the public's judgment on political attitudes can be said to be minimally influenced by the new media, and ultimately it is back to the party's identity as the basis for judging. Therefore, the author suggests that in the future related research, in addition to the political party identity as a self-change influencing political attitudes, and in the use of the use of new media as an intermediary variable impact on political attitudes. Through the tendency of political party identification, it is tested whether new media has an enhanced effect. If statistically significant results are found, we can try to infer the influence of new media.


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