  • 學位論文


A Study on the Real estate Development Marketing Strategy in Taiwan – A Case of T Company

指導教授 : 林江峰


近年來世界經濟不景氣的影響下,加上奢侈稅、房地合一稅的推出,造成對房地產市場的衝擊。台灣的房地產市場在受到環境和政策的影響下,建商如何提高整體能力,在面對市場變化時,如何改變行銷策略應戰,都是目前台灣房地產業所要面對和處理的問題。 本研究以T公司個案分析、根據4P、及STP深入分析T公司房地產業行銷策略及分析研究台灣房地產業所面臨行銷策略問題。 本研究歸納重要結論如下: (1) T公司房地產業行銷策略需具更宏觀,持續研發與時俱進,並因應大環境的變化而調整 (2)台灣的房地產業目前處於盤整期,T公司應面對總體經濟和政策面帶來的變化,與同業合作搭配不動產證券化(REIT)創造雙贏,儲備能量。


Under the influence of the economic downturn in recent years, there is no doubt that the real estate market will have a certain impact. Under the influence of the government tax policies, how Taiwan's real estate market can improve its overall capabilities and how to change its marketing strategies when faced with market changes are all problems by the real estate industry in Taiwan. This section discusses the real estate industry in Taiwan. The purpose is to provide an in-depth analysis of Taiwan's real estate marketing strategy. In this study, a case study of Company T, a 4P, and STP analysis were conducted to investigate the marketing strategies faced by the Taiwan real estate industry. The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Taiwan's real estate marketing strategy needs to keep up with the world in order to keep pace with the times, find a position to achieve effective communication and achieve the effect of marketing, continuous research and development and advancing with the times, and respond to changes in the environment. Adjust and reserve energy; (2) The real estate industry in Taiwan is currently during the consolidation period, it is digesting and adapting to changes brought about by the overall economy and policies,collaborate with peers to create a win-win situation with “REITs”


1. 吳修廉(1994),房地產景氣及其影響因素之研究-以台中都會區為例,私立東海大學碩士論文。
2.司徒達賢(民 87),「策略管理(二版)」,台北:遠流。
