  • 學位論文


A Study on Long-term Care Insurance Policy Design in Non-life Insurance

指導教授 : 廖述源
共同指導教授 : 呂慧芬(Hui-Fen Lu)


根據世界衛生組織對高齡人口的定義,台灣推估將自2018年邁入高齡社會,自2026年轉變成超高齡社會,此意味著在2026年,65歲以上之老年人口將達到20%強,而台灣在面臨人口結構老化問題時,長期照顧的議題已然浮現。雖然壽險業開辦長期照顧保險業務已逾20年,但國人的投保率仍低,顯見該市場還有很大的成長空間。 長期照顧保險在保險學理分類上屬於健康保險之一環,依照保險法第138條但書的規定,健康險又屬於產險業者的法定特許業務,因此產險業者得經營此種業務自不在話下。本研究即立足此點之上,設想產險業者涉足該市場時,所面臨的主客觀環境,發掘消費者未被滿足的需求,進而結合產險固有之優勢,希望一方面能開拓新的市場,一方面能解決社會轉型所面臨的問題。


Based on WHO’s definition of elderly population, it is estimated that Taiwan will start moving towards an aging society in 2018 and will become a hyper-aged society by 2026. This indicates that in 2026, the elderly population over the age of 65 will reach 20% of the total population. Now, in the face of an aging demographic structure, the issue of long-term care has surfaced. Though long-term care insurance has been available on the market for over 20 years now, the national insurance coverage is still low. Clearly, there is much work to be done for insurance enterprises. In insurance theories, long-term care insurance is categorized as part of health insurance. Health insurance is a franchise product permitted to non-life insurance enterprises according to Taiwan Insurance Act, Article 138. Therefore, non-life insurance enterprises are eligible to engage in such business. Based on this fact, this study probes the objective and subjective scenarios when non-life insurance enterprises enter the market of long-term care insurance. The discovery of consumer needs that are yet to be satisfied will offer them an opportunity to incorporate their strength and expertise in non-life insurance. On one hand, they will be able to expand existing markets. On the other hand, challenges faced by the transforming society can be resolved.


1.方敬綸、劉淑娟,論我國推動長照保險與其可能帶來的挑戰,源遠道理 7卷2期,2013年11月。
6.李光廷,日本介護保險實況與發展, 研考雙月刊第32卷第6期,2008年12月。
8.周台龍、鄭文輝,台灣多層次長期照顧 財務保障架構之探討,台灣社會福利學刊 第七卷第一期,2008年8月。
