  • 學位論文


Study on The Problems and Solution for Advertisement Spam Bots with Weibo as Example

指導教授 : 黃明達


由於現今網際網路上充斥著各種的垃圾訊息。本研究透過個案公司的實際操作過程中,提供各社群網站了解攻擊微博網站的機器人(以下簡稱機器人)是如何運作。 本研究採用個案研究法,挑選微博為對象,收集分析並進行調校,共有十個步驟的問題與解答。 經由本研究案例發現,社群網站的防堵都過於簡單,所以讓殭屍帳號找到漏洞可以創建帳號,在創建帳號之後,個案公司經由模擬真實使用者的方式訓練帳號,藉由爬蟲程式抓取目標廣告名單,之後偽裝成正常的使用者關注與評論,讓機器人順利的運行。 針對這些狀況,本研究提供社群網站幾點建議可供參考。 關鍵字:機器人、社群網站、垃圾訊息、網路爬蟲。


Because of the current Internet is full of varius spam. Through the practical operation of the case company, this study is for the community websites to understand how the robot attacking the Weibo site (hereinafter in referred to as the robot) operates. This case study adopts the case study method, selects Weibo as the object, collects and analyzes, and conducts adjustments. There are ten steps to conduct the questions and answers. Through this case study, it is found that the social network's anti-blocking are too simple, so that the zombie account can find the vulnerability to create an account. After the account is created, the case company trains the account by simulating the real user and crawling the target through the crawler. The list of advertisements was then disguised as normal user attention and comments, allowing the robot to run smoothly. In response to these conditions, this study provides some suggestions for the community website for reference.


Robots Community Sites Spam Web Crawlers


一、 中文文獻
1. 王明聖(2014),小心提防臉書的殭屍粉絲。2018/2/1取自https://www.techbang.com/posts/13264-beware-of-zombies-facebook-fans
2. 姚依君(2010),網頁應用程式攻擊之研究—以淡江大學為例,碩士論文,淡江大學資訊管理學系。
3. MBA百科,國際移動識別碼,2018/2/1取自http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%85%E7%A7%BB%E5%8A
4. 新浪科技(2011)。調查稱第一季新浪微博占57%國內微博用戶量。
