  • 學位論文


A Study on How a Principal Implemented Learning Community in a Remote Junior High School: Learning Leadership Concern-based

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究以一所推動學習共同體的偏鄉國中為個案學校,以校長學習領導的觀點研究,了解該校推動學習共同體的發展脈絡,並透過學習領導的五個內涵,分析校長以學習領導推動學習共同體的行為內涵,並了解其推動的實踐歷程中,所遭遇的困境及解決策略。   本研究針對一位校長、一位主任級五位課任教師為對象進行訪談,輔以文件分析及現場觀察,並將所蒐集資料進行統整分析,所獲研究結論如下: 一、校長以學校的特色與特質與學生為學習中心的教育理念做為以學習領導推動學習共同體的發展脈絡 二、推動學習共同體的具體作為依據學習領導的五個內涵發展,分別為: (一)「促進教師學習與專業成長」:   1. 運用行政支持。 2. 協助教師解決困難。 (二)「形塑有助於學習的文化」 1. 引進學習共同體的理念與願景,營造學習氣氛。 2. 營造壓力比較小的學習環境。 3. 間歇性的刺激感有助於營造好的學習環境。 (三)「建構學習願景及目標」 1. 執行學習共同體的理念宣示。 2. 持續溝通與鼓勵-建構老師的理念。 (四)「關注學生的學習」 1. 針對會考試題分析理解學生的困難點 (五)「權力共享與分散性領導」 1. 以主任及組長的力量推動,有助於跟老師的協調。 2. 藉由家長的力量來影響老師及學生。 三、校長推動學習共同體所遭遇的困境為「教師流動率高導致較少專業溝通」、「傳統式教學的舒適圈」、「學生程度落差大」、「老師行程滿檔導致聚會時無法專心」 四、因應策略為「行政安排活動來增加教師間討論氛圍及減輕老師壓力」、「校長以行政要求來結合學習共同體的推動」、「以學生為學習主體:學共火鍋湯」 最後根據本研究發現與結論,針對學校行政單位、後續研究提出相關建議。


A case remote school implementing Learning Community (LC) was recruited to investigate how the principal executed the practice of LC from the perspective on learning leadership. In addition, the school context and the process of the practice, and solutions and influencing factors were discussed. The core of the five dimensions of learning leadership was utilized for analysis. The research methods used in the present study included interviews with a principal, a director, and five teachers, document analysis, and filed observations. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Based on the characteristics of the school and student-oriented learning, the principal exerted learning leadership for the practice of LC. 2. The implementation of LC according to the five dimensions of learning leadership was discussed respectively in the following. (1) To promote learning and professional growth: a. Using executive powers to reduce teachers’ burdens. b. Helping solve teachers’ difficulties in teaching. (2) To shape the culture of learning: a. Introducing the concept of LC and creating learning atmosphere. b. Developing more stress-free learning environments. c. Intermittent stimulation is helpful for better learning environments. (3) To construct learning vision and goals: a. Advocating the concepts of learning community. b. Keeping ongoing communication to build a link between school vision and teachers’ goals. (4) To attend to students’ learning: a. Analyzing the difficulties for Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students. (5) To share powers and perform distributed leadership: a. Promoting LC through directors and chiefs helps better coordination with teachers. b. Enhancing the connection between teachers and parents to construct learning community. 3. The case school encountered problems in the process of the implementation of LC including a. less professional communication because of high turnover rate, b. the comfort zone of traditional teaching methods, c. the huge gap between students’ proficiency levels, d. being unable to concentrate due to heavy schedules. 4. Four solutions to the problems were suggested as follows. a. Schools increase administrative activities to develop better atmospheres for discussion among teachers and reduce teachers’ stress. b. Principals request administration staff to promote the implementation of LC. c. Teachers should adopt student-oriented teaching. To sum up, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, suggestions for school administrations and future studies were proposed.


