  • 學位論文


Exploring the Competency Development Strategies of Account Officers from the Perspective of Personal Business Model--A Study on C Insurance Company

指導教授 : 張勝雄


值此保險業已佔金融服務非常重要的地位,且相較銀行的服務,保險業的法金授信人員職能高低佔公司獲利之重要關鍵時,本文研究者卻發現鮮少碩士論文探討保險業的法金授信人員,而探討法金授信人員職能的論文更付之厥如。 本文研究者於C保險公司任職,清楚地感受到C保險公司之放貸業務所以能擴展如此迅速,與其高競爭力經營策略、高度彈性服務與法金授信人員高度訓練的知識及職能有密切的關係。而如何發展及強化法金授信人員的職能使其個人商業模式能維持高度成效,為本論文欲探討的重點。 因此本研究希望透過商業模式的觀點,協助C保險公司法金授信人員重新檢視自身各項資源與優劣勢,藉以架構其個人商業模式畫布,並根據該個人商業模式畫布的各個要素,協助C保險公司法金授信人員發展可行的職能策略。 本研究採用個案研究法進行研究分析,並以十位C保險公司法金授信人員人員為個案研究對象,採用個人商業模式畫布(personal business model canvas) 觀點,經由深度訪談、資料蒐集與歸納整理,架構出十位受訪者的個人商業模式畫布,藉以盤點其職能優劣勢;並比較分析上述不同個人商業模式畫布之異同點,進而提出保險業法金授信人員職能發展之可行策略如下: 一、市場開發及維護策略 1. 鎖定目標客群 ,也不忽略其他客群 2. 把握好其他部門、同事、同業、同行甚至親朋好友所轉介之客戶 3. 進行社團開發,發展人脈與跨領域學習 4. 善用自身經歷、知識及服務模式,連結商品特性 5. 作好工作規劃與業績檢討 二、顧客關係策略 1. 隨時關心客戶的狀況及需求 2. 對既有客戶再次行銷 3. 以專業建立客戶信任感 4. 善用E化工具,提升服務效率及廣度 三、價值提升策略 1. 關心及滿足客戶的需求為號召,提供協助成功之典範 2. 塑造專業與成功形象 3. 提升自身多元價值,也讓客戶享受到價值 4. 持續學習,彈性調整職能


The insurance industry has been playing an important part in finance industry in Taiwan . Compared to banks , the insurance company offers flexible services because of competencies of trained account officers . It is a pity that it is difficult to find related researches and dissertations about account officers’ competencies. This study was designed to assist the account officers to develop their competencies by listing the advantages and disadvantages of existing abilities and resources. This study adopted the case study research method. Having ten account officers of C insurance co. as subjects, the author collected and collated information through in-depth interviews and then constructed their own personal business model canvas. By listing the advantages and disadvantages of the subjects and analyzing between different individual business model canvases, the feasible competency development strategies for leasing account officers are as the following: The market development and maintenance strategies: 1. Target specific groups of customers and never neglect other potential customers. 2. Make good use of transferred customers from other units 3. Join social groups to develop interpersonal relationship and learn from one another 4. Utilize knowledge through self-experience as well as company’s service model to express the characteristics of the model 5. Perform planning and controlling effectively and efficiently Customer relationship strategies 1. Care about customers’ situations and demands at any time 2. Do remarketing to present customers 3. Earn trust from customers professionally 4. Use internet and computer technologies to increase service efficiency and degree Value improvement strategies 1. Offer successful paradigm to customers 2. Shape professional and successful image 3. Upgrade self-value diversely and let customers feel it too 4. Keep on learning and adjust self-competencies flexibly


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